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Day two has some nice juicy pics for patreons  to see! Up till you go back to the house. With a little extra for Jake to give him some more lovin' and teasin' of what's to come.

Wish there was more to say but there really isn't. Mostly been distracted by games and doing a bunch more background work for SBA. Really hoping for it to come out this month. Gonna be a huge chuck of content thrown in... With even more taken out :(

Bright side, it's mostly all new content. This making it chapter base and having everyone move around and change what they say based on the chapter/part of the story you're on really is fun. Think it makes the world more lively too.

But! Enough of that! Going to begin work on finishing day 3 up on around the 10th! Wanna start on Ronan or Firen first... Don't know~ Ronan has gameovers on day 3 and Firen... I just like writing dat body contact. xD
Hyped to write his teaching you how to be a jobber.


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