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Bah bah bah-bah-bah buh bah buh bah. What month is it? September, oh yea, I don't really have much to say about this month. If you've been here you know September is just meh to me. It's like the month that sets up the four month (five if you do Valentines Day stuff) period that's about to have us all shooketh. Honestly, September should be after November, give me a break.

It's been hot or rainy, or both. Not ideal weather and the pup does not like being stuck inside. But yet, when I take him outside, he runs two laps then start panting as if he forgot that he has long fur. Like come on bro. He will literally walk to the door and look back at me like "what you got me out here for ma, let's go!"

Anyways, onto the stuff that exists cos words elude me.

Done, Dones, and Doners (of August 2023)

  • Two stories added to 13Stories. Looking to add at least one, maybe have another poll depending on how I do with the major work.
  • Amari's Milestone is actually going by well. I have a roughly estimated 40% of it done. So I'm hoping for this month or next to be able to release it. 
  • Worked on Superstition but didn't get enough done to brag about it to be honest. SoS got a few stuff done, more than Superstition anyway. 

Looking Forward To ...

  • I'm not even about to jinx what I'm working on because I have a good feeling *stares at the tab that is open* I really want to ATTEMPT something this month that may or may not come to fruition. All depends on how well me and my brain work this out.
  • Amari will obviously be worked on as well as some requests for 13Stories. 
  • Oh, this reminds me. Like always I try to do something extra for patreons for stories. ToA has the extra CG + Chapters. Well, the beautiful and lovely Nihlus has agreed to do CG's for each LI. These, plus something else for each LI will be added as well. I'll have a poll (maybe) closer to finish to figure out what people would like for that. Can't do epilogues, only cos it's planned to have another book after. So, we'll see. These CG's will only be available to Sailing Master and First Mates though. The extra chapters will be available to Boatswain and up.


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