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After years of being away from your childhood friend after you left town with your parents, you come back to it to attend the local university. You've still been in contact with him while away, but when you finally get back, not only he but everything else has changed so much.

Finding A Place is an interactive that takes on the likeliness of VNs but made in twine, and takes place in the SbArPg city. This will be a multi day interactive with many routes, scenes, and "bad ends" to discover. Currently, only day 1 is out for the public while patreons currently have access to day 2. But once day 3 is ready, the public build will also be updated straight to day 3. The main difference after that will all gameovers will have epilogues, and the pictures will be higher res in the patreon versions.

My next VN but not a VN! Not a commission like The Town was BUT!!! Expect it to kinda be the same without needing to have to restart after every day. We're talking gameovers, multiple routes hidden by what you did the day and time chuck before, this time only 2 main husbandos but with tons of others to pursue. This time though, I'm going to put in a character list of who's in the game so far and what they're route will have kink wise. I'm also thinking of maybe doing a ending list to help as well? Idk yet.

Patreons, make sure to pick up your copy in the patreon interactive folder!
Or in the cheat folder!

Play Online Here!




Thanks for the update. The presence of many routes and bad endings in it is especially impressive.




I really like this game and I wanted to just join and pay for this game but it's far too difficult I don't know how to collect my downloads I don't know how to play my downloads it doesn't work it doesn't function and since I can't figure out how to make it work it just makes me mad because I spent money now that I can't get back and I don't know how to get what I paid for. so I just cancelled my membership for my own sanity cuz it was driving me insane I thought it would be easy just click download and play but since it's not and I have to download this thing and have something else to extract files and then figure out how to get a working version for Android. I can't do this it's to much for me.


To play the html on a phone you need to dl an html player. Such as html5/html viewer reader, or just look up html player on the google play store. There are multiple free versions, and you can either google how to do so or look up on youtube for a video guide on how to properly use them.


Okay I have downloaded three of them and they haven't worked so far and videos on YouTube are confusing they just talked about coding and programming and I don't know anything about any of that and if I have to code the game in order to play the game it's just never going to happen


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooRLQmsp1JI There is a 1 minute video on youtube on how to open a html file on your phone.