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Species Winner: Aquatic

Some things to keep in mind is that this creature's arms and legs will be webbed, they will have fins, and their face will be built in a way that allows them to wear a mask so that when they are on land, they can well ... breathe.

This part will have three different parts so not to drag this out unnecessarily. Everything on the list can be mixed and matched.

Diet Category: This will also determine what kind of predator/prey they are. And yes, I know there are specifics to these and that much will be decided by me.

Sex Systems: If trioecious wins then I will be doing the deeper dive and deciding what is what there. 

Arms and Legs: If quads and four arms win then I may not include the four arms. That's because six arms is rare and I would need to see if the artist can pull it off. We'll see.

After this there's only one more round ... I believe.


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