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Classification: Robotic

Place of Origin: Vao 18C, WK-542

Native Language: Unknown

A draqe has a bipedal stance with two two legs, their toes melded together with only a slight indentation showing where their hallux rests. They have two arms with three digits, one being an opposable thumb, and a single head. They have four eyes that exist in pairs, resting alongside each other. A single flat nose and a mouth with no visible upper lip. On the top of their craniums sit a metallic piece that can be removed and tweaked to upgrade and repair the individual. This metallic piece also allows the draqe to telepathically speak to others of its species and to fauna and flora from its home-world.

They are a species without reproductive systems and sexes. They do not take part in reproduction whatsoever. Instead, the way they maintain their population is mostly by repairing their own bodies using different types of metals, as well as introducing cosmicium to rare metallic crystals that grow in their system. This is how their species came to be and for such divine intervention, they pray to cosmicium and see it as their god and maker.

There are two different types that one may find themselves coming across: the alphas and units. The units are far more common and always lie under the command of an alpha that governs over a sector. The differences between the two are highly visible with a unit's color being a duller gold, almost bronze color. Their eyes are a pale yellow and the shape of their head is triangular. A alpha's colors are  far brighter and the gold is more pronounced, ranging on turning a bright orange. Their head shape is diamond.
