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Miho: How long does it take to catch one?
Mr. Kim: Well, now that depends on the fish. It could be minutes, or it could be hours. I've been after the same fish for years!
Miho: Whoa! Don't you ever go home?

Meowdy everyone! I'm here with the last of the side character CG previews. I'm writing this from way in the past, so I hope by the time this post goes up most of the game is done?!? Good luck, future me...

This CG was done with the assistance of incredible artist and lifesaver Moekki, who also designed Mr Kim! It has a special featuring of a character that you may or may not recognize. Moekki did the composition and lineart of the image, and I went in to colour it to match the rest of the CGs.

Because of the process, I don't have a lot of WIPs to show you! I finalized Miho's face as I had more practice drawing her, and I fantasy-ized all of the background characters too!

I have this to share at least... Mr Hisao instead of Mr Kim!!

Thanks all for reading the post!!! Hope to show you the game soon!!!!



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