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Who’s ready for that yearly emotional spiel? Not you? Well, guess what, too bad! You know I have to start this off with how much I love you guys. Like, some of you guys have been with me since the beginning, and like … what! I haven’t gotten on your nerves yet? Some of you are new, and like … what!? You thought this was a good idea?! Regardless, new or old, month or yearly, I love you all. And I really do hope that 2021 treats you like the Queen, Kings, and Royal Beings you are. Your souls are beautiful.

My New Years Resolution? Finish at least two books or a season and a book.

Ye Olde Folly Faire

Should be out this month. That's all I really want to say, this entire DLC has drained the living crap out of me. Bleh!!

The game will first be out to First Mates with a week early release and then out for everyone else. Deckhand tier and up will receive a key (I really don't know if that worked last time so if it didn't I'll do something else), but basically, you get the DLC free.

Monthly Story Poll Returning

Back on doing this. I’m going to do lore this time mostly because I’m kind of fed up with all things romance and Superstition. Not even gonna lie.

Patreon Changes

I’ve already talked about this, but the changes are now being implemented. Below I’ll go into a bit more detail and if you have any questions then just ask.

  • New Tier: The new tier, Deckhand, is now available.
  • Milestone Stories: Will be available to Deckhand Tier ($3) and up. Milestone stories are any stories that are more as a thank you to all of you and helping build this Patreon.
  • Misc Games: Also will be called random games by me. I’ve been wanting to do these for a while because honestly, it’s fun and lets me experiment with Twine and what not, also tell stories that you guys will find entertaining. These don’t have the same kind of stress that milestone stories have as they are random and whatever I want to do. Mostly will be lore but can have other themes like romance, honestly, it’s just something fun for me and you. These will be available to Sailing Master ($10) and up. Might have art, might not. Don’t know. Here are some examples of stories you could possibly see. If you have any ideas then definitely hit me with them. Sometimes I might make it a poll, sometimes not: The Princes of Hell (Superstition), Siege of Nurasai (Jiwenia), The Sun's Bride (Jiwenia).
  • Early Access: Everything game related and such will be early access for First Mates. This is changed from what it was before as Sailing Master also had this perk.

Projects in 2021

In order from what I will probably work on first to last.

  • Insight: I will finish you, you vile, enchanting beast!
  • For the Crown: No promises, but I hope so. I miss my chaotic small boy. I have no excuses for not finishing this up.
  • Interesting New Game Development: Whaaaa … I wouldn’t dare. Skelly, how dare you show yourself again?!
  • Superstition: … maybe? You guys gotta understand I got small wittle brain and my wittle brain wants fantasy. Me loves Superstition but me also despises it right now.

Dragon Warrior

So, I told you guys I’d think over the fate of Riders of Abauruth. And I’ve come to the conclusion that I will finish it, just be patient with me. The problem with RoA is that there’s a lot of things that I did that I don’t like. As a writer, I grew, and I look back at the story exactly how I should. It was my first story and though it’s not terrible, it’s not where I am now, especially with how I tackle characters. I think I’m just going to shrug and write the story like I want to and just do my best to avoid plot holes and what not.

Once RoA is done, that’s it for the series. If anything, I’ll just do a warped idea but place it in Jiwenia since the world is much more developed. (Half of me wanted to just go ahead and do that anyway with RoA but there were way too many inconsistencies and it was easier to just continue keeping it separate.)

Anyway, yea. That’s where I am now. I’m going to have to change up how I typically write since I don’t really use CS coding anymore and I’ll probably mess the coding all the way up.

Happy New Years guys!



Soooo excited for this year!