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I posted this on the sba patreon, but also going to post it here.

If you haven't heard the news, both Texas and Mexico are being hit with cold weather neither are prepared for and thus are getting power outages, water issues, and starting to have a food shortage because of it. Articles on both for links.

I've been hit for going on two days now, and Goro and Gyfu has been affected for longer. I'm not sure about our coder Ando however, haven't been able to get in contact with him since the problems started being reported. I have a small generator and have some power running in selected area in my house, but I haven't heard back for anyone.

I have no clue when the problem will be fixed and have been and will continue to try to get in contact with everyone else. With this information at hand, I also have to say i don't know when we'll be able to put out fixes nor will we be able to continue to go on with the plan early viewing releases or the update on the 8th. If we can, I'll be sure to inform you all as well as an update on when I hear from the crew.

If we're unable to, I will cancel everyone's payment that will happen on the 1st. But because of this, for early viewers, I don't know if we'll be able to give you guys any more pictures or builds for this month. I will, however, put in links for you guys to at least see what I've been writing up.

Can't really do much else than be cold and stay on the laptop. Hope everyone's doing well and will give you guys more information once I can get in contact with anyone by updating this post.

It has just been bad news after bad news this week for me. Hope they're ok, and like this post said, I'll be updating it and this when I find out anything.

Update! Goro and Gyfu have gotten back with me and they have power again. They said they'll be able to still give you guys the good, but no word from our coder yet. Hoping everything is ok and well.



Don't worry about working on the game, just focus on looking after yourselves! Stay safe!


sorry for that, looking forward to hearing the good news from you!


Stay safe, and stay warm; the game can take a week or few without too much focus. Your extremities cannot. Also, don't worry about not charging me for this month, you guys need it more than I do.


Oh, it's just some kind of trouble over there ... hang on there and be safe. Don't worry, I'm sure everything will work out soon