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Hello all. Neeext update. You've been following the slow trainwreck over the past few months and I finally reached the point where my body won out. Sadly my Mental Res is not high enough. Had a mild panic attack last week. I can't write at the moment.

I don't think constantly postponing / skipping releases in the hope to be better / writing updates, and having you lads wait for chapters makes sense. It's not working out. I'm tired.

My conclusion. I have to take a step back. And I have to change up the situation that got me here.

First. I'm taking all of February off. For anyone that feels the February charge wasn't worth it due to this break, feel free to message me on patreon, I'm happy to provide refunds. Please do so until the 15th of February.

Now I might feel better after this break or I might not. I outlined various reasons why I feel shit in the previous statements, but it really boils down to pressure and expectations. Both from myself and others.

What I don't want is to fall back into this in two or three months’ time. Just thinking about pumping out chapters again to a somewhat defined schedule freaks me the fuck out. I have never felt like this before and it sucks.

To avoid that, I have to change up some basic stuff about my setup. Starting in March, patreon tiers will not mention advance chapters anymore. Nor will I post new chapters on patreon.

I will catch up Royalroad in March and will write at my own pace. No schedule, nothing. New chapters will go up on Royalroad directly. Those of you who wish to support me can continue to do so on patreon, but on a basis of support only and not to receive early access. I understand that many will cancel due to this and that is okay. I don't see another way how I can reduce the pressure I feel (largely self induced - you've been super fucking supportive and generally really nice about my issues in the past months).

I have various ideas on how to include advance chapters or other patreon content in the future but I don't think it will be based on a schedule quite like the one I've had for so long. But we'll see. I'm trying to navigate through all of this as I go and I'll keep you updated as I see fit.

Sorry for the continued bumps. It annoys me to no end that I can't write in the same manner as I used to for so long. But it is how it is. I can't fight my body any longer. I have to sit down and get my shit together. And then I'll get back to writing. At my own pace.

Thank you for the insane support over the years, the comments and messages, and for coming to care about my writing. I'll post again when I have something to post.

If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments. I'm happy to clarify.



No problem, health should come first.


Burn-out is a bish, much love to you :3

Knight Axel

*hugs* take care of yourself!


Aww.. take care of yourself and please keep us informed if you can gotta rest if you gotta rest.

Alex C

No questions. Stress is stress and it's a slow killer. The only people who would complain either live an amazing stress free life and don't understand or are just jealous they don't have the leeway to do the same.


Hope u get better :3 I will stay subbed though may I propose something? Could you still use Patreon to notify us when you did a release on RR? Would be nice to get a notification on ma phone ;) (especially at work KEKW)


Understandable, take care of yourself! And maybe get a psychologist, they're really helpful during burnout to put you back on the good path. That said, this means that I'll have to put in place notifications for chapters drop on royalroad in a few months. Can you please notify us on Patreon whenever Royalroad is reaching the chapters that are currently on Patreon? Since most authors do advance chapters on Patreon I disabled those and only left email notifications for Patreon.


Do what you have to do and I hope it works for you


As long you provide us information and not disappearing, I don't care for your schedule. Do what you think is the best for you. Take care


I get feeling frustrated about it. I'm feeling betrayed by my body because I'm seeing signs of arthritis and I can't do things easily that I used to do without thinking twice. It's basically the same deal. You have a psycho-emotional repetitive stress injury. It's like carpal tunnel for your brain. You have to change up what you're doing if you're going to have a chance to recover, and you MAY have to change some things permanently. It sucks, but getting injured always sucks.


Look after yourself first. I'm happy to read the story as you complete it. Take whatever time you need.


Sure, whenever that will be. If I forget dm me here/on disc/or on Royalroad.


I can suggest swapping your patreon subscription model from "X dollars monthly" to "X dollars per post, up to a maximum of Y per month". I'm not a patreon creator so I'm not sure how it works but I have seen other people use this model. This should allow you to keep more subscribers, since they won't need to fear paying for months when no new chapters are posted.

Jaydan Man

Do what you gotta do for your own health. Regardless of whether you take a break, chapters here are advance or not, I'll stay subbed until the story ends. If I like what you do next I'll stay, if not I'll go.


Ye, hard to accept it. Sorry for your situation, it must be super fucking annoying.

Alex Galaitsis

No worries. Take good care of yourself.




Take care of yourself, and we will do with what you can give us, even on royal road 😀


Just do what you got to do, I hope you get better soon. And thanks for explaing whats going on! I know it can be easier to just ignore that kind of stuff when things get rough:P


Aw shit man sorry stuffs so rough right now. Hope you can have some time to chill out and recover.




I am sorry to hear about your condition. Take care of yourself and let us know how you feel. In my opinion you are one of the best writers from RR and you deserve a break from time to time! to recover!


Thanks for making this decision. It's a good one, the best one you had.

David Brims

Was with you at the start. Will be with you to the end.


I'm in a similar boat where I feel anxious and want to change things. It sucks because I really was comfortable with my life before now. I'm trying to work out my new normal but it's hard. I hope your new normal comes soon, for your own sanity.


Get well soon! No idea how anybody can write multiple chapters a week over years. I consider Tolkien taking 18? years for his couple of chapters as a sensible baseline 😉


No worries, the only thing that matters here is your health, so get well. I really appreciate you and the story.


Hope you feel better soon


Understandable! A clean break from the pressure sounds like a good idea. Hope i works out for you and that you can relax and enjoy hobbies again! And good food :D !!!


Take care of yourself.


Please take care of yourself. Keep us updated if its not too much trouble.


Thanks for all the updates. I think your writing helped with my mental health a lot. So take care of yourself first. Big thanks for all your stories.

Philipp Schmalz

It's good that you give priority to your mental health! That's right, just take a break and relax. Nobody should feel so much pressure in their life that they get a panic attack. It's great that you are taking concrete self-care measures. I wish you a relaxing and rejuvenating recovery!


Personally I feel I got more for the money than I payed for. So Ill keep the support running for as long as you do not vanish without a word for half a year. Thanks for the good entertainment and take time for yourself.


Hey Harthane, I'm happy that you're finally properly taking care of yourself haha tbh I'm really just happy to read a bit of your stories now and then, I don't really care how often you release new content. Please feel very free in how you handle your writing activity, it is your writing and your Patreon, you decide on the rythm and what you put out, the rest of us can either like it or f off. Fortunately it seems most of us like it :) wishing you a relaxing break and all the best in life, this writing thing isn't all of you or your whole life, it's just a small part of it in the grand scheme of things


I want you to take the time you need. I would rather you stop writing entirely, if that is what it would take for you to stay happy and healthy.


Sounds like you're running into a massive writer's block. I've heard of writers (some famous ones) who've wrestled with similar issues. The more they tried to force it the more blocked they got. A break is good and probably the only way.

ciaran mullen

May I Suggest while taking this break from writing. Find an artist/artists to draw images for each chapter of your novel. I think it would be a fun thing to do to see what they can do with the amazing work you have created

Andy Le

Take care 🙂. This story is the one I wanted an audiobook of the most. Fingers crossed to one day listening to it🤞


All the love to you. It’s been amazing reading with your stories early with my Patreon peeps. I’m forever grateful for the consistency and the communication that you’ve always provided. Rest assured that all of us are still looking forward to end of Ilea’s journey with or without a hiatus :)




I've been reading your stories for a long time now, you were even one of the first patreons I subbed to. Please please please rest, take a break for however long you need, I just want you to feel better at this point.


Sorry to hear - take care of yourself


I will be maintaining my sub, Get well first and foremost. I would appreciate a patreon notice once you catch up on the RR chapters that way I'll know to start watching it.


Why not just switch to payment per chapter instead of monthly? Would make a lot more sense if you're struggling with a rigid schedule but want to keep the income. Just a suggestion mate, hope you'll get well soon o/


Take care man, and good on you for being so decisive w/r/t your mental health. I'll continue to subscribe for the rest of the year at least. I've definitely gotten my money's worth out of your writing. Also, I hope you found a good therapist, and don't give up looking if you haven't!


Decent idea but personally I think that would introduce its own kind of stress, eh? "Is this chapter really worth X money" but then again I think I'm projecting my own anxiety lol


I've found massage has helped me mentally and physically.


please take care of yourself


I won’t lie and say I’m not disappointed, but I’m glad you’re doing what’s best for you.


Take your all the time you need, everybody needs a vacation.


You need some travel, I think. Its the best way to do a "reset". )

Alex L

Wish you the best!


take a long break travel do a new hobby just do something that makes you happy and relaxed.

Hayden Pech

I’ll hold my cancel finger until things settle down :)


all the best keep care 🙂


I will hang around. Take care Dude 😊


yo, good luck dude. Have a question tho, what about Infrasound Berserker?

Han Pol

Honestly kinda expected that, outcome noticing the somewhat downwards spiral. Not in quality(that picked up ) just in quantity. Personally I would say you should keep us motivated in staying here, so that you don't feel forced to write for free just because you ones started that way after all you have a good talent for writing and you are allowed hell encouraged to turn that to some money. So maybe still keep the number of advanced chapters maybe reduce them a bit but so that we still stay ahead ones you continue writing. change what you think needs changing and maybe talk to some other authors over all you guys that are currently in the stabby award thingy all have an insane output most normal book authors I know have not even a fifth of that output(with rare exceptions so just relax personally I hope you don't burn yourself out and can back to writing with a more healthy set up or schedule. maybe only come back mid march after all the end of febrary looks yummy from a gamers perspective. :) And I hope your body doesn't have any other symptoms then pressure. Maybe I missed something but it was always kinda vague.


could you keep posting chapters to patreon (just not in advance anymore)? RR doesn't do email updates unless you buy premium.


Take as much time as you need. I have anxiety issues myself. I tried therapy but prefer the "better living through chemistry" approach. See if you can get some help, at least just to avoid panic attacks. They are not fun.


I agree with this so much, easily worth paying for the rest of the year, you just take care of yourself.


I'm not going anywhere so my support here on P remains and will remain. You go take care of yourself and find something to help you relax, I don't mind at all you taking this month or more off, fck mate you kept so many chapters coming so darn fast and for so long we're easily years ahead of many a stories usual release schedules. Take care and have some fun Harthane, we'll be here when your back up and running.


Do you and take care of yourself, try some stuff out, see what other people do.


One suggestion for potentially keeping advance chapters without having to worry about a schedule or anything like that is doing something like I have seen other creators do with youtube or whatever, wherein people don't pay per-month, but instead per-creation, up to a maximum each month. I don't know exactly how that system works, not being a creator myself, but that might be something worth looking into, as it would allow to both keep advance chapters and go at your own pace. Aside from that, I hope the chemicals in your brain chill out a bit, and good luck! I'll continue supporting while I can!

Benjamin Smith

Everyone needs to rest sometimes. I hope you feel better soon.


Do whatever you need to, Rhaegar. I appreciate the wonderful fantasy worlds you’ve created and shared with us. :) We all face health challenges at times. My primary hope is that you find repose and renewed strength in the best way possible and by whatever timeframe will best facilitate that. I believe in you. :)

yannick schwende

I know how terrible panic attacks are, as I am currently being treated for them myself. Don't worry about us, take care of yourself and get better. Much love and appreciation for you. You are awesome and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.


Best wishes


For many creators good art is driven by inspiration, not obligation. Getting rid of schedules sounds like the best remedy here: just write when you're inspired to do so and I, for one, will be content with whatever you feel like sharing. I may lower my contribution, but I'd like to keep contributing something even if you're on hiatus, for all the pleasure your work has brought me in the past. Take care.


"Updates when they happen" is a perfectly viable schedule to keep. Go for it, and get well soon!


I'll probably post links to the rr chapters so patrons receive mail updates but we'll see.


Azarinth Healer was the highlight of my week for years, I don't mind staying a while longer


No worries, I'm glad you're focusing on what you need. Like most readers, I'll relook at my patreon situation at some pt, as things continue to evolve, but that's really not important. Taking care of yourself matters most. Sure, your income situation will probably look different. But that's to be expected, and it's reasonable. If "schedule free/expectation free" makes you happier and less stressed, it's probably what needs to happen. I was getting pretty worried about you for awhile there. Best of luck!!


You've been my first author on patreon, so I'm still gonna stay around. It's been a bit frightening to see your health decline over the last months, so I'm really glad you take that break and prolong it as long as you need mate. Better you go down to a George R. R. Martin pace and we reach the end of the story slow and steady than you keeping that insane pace (really man so many chapters/week over such a long period is a miracle) and burn completly out. All the best man


Do not worry. Your worries can be understood, you should not endure pressure on yourself, especially if it harms your health.


You have been one of the most prolific authors in the world for several years. I cannot fathom how you have kept to this insane schedule for so long, you have re-defined what I believe is possible for people. Please take a proper break!


end of an era

bob barker

brainstorm on the plan, taking all the time you need. Know that you can always revise the "final product" later if you get better ideas.


This is probably unnecessary advice as you are a pretty bright person, but don't be afraid to seek out professional help.


I quite like erraticerrata's open donation + multiple-choice vote -> plot irrelevant bonus chapters that mostly just flesh out side characters as far as I can remember. I'm not sure where the money really is though as becoming a patron often came with a certain hollow desperation within from my experience, not really a lot of respect for the work. also you probably heard this before but "you have your whole life to write book 1, to write book 2 you have one year."

Dragon Gate

While I can´t say that I am happy to loose the advance chapters, I def. think your health and wellbeeing take Top-Priority. Take the Time you need to get better and keep writing at a level you feel satisfied with. Take heart that I will keep supporting you aslong as I can. Best wishes to you.

Lorenz Mehlo

take care of yourself the story is not worth you being unhappy


<p style="color: #008600;">From all of the above, I can conclude that this is just a creative burnout, and you really need to take care of your health at the moment. Enjoy!</p>


You are of my favorite authors and will continue to be so regardless of where you are publishing. Your health is important :)


One of the true top stars for years of web serials. If the king wishes to pass the torch… so it is time


Don't worry too much about people cancelling, I, and I am sure many others, want to support you because you make great content and I want to contribute towards your continued writing. Looking forward to future content and enjoy your break!


I was only supporting this Patreon for about a year way back when. And I don’t think I’ve chimed in since. But I just have to say, dude, as someone who’s enjoyed watching this story come together for as long as I’ve been enjoying royal-road, please just look after yourself. I’m glad you’re taking steps. They may seem pretty drastic to some people, but just do you. I hope you find your happy place and firmly be inside it for a while, man, I really do. Your writing has brought me a lot of joy, and though I can’t say “I don’t care if it never gets finished.” I can earnestly say I can wait however long it takes for closure on that end, even if it never does. Your health comes first. I am looking forward to other little adventures that could take place in the same setting as AH, at other points in the timeline or just loosely connected. And I don’t think you or anyone else else should pressure you to try and conclude AH before whipping those ideas around. In closing, there’s plenty of things to read while an author takes a well deserved break. Take your time, then feel free to take some more, you’ve earned at least that much.

Grond (James)

You know, you have done better than most other authors in the world at feeding our addiction and serving us well. So take the well deserved break. We have your back, and I'll be praying for you


You've been releasing at a blistering pace for ages. 4 3k word chapters a week was pretty unbelievable for my whole sub duration. Another guy i sub on patron only releases 2 and they're pretty damn short lol.


Pretty sure AH is the equivalent of more than 25 (!!) paperback books. That would normally cost like &gt; $300 so yeah, considering I've been subbed since July 2019, I'm barely halfway there lol


If it helps, know that some guy who has a Physics PhD (me) gives you permission to do whatever you need to haha. I've been following AH since 2019 and still look forward to reading more of your work, but I also know that sometimes things are just too much *cough* multiple research papers I abandoned *cough*


Rest and relax. Hope you get better. We'll be here when you get back.


This Empress will allow you to rest until you can write again because we like your book.


You might get a chuckle out of:




"The Unsuccessful Self-Treatment of a Case of "Writer's Block"" is a humorous academic article by psychologist Dennis Upper about writer's block. It contains no content except for a title, journal formatting elements, and a humorous footnote. Published in 1974 in a peer reviewed journal, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, it is recognized as the shortest academic article ever[1] and a classic example of humor in science,[2] or at the very least among behavioral psychologists.[3] It has been cited more than 100 times.[4]


you've pretty much got a life time membership from me dude! AH has been one of the most entertaining stories i've ever read on teh internet. take a break and dont think about writing for awhile. Cheer up you got devoted fans!!!


Goodluck, hope you start feeling better. I love Azarinth Healer to death and I've been a long time reader. I will be cancelling my membership since I can't really justify the expense to myself if I'm not getting chapters but don't let that discourage you. Most of us wouldn't be here if we didn't want to support you and your writing, advance chapters be damned. Take care of yourself, health comes first, you don't have arcane healing.


I just caught up to the latest chapter after a few months of reading other books. I love the story and pacing! I support your approach on taking things slow. A good friend of mine is currently dealing with a mental illness so I know it’s no laughing matter. Good luck and I hope you get better.


I hope you are relaxing and feeling well. Also, if you are reading me, stop it and get back to relaxing.


As someone who is just now catching up again I have to say this: I've been reading this book since chapter 60 was released on royalroad and it's the only book I've followed on patreon for over a year at a time. These last ~100 chapters have been some of your best work and I'm seriously impressed with your progress. I'm with you even if it takes another 4 years to finish this arc. Thank you for an excellent story