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Update 1/12/21: Available for Deckhand Tier and Up

*stares* I have nothing to say, so I'll just say I hope you enjoy. Seriously.

One thing to remember, this is not true canon like Wayward Road was. That one could easily be put on the timeline of season one. Not this. Due to the events of season two, this story more so fits in with season three, romance wise as well since the game behaves as if you're already dating and well ... S3 you are.

Other than that. Tell me what you think. Hate it, love it, feel so so. Any bugs please hit me with them. And I'm going to sleep now.


This will become open for you once early access is up. You can use this link or, if you'd rather, the itch.io link. But that one, remember, asks for a minimum donation. If you did donate (first off thank you) but you will have access. If you didn't, just use this link as well, you're paying for it here. 


For any of you who don't want to figure out things on your own.

  • To get the Forest of Love poly scene make sure you have no romance and that you go to the styling activity first. There, pick the choice where both girls kiss you.
  • The Fortune Teller unlocks after the tour.
  • Costumes for bonus scenes: Wench = Amari; Jester = Zillah; Archer = Rahim; Monk = Sydero; Pirate = Chris


Ye Olde Folly Faire

> > > //Ye Olde Folly Faire// is a short story game that takes place in //Superstition//. Due to the events in season two, this game is non-canon but will still follow what is currently known canon wise. This story cannot be placed on the Superstition Timeline at the time but could be inserted during season three.



This was so awesome! I played it like 5643367875543 times already and still can't get enough. I'm so in love with your writing, ah <3