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Meowdy! In addition to writing Quinn, I'm working with Adi on the art for Samayuuni. This post is just to talk a bit about the characters from my POV, and hopefully provide some insight into their overall designs.

👀 The main character… more on her soon~☆


Hanna was a bit harder to nail off the bat for me. She's a bit guarded and shy, but puts off an air of being really put together. She was the hardest one to pick a hairstyle for, but I'm happy we went with the bob in the end! She's being written by Josh, so I wanted to appeal to his taste with her design, which is pretty feminine casual.


The shounen anime protagonist of the game (probably). Adi designed Izzy basing her off of some notes Syon had! We wanted to make her look down to earth and reliable, but she's still pretty hard-headed and the loudest of the bunch. Her hairstyle is my favorite!

Quinn has gone through more design changes than all the others… Probably because I'm writing them!

Quinn is a bit of a dreamer. They keep a pretty big distance between themself and others, so I wanted their design to say like, "please don't talk to me". They're too busy watching the stars to worry about fashion! That said, I hope they look kind of cool in their own way. (BTW, Quinn is nonbinary! They use she/they pronouns, but here at Élan and in Samayuuni we'll be using they!)

That's it for now! Please look forward to more Samayuuni content, we're all so excited to share these stargazers with you. - minute

 PS: Who catches your eye the most? Let us know in the comments or on Discord! 



Ahhh!!! I love them all!! And I love you all for sharing your wonderful ideas and creations with the world. :D I am so happy I’ve found you and discovered your Patreon so I can help support your labors of love.


so cool!


Cool sketches! I really like Izzy, she definitely looks/sounds like my type of character.


bicolored eyes, beautiful feature once in a while :D so the shy one? always the first one I go after in datingsims, still waters run deep c: I also like Izzys hairstyle, probably because Iike short hair in general :3 Quinn sounds pretty mysterious, I wounder, what they will surprise us with :D
