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Classification: Mammal

Place of Origin: Miarilia, Lyrae System

Native Language: Mpub'kmë̃

In respects to basic skeletal structure and limbs, Raza resemble Terrans the most. Like the Terran species, they possess five fingers and toes, with a vertical spine that leads to a single head. On their foreheads are two horn-like antennas that can be semi-controlled by the individual. Along with this are four egg-shaped markings that rest in the middle of their forehead, with the fourth on the bridge of their nose between their eyes. Unlike the various skin tones of the race, this gem-like feature is always a shade of light blue. Another bodily difference is the length of their ears. Shooting straight up, their ears can be anywhere from 8 to 12 inches, with a few outliers that are not uncommon. 

The Raza are one of the only species known to have dual-skin tones, their interior colors range in shades of green, blue, purple, red, and brown. While exterior tones rest along the forehead, arms, and legs, an assortment of colors has been observed besides brown, black, white, and grey. These colors are hereditary, with the chances of acquiring the father's gene at 75%. Eye color is similar, existing in many colors and allowing the Raza the ranking of being one of the most colorful species in the galaxy.

Raza are unique in their ability to copy and replicate other species' physiology. Through their antenna, in a practice known as 'tmü̃t' or to outsiders as 'touching,' Raza retain a copy of a species and mimic the DNA of other species to virtually assimilate themselves into another culture with hardly any trouble.

Existing under an authoritarian government, led by a single individual known as a Prime. Raza are divided into a four-tier (five if one counts the Caste-less) caste system. Individuals are not born in a caste but are assigned around the age of ten. Once given a caste, it is impossible for an individual to leave it. The Caste-less, Raza born outside the government oversight that assigns such castes, are shunned and automatically enter into a caste that awards them no rights in the eyes of the government. They are extremely hostile to Caste-less and view them as lower than dirt and trash even if the individual Raza holds a rank that garners respect. Caste-less are obvious due to the lack of markings on their face.

The average lifespan of the Raza is 80 years. Though this may differ with Touched Raza.



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