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“May I sit?” a lovely voice asked.

Dale looked up to see a pretty blonde holding a tropical drink and nodded. “Sure,” he said. “I’m Dale.”

“I’m Mary,” the woman replied as they shook hands.

“It’s nice to meet you Mary,” he added before turning his gaze back to the dance floor.

“Your wife is very beautiful, Dale,” Mary said.

Dale gave her a quizzical look and Mary gestured towards the tropical bar’s dance floor with her drink. “That’s her in the red bikini top, isn’t it?”

“It is, yes,” Dale said.

“That’s my husband she’s dancing with,” Mary added.

Dale tensed up. Mary seemed perfectly friendly, but he wondered if he’d missed a cue that would have signaled her jealousy or a bit of anger. “Oh,” Dale said. “Is that a problem?”

Mary laughed. “Oh, Dale, no, I apologize. I didn’t mean to imply that I’m jealous or annoyed. No, no. Quite the opposite, in fact.”

Mary’s husband had come over to their table and asked Kelly to dance. If they weren’t on vacation Dale probably would have been annoyed, but they’d both had a few drinks by that point and it seemed completely harmless, so off she went.

“I’m sorry, I’m not sure I know what you mean,” Dale said. “The opposite?”

“Brian and I are different than most couples, Dale,” Mary explained as she leaned closer, flashing a bit of cleavage in the process. “We don’t bind ourselves to the traditional rules when it comes to sex.”

The hungry look in Mary’s eyes made Dale wonder if he’d accidentally stumbled into a situation he wasn’t anywhere near prepared to handle. Was Mary going to suggest that they try swinging or have a foursome?

“My husband spotted your lovely wife on our first day here. He told me that he intended to fuck her before our vacation was over. He told me he intended to make you a cuckold on your vacation and that you were going to watch him fuck your wife and that you’d do so willingly,” Mary said.

Dale was so stunned by her out-of-the-blue assertion that he couldn’t find the words to offer a response. The whole thing seemed so absurd that there was no adequate way to express his feelings.

“If you don’t believe me, why don’t you have a look at your wife?” Mary said.

Dale turned his eyes towards the dance floor and saw Brian’s hands on Kelly’s ass. He was openly groping her and she didn’t seem the slightest bit uncomfortable with it. In fact, the opposite seemed true. Kelly leaned into Brian and put her arms around him.

“You see?” Mary asked. “It’s vacation, Dale. Isn’t that the time to have fun?”

“Are you out of your mind?” Dale asked. “I don’t want to watch my wife have sex with someone else. That’s insane.”

“Doesn’t she look good dancing with him?” Mary asked. “Doesn’t your wife look good with my husband’s hands on her ass? Doesn’t she look good grinding her pelvis into his crotch? Doesn’t it seem obvious that she wants him? She’s on vacation, Dale. Shouldn’t you let her have what she clearly wants?”

It didn’t seem obvious to Dale that his wife wanted to fuck Brian. It seemed like she’d gotten a little caught up in dancing with another man. It wasn’t anything more than that.

Mary pulled her chair closer to Dale’s and he turned to see a smile on her face. “Dale, I’m quite certain that my husband will show your wife an exceptionally good time. He’s quite skilled and he’s always had an ability to discern exactly what a woman needs from a man. Do you possess that ability, Dale? If I took you back to my room, could you fuck me like I need to be fucked, or would you simply fuck me in pursuit of your pleasure?”

Mary’s voice had a hypnotic quality that Dale found hard to resist. It was like each word lured him a little deeper into the sensual web she was spinning. “I don’t know,” he answered. “I wouldn’t do that, though. I don’t want to have sex with anyone else.”

“I’m sure you don’t and I’m not offering,” Mary replied. “In truth, I find it quite pleasurable to watch my husband take another man’s wife from him for a night. I like witnessing his ability to convince a woman to break the bonds of her marriage because she so desperately needs to experience an entirely new kind of pleasure.”

“Kelly wouldn’t do that,” Dale said.

Mary’s eyes shifted to the dance floor and Dale turned his head to see Kelly kissing the man she’d been dancing with. It was a deep, hungry kind of kiss. It wasn’t like Brian had surprised her, either. Kelly was clearly into it. It kept going, too. It was the kind of kiss that drew the attention of the other people at the bar, prompting some to act like the couple on the dance floor needed to get a room and take their interaction to a more private space.

Dale nearly jumped out of his seat as Mary’s hand found his thigh and quickly moved between his legs. “My husband is going to fuck your wife, Dale,” she whispered while massaging his cock through his shorts. “He’s going to take her back to our room and fuck her while you and I watch.”

“No,” Dale said. “I don’t want that.”

“Look at your wife, Dale,” Mary whispered. “Do you think it matters what you want? Do you think she’s going to let her desire for my husband dissipate?”

Dale was hard as he watched his wife kiss another man. He told himself it was because he was getting an over-the-shorts handjob from a beautiful woman he’d never met, but he wasn’t entirely sure that was true.

“You’ll get to feel good too, Dale,” Mary continued. “I’ll make you feel good. I’ll tease your little cock while Brian pounds your wife’s tight pussy. I’ll make sure you enjoy every second of it before I give you the orgasm you crave.”

“It’s not little,” Dale said.

“Dale, I can feel your cock. It’s not big. Would you like to guess what kind of cock my husband has?” Mary asked.

Dale shifted in his seat but he couldn’t bring himself to get up and walk away. Mary’s hand felt spectacularly good and there was something irresistibly sexy about watching Kelly kiss another man.

“It’s big, Dale,” Mary whispered. “It’s much bigger than yours. Why do you think your wife is still dancing with my husband? Why do you think she’s still kissing him? I’ll tell you why. She’s thinking about having him inside her. She’s thinking about getting fucked by his big, beautiful cock. She’s thinking about how good he’s going to make her feel when he slides into her slick, needy cunt.”

Brian leaned down and whispered something into Kelly’s ear. She looked over and Dale’s eyes met hers. Kelly smiled, took Brian’s hand and walked towards the table.

“Are you having fun, honey?” Kelly asked as Mary continued to work Dale’s cock under the table.

Brian stepped behind Kelly and his hands moved over her smooth, taut stomach. He kissed her neck like they were the married couple and Dale felt completely powerless. He should have stopped Mary from playing with his cock. He should have stopped Brian from touching his wife like that. He should have gotten up, taken Kelly’s hand, and walked her back to their hotel room for a night of great sex.

“Dale has decided he wants to watch,” Mary said. “He said that you deserve to fuck someone with a bigger, better cock. He said you deserve to fuck someone that can give you exactly what you need.”

Kelly smiled. “Is that right, Dale? Do I deserve to have a little fun on our vacation?”

Dale’s chance had arrived. All he had to do was say ‘no.’ He just had to tell Kelly that he didn’t agree with any of that. He had to tell her that he wanted all of it to stop. He wanted to chalk it all up to having one too many drinks and being lured into a compromising position by Mary.

He did none of that, though. Instead, Dale nodded. His wife flashed a beautiful smile and said, “Your room or ours?”

“Let’s go to ours,” Brian said as he took Kelly’s hand and led her away.

Mary released Dale’s cock and smiled. “Come,” she said. “You’re going to have the best orgasm of your life, I promise.”

Mary took his hand and Dale stood as she led him through the beautiful grounds of the tropical resort and to the elevator. Brian and Kelly were nowhere to be found – they’d had a decent head start – and Mary pulled Dale into the elevator car with her.

When the doors closed she reached out and grabbed Dale’s cock through his shorts, stroking him to a full erection before they reached their floor.

“Come,” Mary said as she took his hand and led him down the hallway.

Mary waved a room key in front of the locking mechanism and opened the door. She pulled Dale inside and he saw Brian on the balcony with Kelly on her knees in front of him. She was naked with her lips wrapped around his sizable cock.

Dale stopped in his tracks as it all felt like too much. His wife was giving her mouth to a man she’d met an hour ago. She hadn’t given him a blowjob on their vacation – though they’d enjoyed plenty of sex – and yet she was happy to offer oral pleasure to a total stranger.

Mary stepped closer to Dale and unbuttoned his shorts. She lowered the zipper and they fell to the ground. His underwear soon followed, leaving his cock free. She wrapped her fingers around it and stroked him slowly, enveloping Dale’s body in a beautiful kind of arousal as he kept his eyes glued to the blowjob his wife was giving.

“Take your shirt off, Dale,” Mary said.

He pulled his shirt off, leaving him naked.

Mary pulled Dale into the room by his cock and he followed. He saw Brian’s hands move into Kelly’s hair and watched the other man use her mouth very much like a pussy. He knew Kelly hated that, and yet she wasn’t doing anything to stop it. Instead, she moved a hand between her legs and played with her pussy as Mary led Dale towards the balcony.

“How is she?” Mary asked.

“Incredible,” Brian replied.

“Sit,” Mary said to Dale as she pointed to the edge of the bed.

He sat as ordered and watched the lovely blonde walk out onto the balcony. Mary squatted behind Kelly and reached up to play with her tits. She pulled hard on her nipples, eliciting a moan of pain as Kelly continued to suck Brian’s cock.

“Are you going to be a good girl for my husband?” Mary asked.

Kelly nodded with her lips still wrapped tightly around Brian’s cock.

“Are you going to let him use your pussy the way he wants? Are you going to let him fuck you like the little slut we both know you want to be?” Mary asked as she pulled harder on Kelly’s nipples.

Dale’s heart pounded and his cock throbbed as he watched his wife nod once more. She moaned around the dick in her mouth and rubbed her pussy faster. The dirty talk seemed to be turning her on, much to Dale’s amazement.

“She’s ready,” Mary said as she looked up at her husband.

Brian stepped back and his cock slipped from Kelly’s mouth. He offered his hand and lifted Kelly to her feet. Brian led her inside until she was standing in front of Dale.

“Bend over,” Brian said.

Kelly bent over and put her hands on Dale’s knees.

“Kiss him,” Mary demanded.

Kelly smiled and moved forward. She kissed Dale aggressively. Her tongue pushed deep into his mouth as she moaned.

“I’m going to fuck you now,” Brian said.

Kelly moaned louder into Dale’s mouth. Brian must have been inside her.

“He feels so good,” Kelly said as she gripped Dale’s legs harder. “His cock feels so fucking good.”

Dale panicked. Suddenly he felt completely overwhelmed and like they were making a colossal mistake that was sure to fuck up their marriage.

“Please, stop,” Dale said. “I can’t…we can’t…we shouldn’t be doing this.”

Mary sat next to Dale and wrapped her fingers around his cock. She leaned closer and whispered, “She doesn’t want to stop, Dale. She wants my husband to fuck her. She wants to feel his cock deep inside her. She wants to feel the pleasure of being fucked by a real man. She wants to feel a big cock stretching out her tight, needy little cunt.”

Kelly moaned. “Fuck,” she said.

“Is that true?” Dale asked his wife as Mary’s skillful handjob led to a wondrous kind of pleasure.

“Yes,” Kelly said. “I’m sorry.”

She didn’t seem sorry. She seemed completely lost in the thrill of getting fucked by someone else. She seemed like she was happy, not sorry. She seemed like getting fucked by another man’s big cock was exactly what she’d wanted from her vacation.

“Kiss your wife, Dale,” Mary ordered. “Kiss your wife so she knows that you’re okay with this. Kiss your wife so she knows you want this.”

It was the look on Kelly’s face that lured Dale into the kiss. She was so caught up in her pleasure that he didn’t want to deny her. He wanted her to feel good.

Dale leaned closer and kissed his wife. Her tongue darted into his mouth and she moaned as the sounds of sex got louder. Mary stroked Dale’s cock with a tighter grip as his precum lubed his shaft.

Brian pulled out and stood Kelly up.

“Get on your knees,” Mary demanded.

“What?” Dale asked.

“Do as my wife says, Dale,” Brian chimed in.

Dale looked up at Kelly and she smiled. “Get on your knees, sweetie.”

Dale slid off the bed and fell to his knees. He looked up at his beautiful naked wife as Brian’s hands found their way to her breasts. He massaged her soft, milky white flesh and she moaned.

“Beg to taste her pussy, Dale,” Brian said. “Beg to taste your wife’s pussy or I won’t fuck her to the orgasm she craves.”

“Can I…will you…can I taste your pussy?” Dale asked.

Mary squatted next to Dale and grabbed his cock. She squeezed it hard enough to send a bit of pain surging through his loins.

“Enough pretending, Dale. You’ve been turned on from the moment you saw your wife dancing with my husband. You were turned on before I sat at your table. I saw it in your eyes and your body language. So quit fucking around. We all know you want this, so beg for the chance to taste your wife’s pussy. Beg for the chance to taste my husband’s cock on her pussy lips. Beg for the chance to taste his precum and her juices. Do it right now,” Mary insisted.

“Kelly, please, may I taste your pussy?” Dale begged. “May I taste your juices? May I taste Brian’s precum and cock in your pussy?”

Mary stroked Dale’s cock as the words poured from his mouth.

Kelly stepped closer, smiled, and said, “Yes you may.” She reached out and pulled Dale’s head between her legs. She moaned as his tongue went to work.

Dale tasted her pussy juices. He tasted a little bit of sweat. He tasted what might have been Brian’s cock, though there was no real way of knowing.

“Now beg him to fuck your wife,” Mary demanded. “Beg my husband to fuck your wife and make her cum.”

“Please, fuck my wife,” Dale begged from his knees. “Please make her cum. Please give her what she needs.”

“Get in the bed,” Brian said.

Kelly smiled and climbed into the king size bed. She spread her legs and Brian moved between them. He slid his unprotected cock into her pussy as Dale spun around to watch from his knees.

“Isn’t it beautiful, Dale?” Mary asked as the handjob continued. “Isn’t it beautiful to watch my husband’s cock fill your wife’s tight pussy?”

“Yes,” Dale said.

It was impossible to deny. He wasn’t sure he’d ever been so aroused, so of course it was beautiful. Of course he liked it. He loved it.

Kelly seemed to love it too. She was moaning louder than when Brian had fucked her from behind. Her whole body seemed into it.

“He’s going to make her cum, Dale,” Mary whispered. “My husband is going to make your beautiful wife cum. Is that what you want?”

“Yes,” Dale replied.

“Say it. Beg him to make her cum,” Mary demanded.

“Please, make my wife cum,” Dale said. “Give Kelly what she needs. Please.”

Brian fucked Kelly a little harder. The sounds of sex got louder. Kelly’s moans got louder. Not long after she had an orgasm. Dale watched her legs twitch and tremble as pleasure coursed through her. He heard sounds of deep sexual satisfaction coming from Kelly that he’d never heard before. He found it thrilling, in no small part because Mary was still jerking him off.

Brian resumed fucking Kelly after a short break to let her recover. His cock continued its deep thrusts in missionary and once again she moaned.

“Do you want him to cum inside your wife, Dale?” Mary asked.

Dale hesitated. “I…I don’t know.”

“Are you sure you don’t know, Dale? Don’t you want to see that? Don’t you want to see my husband’s cock pump a load into your wife’s perfect wet pussy? Don’t you want to see him fill her?” Mary whispered.

Dale felt a strange kind of arousal move through his body. It was unlike any he’d ever experienced, but it made the answer easy. “Yes.”

“Tell him. Beg him,” Mary said.

“Please, cum in my wife’s pussy,” Dale said.

Kelly moaned like it was the answer she was waiting to hear.

“You heard him,” she said. “Cum in me. Fill me. Give me your load.”

Brian picked up the pace. He drove his cock deep into Kelly’s needy pussy over and over. The sounds of sex got louder. Then he stopped. He buried every inch inside her. Dale watched the other man’s balls bounce in their sack. He watched someone else cum inside his wife.

Thirty seconds later Brian pulled out. Dale looked at his wife’s naked body. He studied her puffy pussy lips. He saw a little bit of the other man’s thick, white cum at the entrance to her cunt.

“Now clean up my husband’s mess,” Mary demanded.

“What?” Dale asked.

“Clean up his fucking mess, Dale. Clean up his mess or you don’t get to cum. Clean up his mess or Brian won’t fuck your wife again,” Mary said.

Dale looked up at his wife and saw her smiling at Brian. “Thank you,” she said. “That was incredible. It was truly incredible.”

“Do it, Dale,” Mary said. “Lick your wife’s cunt clean and my husband will keep fucking her. He’ll make her his slut for the rest of your vacation. He’ll give her what she needs. You just have to clean that cummy mess out of her.”

Dale looked from Mary to Kelly. He saw the delight on both women’s faces. He was so caught up in a variety of feelings that he couldn’t really think straight.

Dale crawled between Kelly’s legs. “That’s it, sweetie,” she said. “Clean me. Clean my pussy.”

Kelly wanted it. She wanted him to eat another man’s cum. She wanted to continue fucking Brian. She wanted their vacation to become something completely different.

Dale cleaned her pussy. He licked up another man’s cum. He feasted on it. It tasted terrible, but the feeling of Mary’s hand on his cock was more than enough to make up for the unpleasantness.

Mary was doing something different, too. It felt better. Dale knew his orgasm was coming. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back.

Dale moaned into his wife’s pussy as he licked the cum out of her. He moaned as he swallowed another man’s seed.

“Fuck,” Dale said right before cumming. Mary brought him to his climax. She gave him the great orgasm he’d been promised.

With his wife’s pussy cleaned and his balls emptied of their cum, Dale was spent. He rested his head on Kelly’s thigh and let the pulses of pleasure spread through his body.

“It’s time to go, Dale,” Brian said. “Kelly will stay with us tonight. We’ll return her to you tomorrow morning.”

Dale looked up at his wife.

“I’ll be okay,” she said. “You can go. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

Dale stood up and got dressed. He made sure he had a room key on him and took one last look at his wife to make sure she was okay. Kelly had her lips around Brian’s cock. She was already getting started on round two. She was more than okay.

Dale’s mind was foggy as he left the hotel room. Everything he’d just done seemed insane, like it had happened in a dream. It hadn’t, though. It had all been real. Kelly really was going to spend the night with another couple. Their vacation really was going to be so much different than he’d ever expected.



Shubham Sharma

I hope this turns into a series

John Doe

Lovely. I'd love to lick them both as they fuck, then clean them both.