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Author's note: Hello there :). New chapter up and more on Saturday.

Let me know what you think!

PDF/EPUB: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32241245

Chapter 478 Inquiries

Ilea was quite proud of the progress. Especially the third tier Void Magic Resistance gave her a little confidence that she had lost when fighting the Ascended.

She didn’t know what exactly would happen if the whole space around her was removed. If she was transported somewhere, able to use her third tier Blink to get back, or if she would simply cease to exist. Her precognition hadn’t been clear in the heat of the moment.

The benefits she had gotten through the various second tier advancements were situational and generally quite minor. Still, they added up.

The main benefits next to her Void Magic Resistance were the bonuses provided by Avatar of Ash.

It had reached a point where her resilience was increased by 485% and her ash density by a staggering 185%.

All that just from gaining and leveling resistances, which on their own already provided ample bonuses.

Ilea assumed a part of why she could fight monsters like the Specters was because general skills didn’t really weigh in on level differences. She could very well be level one hundred with the same amount of resistances, entirely decimating her weight class and creatures far above her perceived level.

The Fae had mentioned that monsters at a certain level had abilities and characteristics that offset bonuses like the ones she had but Ilea questioned how far that went. Her healing and mana intrusion combination surely wasn’t solely responsible for her easy time against higher leveled beings.

She sipped on her ale and thought about what resistances she should get to the third tier. No new possibilities had cropped up but she had gained three additional points. Either way, she definitely wanted to keep a few points for emergencies.

Another thing she quickly did was collapsing her general skills within her status. Even the non resistance types were getting numerous.

Name: Ilea Spears

Unspent statpoints: 0
Unspent 3rd tier skill points [The Azarinth Sentinel]: 0
Unspent 3rd tier skill points [Kin of Ash]: 0
Unspent 3rd tier General skill points [1713 Total skill levels]: 5

Class 1: The Azarinth Sentinel – lvl 348

- Active: Absolute Destruction – 3rd lvl 23
- Active: Sentinel Reconstruction – 3rd lvl 30
- Active: Azarinth Awakening – 3rd lvl 30
- Active: Blink – 3rd lvl 27
- Active: Sentinel Sphere – 3rd lvl 25
- Passive: Sentinel Core – 3rd lvl 30
- Passive: Azarinth Fighting – 3rd lvl 30
- Passive: Sentinel Huntress – 3rd lvl 8
- Passive: Azarinth Perception – 3rd lvl 23
- Passive: Azarinth Reversal – 3rd lvl 19

Class 2: Kin of Ash – lvl 348

- Active: Armor of Ash – 3rd lvl 30
- Active: Aspect of Ash – 3rd lvl 30
- Active: True Ash Creation – 3rd lvl 30
- Active: Heart of Cinder – 3rd lvl 19
- Active: Storm of Cinders – 3rd lvl 17
- Passive: Ash and Ember Unity – 3rd lvl 27
- Passive: Ashen Wings – 3rd lvl 24
- Passive: Eyes of Ash – 3rd lvl 17
- Passive: Avatar of Ash – 3rd lvl 30
- Passive: Keeper of Ash – 3rd lvl 27

General Skills: Hidden


Vitality: 816
Endurance: 405
Strength: 515
Dexterity: 425
Intelligence: 765
Wisdom: 910

Health: 8160/8160
Stamina: 4000/4000
Mana: 18189/18200

A little better, still too much though, she thought with a smile. It felt liberating not seeing the massive list anymore. She wondered if she would really get a third class upon reaching three fifty. It was possible all the speculation and waiting had been for nothing.

She chuckled and took another sip. That would fit the Fae, at least the part of the collective I know.

Her options for third tier advancements were Blood Manipulation, Corrosion, Lava Magic, Light Magic, and Sand Magic.

The only thing she felt was reasonable was Light. The rest seemed too situational, even if the bonuses were potentially good. Lava might give an increase to Heart of Cinder.

Many other second tier resistances were more enticing but she hadn’t met the requirements to reach a third tier. Blast Resistance, the various drain resistances or even Time Magic were sadly unavailable.

Ilea decided her five points were enough to spend two. If she needed more, she could always host another resistance training session.

‘ding’ ‘Light Magic Resistance reaches 3rd lvl 1’

Light Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 1
The power of the sun harnessed and enhanced by magic. You have experienced the burning heat of light and pushed ahead. This skill will help you be more resistant.
2nd stage: Staring into the light should have really blinded you at this point. Instead, you have gotten used to it. Your eyes are much less sensitive to the negative effects associated with light. You are mostly immune to sudden blinding changes, be they an abrupt abundance or lack of light.
3rd stage: You have been exposed to incredible sources of light magic. Your body has gained the ability to absorb some of the properties of the light around you, allowing you to see even in the absence of light as long as you have been exposed in the past week. Damaging natural occurrences of certain wavelengths no longer pass through you but are instead absorbed, should you wish for such to happen. Excess energy will be transformed into both heat and mana.

Ilea smiled as she read through the added text. Skin cancer resistance? Not that I think cancer even forms in my body with the regeneration I have. Or does it form faster?

She assumed the former to be the case, thinking she would have noticed if the latter applied.

The interesting part was the excess mana and heat, adding to her pool and potentially Heart of Cinder. I could literally fight a sun, she thought and giggled to herself, getting a weird look from the mage a few tables over.

He pointed at her and murmured something that sounded like a curse.

She didn’t feel the familiar magic however.

“Yes, yes,” she said, waving him off.

‘ding’ ‘Lava Magic Resistance reaches 3rd lvl 1’

Lava Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 1
An elemental form of molten rock, reserved for those few living in conditions most consider deadly. You have met and fought such a being, its magic opposed by Heat and Earth magic resistance but ultimately something different, more primordial and ancient.
2nd stage: Your body can store heat more effectively, your skin and muscles less prone to melting. Lava has become to you like water is to others, its substance less restricting as you move through it.
3rd stage: You gain the ability to absorb heat from both within your body and your surroundings, effectively cooling yourself and your vicinity, allowing you to survive in high temperature environments.

Ilea tapped the table as she read through the newfound powers. Nothing major but she felt the points were worth it regardless.

Her night and cave vision would be vastly improved and if the third tier of Lava Magic Resistance delivered, she could now effectively cancel Heart of Cinder.

Hmm, she thought and activated the spell.

She could feel the heat building before it flowed seamlessly into her body. Other than a lightly warm skin, nothing came to be.

Like the sun on a warm spring day, she thought with a smile.

The mage who had occasionally looked over stared at her with an open mouth, muttering a few more curses before he stumbled backwards and ran.

What’s gotten into him? Ilea asked herself before she noticed the steam rising from the corners of her mouth.

Ah, I see.

She stopped channeling Heart of Cinder, releasing the small amount of energy in a comically weak cone of fire.

So I can charge it up before a battle now, cool myself down from time to time to make sure I don’t die. And absorb the heat in case it isn’t needed.

She thanked the Trakorov and enjoyed the rest of her short stay at the Seaward inn.


“Now, now. That doesn’t sound good at all,” Helena said as she sliced into the freshly baked lemon cake. The fourth try had wielded something quite marvelous. Perfect moisture.

Her guest sighed. A rare show from the near mythical bard. His shoulder length blond hair looked perfect as always, lightly curled today. His skin was lightly toned, the Virilya based man having relocated before the siege had started. He wore utterly ridiculous clothes, unfit for battle or business alike.

Tight black pants ending above his ankles. Above his pants he wore a skirt of all things, ending right above his knees. A fluttery white shirt covered his chest with broadening sleeves reaching nearly to his fingers. It would have been decent enough, if it hadn’t been mostly see through.

The silver chains around his neck would have been acceptable if they were his weapons but she knew for a fact that they weren’t.

She knew the man well, had worked with him for more than five decades. He was capable, ruthless, and still clung to his ridiculous attire and demeanor.

He smiled his perfect smile as he received the plate. “Thank you, my dear. I do so love your baking.”

She could not detect a lie, nor did she care. “Shush, keep those compliments for your concubines.”

“I would never insult you with a lie, Helena,” the man said and this time she almost believed him.

“The situation is dire,” he said, going back to the topic at hand.

“That it is. Half of the forces occupying Odiah have fallen,” she said with a thoughtful look.

“Alyris won’t relent. Circumstances have changed however. Numbers won’t make a difference anymore. Infiltration and powerful individuals are necessary to overcome the rituals they have prepared. The loss of life is unprecedented…,” Elijah said, one of his hands balling into a fist.

A pacifist at heart, with a somewhat warped view of the concept. Few with his power and influence had a grounded idea of human life. Especially not people so young. He was barely eighty.

Helena wondered if a true pacifist would ever even talk to her.

“The fall of Baralia is certain either way. Though it seems the fanatic believed their magic to be more than just belief. The effectiveness would speak for his words. And yet I doubt the man.” Helena said as she ate a piece of cake, savoring the taste.

Elijah glanced at her, folding his hands as he relaxed in his chair. “Why?”

“Because he is a fanatic. I have dealt with such orders before and very few of them were founded on more than hubris. The Empress isn’t idle either. Baralia has been a sore spot for her, not only because of her dearest brother. She won’t abandon this war, not with the impact it already had on Lys,” Helena said.

“Ravenhall,” Elijah said.

A stupid suggestion really. She had expected more. Or was he testing her? Just as ridiculous.

Ravenhall has been independent for a long time, now it’s just official. Alyris kept the relations and doesn’t have to worry about them anymore. Her power is absolute. The nobles who thought of Ravenhall as something to aspire to now have the choice of obedience or independence. The choice is simple.

“Why are you suggesting that? You know Alyris intended their defection. Especially after the surprising change in leadership,” Helena said.

The man smiled and ate a little piece of cake. He swallowed before continuing. “I don’t think the Empress knew anything about that. You overestimate her. It was convenient, I’ll give you that. None of the Elders would have followed through with what the new leaders did.”

“You’re right about the Elders but I’m confident she had her hands in it. Otherwise it seems too convenient. The Shadow’s Hand is no longer an internal threat,” she said.

“Doubt she ever considered it one. Not like you have,” Elijah said.

Well, you don’t know Verena or Adam.

She sipped on her tea.

“Oh, you know something I don’t?” the man asked, leaning a little bit closer.

Helena waved him off. She wasn’t in the mood for theatrics.

“I still think we cannot dismiss it entirely,” she said.

“Will you go?” he asked, a grin on his face.

“Of course not. Baralia is a dreadful place and I’d like to avoid participating in wars if possible,” she said.

“The other members then? Should I contact them? Or do you think your guild can handle it?” Elijah asked. He himself wouldn’t participate even if the war was at his doorstep.

I would rather not risk them.

“I think suggesting an intervention is not out of place. Michael can send some of his people and I’m sure Acantha has been involved from the start anyway,” Helena said.

“Velamyr fought in Odiah,” Elijah said.

“You don’t seem happy about that,” Helena commented.

He waved her off and summoned a filled glass of wine, taking a sip. “Always the hero. He’s going to rise even higher than before.”

She nearly had to smile because of the unintended pun. General Velamyr Ryse cared about his soldiers. He would skewer the High King himself if he could somehow maneuver himself into the right position.

“Just inform him that some of us are coming,” Helena said.

“The Pirate?” Elijah asked.

“Seems up his alley,” she said. Pillaging, war. He’ll feel right at home.

“Skorn has been in touch. He is already involved, though not personally,” the bard said.

Not that anybody expected anything different from the man.

“Good. I’m sure Elizabeth is too,” she commented.

“What about-” he said but was interrupted by a cold aura spreading through the room.

“No,” Helena said and finished her piece of cake.

“I see,” Elijah said.

“How is Virilya?” she asked, making him focus on something else.

“The same. People are returning. Alyris is doing an adequate job. Surprisingly,” he said.

I should slap you.

She didn’t let anything show and instead smiled.

“It’s a shame Arthur died. How is his daughter doing? Any promise?” she asked.

The man nodded. “Last I’ve heard, she may be a good replacement. However her inclination to join the order might be impaired. Perhaps in a few decades, if her ambitions are as grand as her father’s had been.”

Helena smiled, cutting herself another piece. “That is promising.” She would be surprised if the girl would ever even consider it. After the treatment they received from their father. Arthur was capable but he lacked empathy and common sense. Squandering his greatest assets for a misplaced sense of pride.

Helena had greatly enjoyed the news of his death. The evidence wasn’t there but she would bet on the children being responsible.

“No news on Edwin and his… friend?” she asked.

“He remains within the family mansion. The void mage has joined Felicia Redleaf but her allegiances remain uncertain. They should all be in their mid two hundreds,” Elijah informed her.

Helena had some ideas as to her allegiances but she wouldn’t share them with the bard. He did like to talk after all.

“We may consider her in the future. What about that girl you mentioned last time?” she asked, interested in what he thought of her. She had made up her mind a few weeks ago.

“Lilith. She is… well, certainly interesting,” Elijah said.

“You like her,” Helena said.

The bard smiled. “Her methods are crude. And with all the stories and reports, it’s hard to really pin down who she is but yes. I do like her, if only for her sense of style. Ashen wings do paint a beautiful painting.”

One of death.

“Do you think she could be interested?” Helena asked. The woman was an asset to their order either way. She owned a large part of the newly independent Ravenhall with connections to their leadership. The same was true for Riverwatch, if not for other places.

He waved his hand. “That is the question, isn’t it? She definitely likes to fight. She is young. Younger than most at even level two hundred. I expect her to be close to three hundred already. Ashen Classes are rare but her second Class is more interesting. She’s a healer supposedly.”

Helena nodded, letting him talk.

“And still she owns property, got involved when Riverwatch was under siege, fought the demons and even supposedly first encouraged the Hand to retake Ravenhall. Her values will be the deciding factors. Can she accept that the world is not her own playground? I believe it’s possible.”

She agreed.

“I will meet her,” Helena said.

“I wanted to have the pleasure,” Elijah said in a disappointed tone.

“The others won’t approve if you are the one endorsing her,” she said, but the man knew that already. “I’m sure you’ll get to meet her.”

“You’ll have to tell me all about her,” Elijah said and started humming a familiar tune. “Do you think the songs exaggerated,” he asked, interrupting the sound for a moment.

“You shouldn’t get involved with women like her. You remember how it ended the last time,” Helena said.

She didn’t care if the songs were true or not. The reports were and they were dealing with someone that was potentially more powerful than herself. Few people ever reach that level, fewer even in such a short span of time. Most of them get a few titles and then vanish in the north or some other place, entirely absorbed by whatever goal or power they sought.

She couldn’t blame them. And she was glad most stayed away from the intricate and fragile tapestry of politics and trade. Sadly the High King Baron of Baralia had not followed the same pattern. And now they were dealing with hundreds of thousands of deaths and a potentially highly dangerous cult close to the leadership of one of the largest human kingdoms.

The woman sighed, thinking of the Elven lands, the recent return of an expedition vessel from the eastern seas, the potential of an extended trade alliance with the dwarven kings.

And here they were. Again. Dealing with human war. She was tired of it. But she wouldn’t ignore the promises she had made. Too many leaders had left. If she did too, few would remain to uphold their fragile civilization.

“Ah, but it was so exciting,” Elijah said, a reminiscing smile on his face.

“You nearly died,” Helena said.

“No… it was her that was death. A small price, to see such beauty,” he sung.

Helena was impressed that he still sounded degrading, despite the obvious praise. Only a true master bard could mask his insults to such a degree.


Max R


Michael scott

Thanks for the chapter

Darcy Lessard-Patola

Should her stamina be 4050 since her endurance is 405? Same for the last chapter...

Master of Bunnies

They think she is close to level 300. Hahahahahaha.


The plot thickens....


"more" as in plural??!! *Crosses fingers*


So I'm guessing this is the mysterious Golden Lily? Interesting

I Dewa Bagus

At last from the elusive golden lilly's member been so long... I love it! More pls

Max R

I THINK this might be too old references for the non hardcore readers to remember. the names i mean.


Imagine a hyperactive Ilea after eating a magic meth cake. (Meth would be a poison, like alcohol)

Some Total Kretin

I'm a little disapointed Helen is part of golden Lily, but not much. More like I would not make her a part.

Alan McBrayer

Oooo I had thought Helena was someone close to the empress of Lys, but it seems we've gotten a glimpse at the leadership of the Golden Lily. If so I like how they aren't portrayed mustache twirling villains. Instead they appear to be a group pushing the boundaries of humanity in a very "the ends justify the means" manner. That explains Redleaf's fascination with Dwarven teleportation technology. I'm curious to see how Ilea deals with the fact that the people she has been hunting have similar goals to her own.


Aw yeah, the cake won't be a lie this time

Some Total Kretin

Isn't Elijah the head of foundation of glass?

Some Total Kretin

I think they're in for a surprise in Ilea's power.

Acquiles Vitorino de Melo Graça

Well, now I'm certainly interested to see what that Baker gets identified as, she seems like she would be a great sugar mommy for Illea, in all ways to interpret it. And the way the author puts it, there's actually a chance Illea will join the Lily, because at least this Helena has similar goals to hers, and the power should be useful.


The Golden Lily is finally meeting her!!


Alright boys and girls, Helena is officially a part of the Lily. Can't say I didn't expect it. Though, it seems the organisation really does keep a very loose hold of its members, if there even is any hold at all. Loving how its progressing, and can't wait to see how Helena reacts to our Ilea being higher leveled than her.

Chase Clawson

Yes! The Golden Lily make an appearance! I am curious how this meeting will go :)



Some Total Kretin

Underestimated as always. It's like with the mercenaries after our resident shadow hand manager

Jonathan Walker

You are fucking killing ME, when will she hit 350 and get that 3rd class, I swear to God I love this book but you are torturing me man. It is a great chapter though glad to hear she will meet one of them and they will realize she doesn't fuck around lol

Eyes wide

I dying here mate .this one chapter stuff while it's starting to heat up is literally killing me now I have to deal with withdrawal symptoms till Saturday. A sign good story telling but please have mercy on us


The Golden Lily... I really want to see how this plays out. And they are still underestimating her. "close to 300" lol... I really want to see Helenas face, when she meets her and presumably only sees question marks. ^^ I wonder if she still remembers how fear feels.

Alexander Dupree

The fucking JABS at chat. Thanks for the wonderful world and I hope you can troll all of us with something like 3rd class at 351 so the screams in the comments are glorious.


Michael if i'm not wrong is the one who killed Eve. Helena is mentioned to be in charge of a guild I wonder if she's the head of the adventurer's guild.


Yeah Stil meh. I suspected as much, but I still dont like the PoVs of this bunch. Still love the story though

Michael scott

Oh, the look on their faces when they realize the world really is Ilea playground. I think Ilea will end up joining them. However she will demand a fight with whoever killed Eve. Helena is probably around 320 or so. She will be able to see Ilea level when she talks to her.


interesting snippet, ty! It's also nice to see a bit more of Ilea's reasoning. She's smarter and more thoughtful than she lets on, which is nice. I also, btw, like the poor quality of info avail in Elos; it's a lot more like info was during our "hit people with pointy objects" era, and is a nice touch of realism authors seldom use. Look at books on critters in far away lands (from advent of writing to surprisingly recently) here, and it's nearly misinformation it was so bad. Frustrating, but a nice touch I don't recall being used as well elsewhere! :)


Who is this Helena and the guy she is talking to ? Can someone please tell me

Sebastian Prue

Thanks for the chapter! Things are starting to pick up and I can't wait

Some Total Kretin

For me the third class is the least interesting thing on the menu. This Lily situation, the war in baralia and the other open plotlines are much more interesting then what the fucking point of her third class is. It's just a goal on interesting journey and for me the journey is more interesting then the goal.

Alexander Dupree

Honestly we've had two chapters with her. We don't really know. She's definitely part of the Golden Lily but we don't know what guild she's the leader of nor how old she is.


Who? Have we met the bard before?? Or are you talking about the redleafs? Edit: So I did some searching and we haven't met the bard before (atleast no "Elijah"s). The man named Skorn is actually Walter though, the dark sorcerer that lives with the vultures near riverwatch


Looks like interaction with Golden Lily is going to happen soon!!

Some Total Kretin

There was also the mention of a powerful mage contacting the fox of the north before Ilea about cooperation all those chapters ago when Ilea first got to the north and visited her. At least I hope I remember it right.


Nope, the head is one Evan Trayne. AFAIK we haven't met Elijah before

Some Total Kretin

I just had a thought. What if the deadly person Elijah was involved with is the same person Adam Strand opened the portal for(related to the reason strand opened the portal)


I'd bet that she has a high enough identify to see Ilea's lvl since she's an old lady with lots of time to lvl identify, she called the bard young at "only" 80 after all.

Torbjørn Nilsen

Hmm... Helena is a poision mistres of sorts. Probably leader of an organization of her own. Guess what organization that likes to poision people, one that Ilea has been poisioned by repeatedly. Coincidence? I think not. I love this series.


Have we ever seen her involved in anything or her level? The only thing I know about her is that she defended against the demon invasion, and she's an elder. Has she been involved in anything else ive forgotten?

Jack Stiles

I have a odd feeling she is going to end up joining the golden lily eventually. Not just to infiltrate their numbers.

Han Pol

She has gotten dragon breath now or at least it feels a bit like it.


" The fanatic" is the prisioner for last chapter. We don't know if the Skorn is Walter, it is a family name.

Michael C

Getting interesting.

Chad Hagner

Lots of setting up for the next arc! This is exciting and plz let's get Ilea to lvl 350! I want to see class evolutions!!!!!!


Ehhh maybe but they seem to be the "play by our rules or else" types and that usually irritates Ilea. Also its worth noting that her friend, who was going after scummy and/or corrupt powerful types, was killed by one of them which miiiiight bias her decision a wee bit too.


Okay, no one got the little bit about the dwarves in another continent?


She's got the look with the steam rising from her mouth but its not clear yet if she can really breath jets of fire yet. Would be awesome if she can. Or if she could shoot them from her eyes on demand!! That'd be scary as all get out

Han Pol

seems more like an organisation of people with common interest. maybe more of a Cartel, were the most powerful people organised them self in such a way that they don't step on each others toe to much and deal with dangerous interlopers and people who are to destructive.


Please could we have some more just one more (British boy accent)


I was talking about that they are actually in another continent, so probably Iz isn't even at the continent that illea is, even the metal/curse friend of her that I forgot, he can be somewhere out there, and not 5hat the continent illea have been living its the only one!


Now this was a delightful chapter. Thank you for it.


Thats probably the reason why she isn’t actively looking for him. Same with the fairies, no idea where jt is. But we know the planet is way bigger than just the north and the human lands


Ooooh, the plot widens. I wonder what information that ship from the east will reveal.


Ilea might have to commit the ultimate sacrilege. Killing someone that makes amazing food.


Thanks for the chapter!


Ooh. While it's exciting to finally meet the golden Lily, let us not forget you're blue balling us hard in the third class and Eve's history, haha. Lots of plot threads moving...


everyone just missed that Walter(Skorn) is a part of the lilies

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Blast, blod, curse, health, mana, stamina and time resistens are all a lot more likley to be needed than those she have accsess to at the moment. Even earth amd water are probably going to be good to have when she get them up beacuse of how 'normal' they are. It also takes a lot of time to get ewch point. I who'd be annoyed if she did not use some of them, but even more so if she used up all she have.

Arnon Parenti

she has the cuisine skill, she is the queen of all cooks, Helena will know her place.


16 more days until June! Then hopefully the schedule returns


The GL's plan from what we know seems to be to keep humanity from destroying itself, building relations with nearby friendly(ish) races and exploring. Anything else is likely whatever pet projects the members of the GL are doing personally. They do seem to have less political influence than we originally believed though. Ilea seems more interested in building humanity up to be strong enough to protect itself so she can go do her own thing without worrying. After she gets her concerns regarding how Eve died out of the way I can see them just ignoring each other. Until Ilea meets a few of the more selfish/cruel ones and she decides to put them down.


Our Iseki exploration/battle rpg is turning into a X4 game!


Would absolutely love it if Helena talks about how the world isn't Ilea's playground and Ilea replies that it's her Gym.


Yeah, if she gets neither 3rd class nor evos on existing classes at 350 the audience meltdowns will be epic. I'd find that really hilarious, tbh. I imagine Ilea throwing a minor fit, then deciding she's been pranked and to prank her little buddy back hard :)

Kale Daley

I personally like the angle of her allying with GL, she has far too much to lose at point to just go in guns blazing. The matter of settling the Eve situation and her insistence on choice will be a sticking point on the way. Can't wait to see how its handled


I expect her to be close to 300 now......LMAO!!!!! Oh I'll enjoy this first encounter I think. Thank you very much for the great chapter, as all of them are great!


Id always thought that the lily would be a loose organization of individuals just based on its structure, I wonder if eve's grudge was with one member not the org.


Hey, why doesn't Ilea go an remove the Baralian nobility now? The previous dubious reasoning that it would only cause chaos is reversed now since the action would only ease and simplify the takeover of other powers as Baralia has essentially lost already. Though the fanatics of Kroll might not be much better and Niphos is mostly an unknown.


I can't wait for the infiltration of the Golden Lily, the gathering of info, the subsequent destruction of their personel and efforts, and the replacement with better things. Really can't wait for this Bitch Helena to be gone though it seems it's setting up for her to be liked by Ilea. . . Unless Ilea takes offense with the concept of poisoned food of course. It would be entirely reasonable and in character for her. Kilt-Guy's cool though. I think Ilea fully understands that there's no true playground in the world. She's just better at solving problems than the arrogant shits in the Golden Lily could ever be. Mostly by being a crazy battlemaniac and having tons of skills, levels, and ability to get things done due to it, but still.

Michael scott

A couple of thoughts after reading again. When the bard speculated that Ilea was close to 300. Helena thought that Ilea could be even stronger then herself. To me that says that Helena is not much over 300. Maybe around 310-320 range. Also apparently the king of Baralia is also over 300.


My guess is, that leaders tend to be the same level as the Necromancer king was

Trenton Robinson

Anyone else spy something that opens the world up more? DWARVEN KINGS TO THE EAST!!! It’s time to build a massive ship, gather the friends, and set sail to meet some living dwarves. Then outdrink, outfight, and befriend them.


I really like when these prideful people, used to being better and controlling everyone first meet Ilyea. No plan ever resists meeting with the enemy. Nothing resists meeting with Ileya. Come one girl. Humble them all!