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You read it right! Just 4 more characters left to do before day 3 is done!!! So much has been put into day three... I'm happy about it. Ish...

I've really been wanting to extend some of the gameovers and epilogues but couldn't cause of spoilers. Once day 3 is done and work on day 4 begins. The main crux of the story is exposed and I don't have to worry about a thing anymore! Hyped! That also means paths will be longer and take longer to finish, but I'm being rushed by 0 things to finished this so what do I care?! Ima write till my heart's content.

Time to talk about what's new in this update. Patreons already got to see a chunk of it but lets makes a list this time and probably going forwards. Easier to see than in a paragraph.

Change List~

  • Aero has been placed in and has some nice gameovers to find. 6 in fact, along with the continuation of his main path. Be off his path or spend some time with the main guy you can meet on his path.
  • Grisus has also been updated. Unlike Aero he only has 3 endings. I was planning for 6 as well, but... Those endings will have to wait till day 4. I did not want to cut those short due to spoilers.
  • Ed has his main path in along with an ending from another side character. Should be obvious why he himself doesn't give you a gameover yet when you read it, but if not, will be soon enough.
  • Guarnere is ready to be called in the evening just in case you didn't want to be late for school earlier in the day.
  • You can catch one of the gang members continues a bunch of equines or a bunch of rats depending if you saw something shady going down the day before. Horse bro got the nice platter of gameovers. Rat, not yet. Plot is really messing with the fun huh...
  • Jake's and Ritch's duo route can not be started. Jake your ever loving bff always has some reservation when showing you what he really likes. Someone's got to look after you, but father... Once the gloves have been taking off, don't expect him to be any different from his main path.

And as always, patreons get some choice epilogues depending on their major. Not everything needs it, but, there will be a number more coming up soon enough. Day four come sooner! Next month will be the 4 bros getting their time to shine.

- Fixed Grisus gameovers not showing
- Fixed passage not found.

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Patreons, make sure to pick up your copy in the patreon interactive folder!
Or in the cheat folder!



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