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Hey everyone, it's adi! Happy Winter Solstice to all of you. Informally, it's our queen, Geladura's birthday too, so happy birthday Geladura!

I've been pretty bad at crossposting little birthday sketches I've been doing for the main characters of our games, but let me know if you'd like to see me do so! I'm always a little worried that it's just sort of the same content as twitter and bloating up our posts on Patreon, but I'd like to hear your thoughts. We're about halfway there now - if you want to take a look, they're posted on our twitter account!

Geladura's one of the rare occasions where I decided to do proper lineart for the picture too. Maybe some of you are artists, or some of you just like WIPs, but as a special thank you gift, I've decided to attach the lineart for the picture to this post today. I've also attached some desktop wallpapers - 1080p and 4k resolutions. Hopefully with those you'll be able to get it to fit on whatever your resolution is!

We're finally reaching the end of 2020. It's been a long year... thank you for supporting us through these times. I hope you can have a good send-off, and I want to believe that 2021 is the year of healing and recovery.

- adi




beautiful! i honestly wouldn't mind more posts like these from time to time. i'd love to see more little birthday sketches~

Stuart Telfer

I'm all for posting everything here too, it's easier to miss things on twitter


So pretty! Would definitely love to see more sketches like this!