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Click here to read the previous entries in the 'Ways to Make Him Cum' series.

 You're standing in the bedroom doorway and admiring your wife. She's dressed in a white thong bikini and looking at herself in the floor length mirror that hangs from the back of the closet door. She hasn't noticed you yet and you're more than happy to keep quiet to simply admire how good she looks.

She sees you, jumps a little, and laughs. "You scared me."


She turns and smiles. "It's okay. In fact, I'm glad you're here. I want your opinion on these new bikinis I bought."

You step into the bedroom and sit at the foot of the bed as your wife slowly spins around so you can admire her body from every angle.

"You look amazing," you say. "I love the cut of it. I love the thong. I love that it offers the perfect amount of coverage for your breasts and also manages to make them look even perkier than they are."

"I like it too. In fact, I was definitely keeping this one. I like knowing that you really like it, though."

You hope she'll come over and kiss you, but instead your wife disappears into the closet. A few minutes later she emerges in a black bikini. This one features straps running crisscross over her back and a few over her stomach. It's sexier. Without question it's sexier.

"Oh, wow, I like that one even better," you say. "There's something about the design, about all those straps, they just look amazing."

She turns and looks at herself in the mirror. She runs her hands over her taut stomach and your cock stirs. She looks good and it's been a while since you had an orgasm and you can't help but get caught up in your desire for her.

"Are you buying bikinis for a special occasion, or just preparing for summer?" you ask.

She looks at you in the mirror and smiles. "My bull is taking me out on his boat and I wanted to have something hot to wear for him."

What was a stirring of desire has turned into something else. Your loins now tingle with lust and it slowly spreads through your body. It takes a few moments to realize that your lips have curled into a big, bright smile. "When is that happening?"

"This weekend," she says. "It's the first truly warm weekend of the year and he wants to spend Saturday with me on his boat. He said a day on the boat is made so much better when you're there with a beautiful woman in a bikini."

"And you're going to be that woman for him?"

She smiles and nods and then steps into the closet again. You rub your cock through your jeans, luring it into a painfully erect state with very little effort. It throbs in a way that feels utterly fantastic as you think of your wife and her bull fooling around on his boat - which is impressively big – for all of Saturday.

Your wife emerges from the closet in a shiny silver bikini. It's simple but it's exceptionally hot. A little bit slutty, actually, though in a very good way. She turns around and you see that it too has a thong back. It's the sort of bikini a woman wears when she wants to capture the lustful attention of a man - or many men - and it looks far better on your wife than you would have imagined.

"And how about this one?" she asks.

"It's hot. Kind of...well, a little bit slutty, but in the best way possible."

She smiles and walks towards you with a seductive sway in her hips. "I thought the same thing. I thought it was the sort of bikini I would never wear. The sort I would absolutely judge another woman for wearing. Under my breath I'd call her a slut if I saw her in it. Or, at least, the old me would have done that."

Her fingers find your stiff cock and she strokes you through your jeans while smiling.

"The new me is different, though. Now I understand why women wear bikinis like this, why they put on tight, short, slutty little dresses and skirts. Why they dress to draw the attention of men. Why they dress to arouse men...or certain types of men, at least."

"Certain types of men?" you ask.

She bites her lower lip and nods before her lips curl into a devilish smile. "Men like my bull. Strong, assertive, testosterone-fueled men. Men that feel an almost animalistic desire to fuck a woman when they see her wearing a skimpy, sexy little bikini or a slutty outfit. Men that feel a need to bury their cocks in a beautiful woman, that feel the need to fuck her, to make her scream in pleasure, to pump their seed deep inside of her."

Your dick has gotten harder. You didn't think it was possible, but your beautiful wife has made it so with her dirty talk.

"What about me?" you asked. "Am I that kind of man?"

You know the answer to this question. She knows that you know the answer. She also knows why you're asking.

"No, you're not that kind of man," she replies. "You're a cuckold, my love. You're the kind of man that gets hard thinking about his wife being fucked by that strong alpha male. You're the kind of man that jerks off to the idea of that alpha male flooding my cunt with his cum."

You reach out and run your fingers over your wife's stomach. You work your way to her lower back and pull her close. She smiles and kisses you. You feel her passion, her desire, her love.

"Do you want me?" she whispers.


She takes your hand and places it between her legs. Your fingers move into her bikini and between the folds of her pussy. She moans as you finger her, gather her wetness, and use it as lubrication for rubbing her throbbing clit.

"Is he going to fuck you on his boat?"

"Yes," she answers. "He's going to fuck me multiple times on his boat. He's going to have his arm around me as we walk down the dock. All the other boat-owning men are going to be jealous of him because I'm going to look so fucking good in this little bikini. He's going to grab my ass in front of them, making it perfectly clear that I'm the sort of woman that puts out, that I'm the woman that's going to suck his dick while he's navigating the lake to find the perfect spot, that I'm the sort of woman that's going to let him have me however he wants me because he's the kind of man that deserves that sort of thing."

She's playing to your fantasy, but only to a certain degree because you're certain that's what will happen. Your wife loves it when her bull acts like an alpha male. She loves when he grabs her ass in public, when he puts his arm around her, when he fucks her with the kind of aggressive energy that makes his overwhelming desire for her - his need for her, really - perfectly clear.

"But what really matters, my love," she begins, "is that he's going to make me cum as many times as I can handle. He's not just going to use my body. He's going to give me what I crave. He's going to give me the pleasure I deserve. He's going to give me the kind of pleasure that my cuckold husband can't offer."

You pull your fingers from her bikini bottoms and suck them clean as she smiles. Your wife steps back, lowers those bottoms, and then helps you out of your jeans. You pull off the rest of your clothes and she kisses you while stroking your cock.

"Do you want me?" she asks.

"I need you," you reply.

"Get in the bed."

You get on your back in the bed. Your wife keeps her shiny silver bikini top on as she crawls on top of you. Her lips find yours as she guides your dick into her slick pussy. You groan as the incredible heat of her body engulfs your dick.

"You feel so good," you say.

She kisses your neck. "You don't feel anywhere near as good as he does."

You groan again. You can't help it. It feels so good when she talks like that. It's so simple, and yet it's such a stunning turn on.

"My pussy feels good though, doesn't it?"

"Better than good," you reply with a smile. "Your pussy feels perfect."

She sits up and smiles. Her hands rest on your chest and she rocks her hips back and forth, slowly milking your cock and luring you into an ever-increasing state of desire.

"I like that I can make you feel so good," she says. "That you feel such desire for me even after so many years of marriage."

"I do too," you reply. "And I love that you get the satisfaction you crave, too, that we both get the pleasure we crave and deserve."

She leans forward and begins to ride you. Up and down her pussy moves, though she continues to do so slowly. She's teasing you, really, and it feels so good.

"I love that you get off on the fact that another man fucks me better than you," she says. "That you sometimes think of him fucking me while you're inside me. I love that I could very easily get you off right now by making you think of the many times I'm going to get fucked on my bull's boat this weekend."

She's right. The mere mention of it conjures images of your wife sucking cock on her bull's boat, or taking it from behind, or riding him while she stares out at the water and perhaps smiles at the notion that another couple is watching as she bounces on her alpha bull's dick.

"I love that you asked me to cuckold you," she says. "That your fantasy has become my fantasy. That you knew that I needed more than you could give me, that you know that I'd find such pleasure in being able to fuck other men whenever I desired."

"You deserve the best of everything, my love," you reply. "And that includes the kinds of orgasms that most women don't get to enjoy."

She kisses you. It's a long, soft, slow kiss. Her tongue is active and thrilling in your mouth. Her passion is overwhelming and it lures you deeper into your desire.

"He really is better than you," she whispers. "So much better than you. Sometimes I can't help but think about him even while you're inside me. Even thinking about his cock and the way he uses it is enough to make sex with you, my love, even better."

It's an intensely arousing thought that makes your dick swell up inside her.

"I love that you think about him when I'm inside you," you say. "That's such a turn on."

"I love you," she says. "More than you could ever know. I love what our marriage has become. I love that you're so eager to make me happy, to give me everything I crave. I also love fucking him. I love that he can satisfy me so thoroughly."

She's riding you faster now and your orgasm is approaching. 

"You deserve to be fucked by a man that can satisfy you," you say.

"And you can't," your wife replies. "You can't satisfy me. Not anymore. Now that I've had a man like my bull I know that you don't measure up, that you're nowhere near as good as he is, that you can't fuck me like he can, that you're just not capable of it."

Her tits look incredible in the bikini top. You think of her wearing it as she rides him. You think of her having an orgasm with his cock inside her. You think of her cumming while he's inside her.

"Are you going to cum?" you ask.

She smiles and shakes her head. "No. You can't make me cum like he does, so you're not going to make me cum at all today. Why bother when I get to have as many incredible orgasms as I want on Saturday? My bull is the one that deserves to make me cum. Not my cuckold."

You cum inside your wife and she smiles gleefully. She likes making you cum. She likes satisfying you. She likes giving you what you crave, what you deserve.

"I love you," she says before leaning down to kiss your neck, nibble your ear lobe a little, and then slip her tongue into your mouth. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," you reply. "More than I could ever explain."

"You don't need to explain it. I know it. You show your love every day, and you do a very good job of showing it on days when I'm with my bull."

You think of Saturday. You'll help your wife get ready in the morning. You'll drive her to the dock. You'll kiss her goodbye and watch as she kisses her bull and then walks away with his arm around her waist.

You'll go home. You'll spend your day doing chores. You'll clean the house. You'll mow the lawn. You'll do the laundry. You'll spend the entire time thinking about your wife getting fucked.

She'll text to ask if you're doing your chores. You'll send a picture of the freshly-mowed lawn and she'll send a video back that shows her getting fucked on the boat and it will make doing chores feel hugely erotic, which will drive you to do more of them.

Eventually you'll pick her up at the dock. You'll watch them kiss each other goodbye. You'll see him grab her ass as she sucks on his tongue. She'll wave goodbye and get in the car. She'll lean over to kiss you. She’ll stroke your cock a little. She'll ask you if you had a good day. Then she'll ask if you want to take her home, lick the remnants of her bull's cum out of her pussy, and make love to her.

You'll say yes to all of it. You'll take her home. You'll clean her pussy. You'll make love to her.

You'll be as happy as a cuckold can be.



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