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Heya. This week is difficult. Had pretty bad symptoms again so won't be able to post. Please don't worry about me though, I have a good support system and I'm thinking about ways to deal with my issues.

Wanted to ask if I should keep posting these kind of info updates or if I should just post whenever I post? What works better for you?



hope you feel better


Feel better soon!


option 3: Whatever you feel like. Updates are cool but not an obligation

Alex C

Feel better, just pick a day and give an update even if it's just see you next week to check in again

Bobby B.

While we DO have a vested interest, I think I speak for most of us when I say we care for your wellbeing


I've been having a shitty two weeks as well. Hope you get through it.


I like to know what’s up with my favorite author

Philippe Boulanger

You probably already know that, but just in case. Did you consider starting to do meditation? It can help greatly with anxiety and stress.

Tequila Worm

Take anytime you need cant have great stories if you dont do self maintenance first <3

Alexander Dupree

Updates might be personally nice but if you're feeling burned out posting is going to make it more stressful. Get out and take a breather.

Dominic Falcon

Glad you have support. Hope they can keep the arses in these comments out of your hair. I voted regularly, but IMO monthly is regularly too… :)

Joshua Little

Just let us know if it is important otherwise just get better.


Whatever is best for your health. If updating causes you anxiety don't but if you feel better just stepping away and only posting when you are ready, do that.


Take your time to get felling better.


Take care of yourself, dude.

bob barker

If it makes you feel any better, I'm feelin' some shit, too. But with a morning man-birth, I know I'll be better. Best of luck with that health over there.


Take care of yourself, enjoy the break.


I believe in you, Rhaegar. Do what you need to.


Stay safe and get healthy


Keep us informed so you can still get well wishes that can simply help. Take care of yourself


No worries homie your good .....I recommend not posting a new chapter untill you get a month backlog to smooth things over. Anyways get well bro!


depends on whether you feel better putting out updates or if they feel like a chore. Do what feels good to you.


do the wordle everyday. https://www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/?fbclid=IwAR1G2v4YkGH6L2SchQGkkaJIWMi1aZL8_bGsuNF0Q7Sulz9JqL8091EDaz8


Get rest feel better

Jake Martin

Yea man no worries get rest then bomb us with a bunch or whatever


As long as you tell us once a week I am fine.

clinton cuzzort

We are listening if it helps to keep us updated ✊🏼 If you need a break to recharge and iron out, then take it!


Don't post updates if they will just make you feel guilty/bad/stress. I understand how even just thinking about posting the updated can actually just add to the situation. So Cheers and do what you need!


Health is the best kind of wealth. Do what YOU need to improve your wellbeing first and know that we are here for you.


Your health comes first, always and always. Thanks for the heads up, hope you recover quick and it doesn't come bugging you again anytime soon. Next take a bit off, better you get back to feeling good and happy before worrying about writing anything.


I can't quite decide which is worse, since both are aparently really stressing you out. Just work at you're own pace. Even If it takes an other year at biweekly releases, I'll continue to give the meager support I can. Especially on the upcoming finale of a work that has changed both reader and author alike. Please stay sane and healthy as you're now as much a legend and myth to myself as Lilith has become.


Well, a brief status when skipping a regular post day would be nice, but not truly necessary. It could be as brief as "no chapter, pls check back next week". But even that only if it wasn't an additional src of stress (and, tbh, if it is, prolly deeper issues to address!). If you end up abandoning a regular schedule entirely, then no status is needed, as we wouldn't be expecting anything at that time. Whatever works best for you is fine.


Do whatever works best for you. Updates are appreciated, but if you don’t feel up to them that’s okay too. Hope you feel better soon.


Honestly I read chapters in batches so I don't really mind if you take a break from time to time so take your time both your stories are enjoyable wouldn't want them to be affected.

Tim Johnson

Having that line of communication is nice because that way if you go radio silent for a week or two we're not worrying about you. Gotta keep that mental game up. Most of us have probably been here awhile and are more than happy to just keep getting the story over nothing at all. So take your rests, we're here for you and just ignore the trolls and haters as hard as that can be sometimes.


Do what ever is best for you and your health.

yannick schwende

You definitely have our support. I hope you will get well soon. Much love and appreciation, take care of yourself :-)


I'm keeping my subscription going despite the uncertainty of releases specifically so that I can support you while you're struggling. Having a bit of communication helps me know it's not in vain. Keep us updated, and I'll be fine even if I don't see a chapter in a month or two.


A caveat for me on the "keep updates going" vote: Don't overdo them either =D. For me a quick "I'm still alive and no chapters this week/month/whatever" is fine


This, if you Need to go radio silent for a while, just let us know about it, otherwise of course we would prefer to hear from you to know how you are doing but ultimately what's best for you is preferable!


I request update posts but they don't need to have explanations if you don't want to. Will accept cool words or interesting questions with a "maybe Thursday". So long as you don't ghost completely I'm happy.


Will also accept amusingly short explanations like "disease continues" or "progeny rebellion" or "bees".


both options create unnessesary stress for you i think. if it helps you to share go for it. but your not obligated to report regulary. i allways happy when a new chapter comes out 🙂. I'm also very curious on how the ending will go. first i was sad when i read about your deciscion to end the story. i think it will be hard to write a good finish. so take time and recover🙂 . best


Don't worry about us, when you are sick you gotta take care of you.


As long as we get semi regular "am alive" messages it's good


I just want to repeat what others have said. Just take your time and do whats best for you. As someone who has rather frequent stress and anxiety attacks, my personal advice would be to just fo what feels right, even if you were to suddenly disappear for a month, even if you immediately went away to play Welden King. You are the protagonist of your story, dear author. That means… well. Your health is more important than our enjoyment. And we mean that. Not only do we want to see AH through with you, but we want to keep seeing things through WITH YOU. Ehem. Just take your time.

Lewis McReu

Hope you get better soon, and feel free to give updates when you’re up to it. We’re all supporting you here.

Michael Telford

I really appreciate the quick status update, I tend to refresh obsessively on chapter days, so a post at 9am, that's just "Chapters delayed till this afternoon" or "No chapter's today" helps out my mental health greatly.

Terry Stevens

Dude, just say that you’re alive, if not well. I think that is the only thing you need to post. We are just worried that if you die (or you stop writing, which WILL lead to your immediate enslavement), that we are just left wondering. Knowing is better than not.


Today, for the first time in months, a new chapter of Skybound was posted. That can't be a coincidence; I think it's clear that the cosmos is maintaining a balance of story updates, which means the universe itself wants you to take a break. Defying it would likely lead to an epic calamity, so please take the time you need, not just for your sake, but for the sake of us all.


I just hope you start to feel better. I know these last two years have been AWFUL. I, for one, would just like to hear from you even if it "no post today". Authors going dark is not fun for readers.


As it was said before...A short update on how you are feeling and if there will be a new chapter this or the next few weeks is enough for me...As long as you don't just vanish into the depths of Patreon, I'm okay with that :) Nevertheless...Get Well soon and I wish you the best :)


An additional thought, and not an entirely well considered one, so apply a few tons of salt. :) Something in the tone of this post, even more than prior posts, but not dissimilar in a way, makes me think your mental health is more tenuous than we reader might assume from the words (tone vs what is said). It may be nothing, or me reading too much in, but it's best to err on the side of supporting those *who actually create nice stuff*. So, with that in mind; I hope you take a realistic look at what you need to be in a sustainable mode. Yes, fewer (and less regular) chapters will probably impact your income, but far, far less than a meltdown and abandonment. And, even there, that's not the real thing to prioritize. I hope you prioritize your own happiness and productivity as an author. AzH, and IB (aka The New Think, aka Alpine Apoc) are just your early works. You have (I hope) a long career making fun stories. But only if you make sure it works for you. Best of luck!


I voted for updates, but don't feel like you have to explain yourself or anything. Just a "Hey, I'm still alive" once in a while is all im looking for :) Look after yourself first of al!!!


I got the same feeling. I've seen it happen with friends. Getting overworked with doing what they love. Take a few steps back, perhaps a small holiday, talk to your mum, etc.. your health is more important than the story.


as disapointing as it is not getting chapters, you keeping us in the loop is better then leaving us in the dark guessing. my disapointment is only because i have a heavy bias on wanting to read more as this is my favorite novel to date 😈


I’d prefer to know unless that adds to your anxiety. Also I hesitate to add this but none of my support team knew about it: (up to 70% of people who struggle with depression have a metabolic disorder)


I've had enough, I'm calling the concrete mafia(druned)... (cough) I mean, after thinking a little, I didn't choose anything from two options, I think the best option is violence! Wait a bit and play this game from Miyazaki, the bastard recently said that there will be several swamps... so I'm sure that this game will increase your stress by 10 times, but after it will decrease it 100 times! wait a second why does this sound like crypto shit.... Anyway, take a rest, I don't remember when your second shoulder surgery will be, but don't drink before that for God's sake!


Share if you need to :) We're here to listen


Just do whatever. I can wait


If updating us adds to any stress, I'd say hold off. That said I appreciate the updates. Really appreciate the stories you write, so I have a vested interest in you being healthy and OK to keep putting awesome stuff into the world :) Even if that means I gotta wait.

Chad Hagner

You got to do you boo! Take care of yourself, your readers are here for you and support you.


I voted for communication because it'd be nice to know, but if it's going to cause unnecessary stress, then please step back and relax. We will be happy to read when you're ready to post again :)


I voted for let us know where you're at even if it's just im still dead so we know that your patreon hasn't been abandoned. Like take all time in the world I've been waiting years for some updates.


You don't need to explain yourself. I've been stuck reading other stuff and havn't checked in with this story for a while, I kind of forgot (sorry author-san). But two of the stories I was reading read just ended suddenly like the author just gave up. I don't mind novels having alot of chapters if it's an interessting story. Azarinth so far have been very good. But other stories in the same universe would be fine, like following a new adventurer doing his or her thing might be a nice change of pace. Seems a bit of sad to let all that world building go to waste :)