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Author's note: Hello there. New chapter up and more hopefully on Thursday. Let me know what you think :).

PDF/EPUB: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32241245

Chapter 477 The Way of the Sentinel

“You’re new in town? Here on a quest?” the innkeeper asked, a bald warrior in the low hundreds, a few scars showing that he hadn’t always been in this job.

Or I’m underestimating the dangers of owning an inn, Ilea thought as she took a sip of ale. It tasted good. Nothing to write home about but neither disappointing.

“Sort of. More a personal quest, really,” she said and took a look around the common room.

Adventurers and drunks mostly. Most other folk were working at this early hour.

“Looking for someone? I hope you don’t bring trouble,” the man said, his tone nothing new to her.

“Are you threatening me?” she asked and took another sip.

He blinked once before sighing. “Lady, I wouldn’t even think about threatening a high level healer. I’m just informing you that outsiders looking for trouble in Farport have come to find it.”

“I see,” she said. “I’m looking for Olivia Sarken. Is that considered looking for trouble?”

He glanced around the room and then back to her. “Been a while since I heart that name. Good kid.”

“As to your question. It could be trouble, depending on who you ask,” he added.

“What about you?” Ilea said and finished her drink. Her sphere showed that nobody in potential earshot was in distress. She was pretty sure nobody was even listening.

“Depends on why you’re looking for her. Girl vanished years ago. Stories were told and now she’s just another one of them,” he said.

“One of whom?” Ilea asked.

“People questioning the status quo, people trying to change things,” he said and leaned in, continuing in a whisper. “If you’re here for revenge, I suggest you leave. The girl worked alone, told nobody what she was doing. Her family rejected her and most people thought she was more trouble than anything else.”

Ilea smiled. “And yet you know she worked alone. What she was doing? Did I finally find one of the few friends she was supposed to have?”

The search had been mostly unfruitful so far. The family had been easily found but the innkeeper was right. They rejected her. Talked about the madness taking her, about how it was a good thing that she was gone.

“I care about this town and the people living within. She was just another one. I connected some dots, had certain things looked into,” the man said.

“Interesting,” Ilea said and leaned in. She had a good feeling about this man. Now that he shared a little more, she could tell his heart rate was going up. He was apprehensive, which meant he knew quite a bit about her deary Olivia, the most likely suspect to later become Eve.

“Why are you here?” he asked.

Ilea leaned back again and summoned her Shadow tag into her closed hand, placing it next to her mug.

His eyes went wide when he realized what it was, what it meant.

“There’s a chance that I met her, trained, and fought with her. Before she was killed. I knew her with another name and I’m here to find out if it may not have been Olivia after all,” Ilea said.

The man looked at her, glancing once more at the badge before he nodded. “Meet me upstairs in two hours,” he said and refilled her mug.

Ilea smiled and stored her badge. “Thanks,” she said and took the full mug, continuing to sit at the bar for a while without talking.

Ten minutes later, she moved on to the benches outside, the innkeeper always visible within her sphere. She wouldn’t risk losing her best potential source of information.

Farport had a single dirt road leading through it, houses built on both sides. A few inns, a butcher, a market, and some other stores provided everything the townspeople needed.

Behind the stores were simple wood or stone houses, some unoccupied. The shoddy stone walls overgrown with ivy and surrounded by trees were likely just one reason why people didn’t want to stay in the small town.

The guards were below level sixty, miss matched gear and rather low quality weapons showing the state of their force.

Ilea wondered if it was because of the war. Or because of the demons. Maybe they had lost a lot of people.

She sipped on her ale and watched a few kids run through the street, laughing as a shop keeper tried to catch them.

The atmosphere didn’t remind her of a town ravaged by war and monsters. More of an untouched little village with their own problems and intrigues.

She heard the nearby river, no matter where in the town she was. It flowed into the sea a few kilometers to the east.

The small forest surrounding most of Farport supposedly had spirits living in it that protected the town. She assumed it was the vile smelling herbs she had come across. Might just be an alchemist had planted them a long while ago to make the place unwanted to monsters. If that was the case, the people she had talked to didn’t know about it anymore.

Many of the residents were fishermen and women, spending much of their day out at sea. Other than a few fields, their food came from that source.

Ilea had taken the day off, or however many days it took to find out if Eve really was Olivia. She didn’t exactly know what to do if she knew. She knew the woman had been looking for the Golden Liliy and just as much did she know that she wouldn’t find the order in Farport.

A little over two months had passed since Riverwatch. Stories about her were popping up even in remote places, the bard or bards who wrote the songs had apparently done an excellent job.

The Medic Sentinels were leveling their Classes, figuring out a variety of abilities and combinations as Trian worked hard to provide what they needed.

Claire further stabilized the relationship with Riverwatch, ecstatic about the new wealth and possibilities Ilea’s little intervention had provided.

The war was still raging but every time Ilea heard about it, Baralia was sure to lose. More freed slaves were coming into the Empire or Riverwatch by the day.

She herself had progressed quite nicely too. To the point she had wanted to reach before advancing her level.

A quick scroll through her messages made her smile as she relaxed in the morning sun, having some ale with the local drunkards of Farport.

‘ding’ ‘Azarinth Awakening reaches 3rd lvl 29’
‘ding’ ‘Azarinth Awakening reaches 3rd lvl 30’

‘ding’ ‘Blink reaches 3rd lvl 25’
‘ding’ ‘Blink reaches 3rd lvl 27’

‘ding’ ‘Sentinel Sphere reaches 3rd lvl 20’
‘ding’ ‘Sentinel Sphere reaches 3rd lvl 25’

‘ding’ ‘Sentinel Core reaches 3rd lvl 28’
‘ding’ ‘Sentinel Core reaches 3rd lvl 30’

‘ding’ ‘Azarinth Fighting reaches 3rd lvl 29’
‘ding’ ‘Azarinth Fighting reaches 3rd lvl 30’

‘ding’ ‘Sentinel Huntress reaches 3rd lvl 6’
‘ding’ ‘Sentinel Huntress reaches 3rd lvl 8’

‘ding’ ‘Azarinth Perception reaches 3rd lvl 17’
‘ding’ ‘Azarinth Perception reaches 3rd lvl 23’

‘ding’ ‘Azarinth Reversal reaches 3rd lvl 19’

Ilea was pretty sure level thirty was the maximum for now. Options for the fourth tier hadn’t popped up, nor anything else. Some of her skills hadn’t leveled much, simply due to her not using them a lot.

She was at a point with The Azarinth Sentinel where she felt comfortable going into three fifty. Trying not to get the two levels for much longer may be detrimental to her overall growth.

Mostly, she was just getting bored of the constant repetition. The longer she fought the Specters, the more she thought they were mocking her with their lifeless eyes. She wanted some payback time and that time, was now.

Or well, soon.

Trian and the faculty had an information class for all the students today and a slew of new jobs around Ravenhall and especially Morhill lured a lot of her usual resistance training participants out of town.

What better day than to look into her deceased friend’s past.

She lifted her mug to a mumbling mage a few tables over, not in the best stage of his life, going by the unkempt beard and the dirt on his robes.

He lifted his mug too, with a shaking hand, murmuring about the deep ocean.

One of her new marks had gone to Trian. The other two she kept for her northern friends whom she still hadn’t visited.

Her ashen class didn’t disappoint either, a few skills leveling quite nicely with the challenging Specter training.

‘ding’ ‘Aspect of Ash reaches 3rd lvl 29’
‘ding’ ‘Aspect of Ash reaches 3rd lvl 30’

‘ding’ ‘True Ash Creation reaches 3rd lvl 26’
‘ding’ ‘True Ash Creation reaches 3rd lvl 30’

‘ding’ ‘Heart of Cinder reaches 3rd lvl 18’
‘ding’ ‘Heart of Cinder reaches 3rd lvl 19’

‘ding’ ‘Ash and Ember Unity reaches 3rd lvl 25’
‘ding’ ‘Ash and Ember Unity reaches 3rd lvl 27’

‘ding’ ‘Ashen Wings reaches 3rd lvl 20’
‘ding’ ‘Ashen Wings reaches 3rd lvl 24’

‘ding’ ‘Eyes of Ash reaches 3rd lvl 12’
‘ding’ ‘Eyes of Ash reaches 3rd lvl 17’

‘ding’ ‘Avatar of Ash reaches 3rd lvl 26’
‘ding’ ‘Avatar of Ash reaches 3rd lvl 30’

‘ding’ ‘Keeper of Ash reaches 3rd lvl 25’
‘ding’ ‘Keeper of Ash reaches 3rd lvl 27’

Many of her ashen skills were quite useful in her resistance training and afternoon lectures. The real winner of course were her general skills.

‘ding’ ‘You have learned the General Skill: Dancing – lvl 1’

Dancing – lvl 1
The ability to move your body to music and to coordinate your movements with those around you or a partner. It’s really a surprise this took you so long, considering your dexterous body.

‘ding’ ‘Dancing reaches lvl 2’
‘ding’ ‘Dancing reaches lvl 3’

‘ding’ ‘Deviant of Humanity reaches lvl 8’

‘ding’ ‘You have learned the General Skill: Gourmet – lvl 1’

Gourmet – lvl 1
You have consumed only high class cuisine for at least two weeks. You spare no expense, learning about dishes and the intricate combinations of taste through extravagant experiences.

‘ding’ ‘Gourmet reaches lvl 2’

‘ding’ ‘Harmony of the Drowned reaches lvl 8’

‘ding’ ‘Heavy Archery reaches lvl 9’
‘ding’ ‘Heavy Archery reaches lvl 11’

‘ding’ ‘Identify reaches lvl 13’

‘ding’ ‘Meditation reaches 3rd lvl 5’
‘ding’ ‘Meditation reaches 3rd lvl 7’

‘ding’ ‘Monster Hunter reaches 2nd lvl 10’
‘ding’ ‘Monster Hunter reaches 2nd lvl 20’

‘ding’ ‘Oxygen Repository reaches lvl 9’
‘ding’ ‘Oxygen Repository reaches lvl 14’

‘ding’ ‘Sage of Torment reaches lvl 7’
‘ding’ ‘Sage of Torment reaches lvl 18’

‘ding’ ‘Soul Perception reaches lvl 2’

‘ding’ ‘You have learned the General Skill: Teaching – lvl 1’

Teaching – lvl 1
Through time and effort did you share knowledge and experiences with those considered your students. You will find it easier to explain concepts as this skill reaches higher levels.

‘ding’ ‘Teaching reaches lvl 2’
‘ding’ ‘Teaching reaches lvl 3’

‘ding’ ‘Veteran reaches 3rd lvl 3’
‘ding’ ‘Veteran reaches 3rd lvl 4’

‘ding’ ‘You have learned the General Skill: Warhammer Mastery – lvl 1’

Warhammer Mastery – lvl 1
You have learned to use the Warhammer to an adequate capacity. This skill will let you handle the heavy weapon a little more easily. Your swings will move with just a little more weight and your balance will improve significantly.

‘ding’ ‘Warhammer Mastery reaches lvl 2’
‘ding’ ‘Warhammer Mastery reaches lvl 5’

Ilea found most of the new skills bringing small improvements at best. The line between simply being more experienced and having a skill that should provide knowledge as well was marginal.

She assumed most were just rewarded as a sign of her efforts.

The main change came with Monster Hunter, and her ability to bring it to the third tier.

- Monster Hunter

You have used this skill not only to stall an entire army of humans but to challenge beings far above your own power. True to the name, you have killed beings twice your level and have survived battles against even stronger creatures.

The point was easily spent.

‘ding’ ‘Monster Hunter reaches 3rd lvl 1’

Monster Hunter – 3rd lvl 1
Many times have you faced creatures well beyond your level. You revel in it, seek them out and you prevail. Your presence demands respect. Growl to show your prowess. Effects vary depending on those affected as well as their levels in relation to yours.
2nd stage: You become better at communicating your intent. Infuse your voice with up to 100 mana to increase its range and effect on those that hear it. Fully infused, you may lure even powerful creatures towards your location, depending on your intent.
3rd stage: You may communicate even more intricate messages to monsters of all kinds. Infusing your voice allows you to imitate the calls of generally lower leveled monsters you have previously heard.

The change was quite welcome. Ilea could now tell creatures to fuck off, cower in fear, come and fight, or simply to chill out. The last option was the most fun, some creatures actually becoming quite friendly. A mix between fear and acceptance.

The imitation worked with monsters of a generally lower level, meaning she couldn’t imitate the Trakorov or a Lightning Elemental. She could however do the call of a Drake or any other monster below level three hundred.

So far there were few opportunities to apply this, other than scaring her students with monster shouts in the training halls.

She refrained from doing that too often, as it would make them less sensitive to the sounds of potentially invading creatures. Their high Veteran level at least meant that she couldn’t paralyze them.

‘ding’ ‘Arcane Magic Resistance reaches 3rd lvl 15’
‘ding’ ‘Arcane Magic Resistance reaches 3rd lvl 16’

‘ding’ ‘Blight Resistance reaches lvl 11’
‘ding’ ‘Blight Resistance reaches lvl 20’

‘ding’ ‘Blight Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 1’

Blight Resistance – 2nd lvl 1
A rare phenomenon often caused by ancient curse magic colliding with naturally poisonous, unclean or corrupting environments. When wielded by a mage it can turn into a dangerous weapon.
You have survived blight exposure for prolonged periods of time. Weak spells or natural blight will not be able to penetrate past your skin anymore.

‘ding’ ‘Blood Magic Resistance reaches 3rd lvl 2’
‘ding’ ‘Blood Magic Resistance reaches 3rd lvl 8’

‘ding’ ‘Bone Magic Resistance reaches lvl 17’
‘ding’ ‘Bone Magic Resistance reaches lvl 20’

‘ding’ ‘Bone Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 1’

Bone Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 1
The ability to shift, grow and use ones own body to gain an advantage in battle is as old as magic itself. A skill which many humans had mastered in a time before language. Now most of that knowledge is gone and few remain to practice these arts. You have faced it in battle and survived. Of course you did. Sigh.
2nd stage: You seem to really love bone magic. Due to the prolonged exposure and your increasing understanding of its structure, your own skeleton becomes more robust. Both bone magic attacks and anything else trying to break or injure your bones will have a harder time inflicting significant damage.

‘ding’ ‘Bone Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 2’
‘ding’ ‘Bone Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 5’

‘ding’ ‘Crystal Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 9’
‘ding’ ‘Crystal Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 14’

‘ding’ ‘Dark Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 3’
‘ding’ ‘Dark Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 6’

‘ding’ ‘Diamond Magic Resistance reaches lvl 14’
‘ding’ ‘Diamond Magic Resistance reaches lvl 20’

‘ding’ ‘Diamond Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 1’

Diamond Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 1
A considerably hard substance, capable of channeling powerful mana if the user understands its properties. Rarely seen due to the required gems and necessary fundamental understanding and connection to its composition.
2nd stage: Through long term exposure and thousands of injuries, your skin has adapted some of the diamond’s properties, its durability increased.

‘ding’ ‘Diamond Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 2’
‘ding’ ‘Diamond Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 3’

‘ding’ ‘Divination Magic Resistance reaches lvl 4’
‘ding’ ‘Divination Magic Resistance reaches lvl 5’

‘ding’ ‘Dust Magic Resistance reaches lvl 2’
‘ding’ ‘Dust Magic Resistance reaches lvl 6’

‘ding’ ‘Earth Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 12’
‘ding’ ‘Earth Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 20’

‘ding’ ‘Emerald Magic Resistance reaches lvl 10’
‘ding’ ‘Emerald Magic Resistance reaches lvl 20’

‘ding’ ‘Emerald Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 1’

Emerald Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 1
Vine magic is a magic school closely associated with water and earth, often used to entrap creatures where trees and vegetation is naturally abundant. Emeralds have the ability to create vines from magic. Acute control and high understanding is necessary to achieve a usable result.
2nd stage: You have been entrapped so many times that you find it easier than before to escape. Quick movements of your arms and hands, a twist of your torso, or a sudden jerk of your legs may be all you need to escape being bound.

‘ding’ ‘Flesh Magic Resistance reaches lvl 7’
‘ding’ ‘Flesh Magic Resistance reaches lvl 8’

‘ding’ ‘Heat Resistance reaches 3rd lvl 7’

‘ding’ ‘Lightning Resistance reaches 3rd lvl 4’

‘ding’ ‘Mist Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 16’
‘ding’ ‘Mist Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 20’

‘ding’ ‘Rot Resistance reaches lvl 10’
‘ding’ ‘Rot Resistance reaches lvl 20’

‘ding’ ‘Rot Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 1’

Rot Resistance – 2nd lvl 1
With your regeneration and healing, it was unlikely that such a resistance would ever manifest. However you have found a powerful source of unnatural rot. Perhaps fueled by a curse or magic. Congratulations on yet another painful and horrific experience.
2nd stage: Your body has endured more than most, solely thanks to your magical regeneration. Time and exposure have made your body more resilient to infection, damaging bacteria, and fungal growth.

‘ding’ ‘Ruby Magic Resistance reaches lvl 7’
‘ding’ ‘Ruby Magic Resistance reaches lvl 14’

‘ding’ ‘Sapphire Magic Resistance reaches lvl 10’
‘ding’ ‘Sapphire Magic Resistance reaches lvl 13’

‘ding’ ‘Smoke Magic Resistance reaches lvl 13’
‘ding’ ‘Smoke Magic Resistance reaches lvl 20’

‘ding’ ‘Smoke Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 1’

Smoke Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 1
Usually the result of fire magic, this school focused on smoke itself. Wielded by a master, it can be just as deadly and destructive, if not more so. Knowing you, you probably just set fire inside a closed off cave and enjoyed the choking sensation. Slut.
2nd stage: The effects of breathing in smoke have become irrelevant to you. Only its magical power remains. You should still look for air. It’s good for you.

‘ding’ ‘Smoke Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 2’
‘ding’ ‘Smoke Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 3’

‘ding’ ‘Sound Magic Resistance reaches lvl 14’
‘ding’ ‘Sound Magic Resistance reaches lvl 18’

‘ding’ ‘Topaz Magic Resistance reaches lvl 13’
‘ding’ ‘Topaz Magic Resistance reaches lvl 18’

‘ding’ ‘Vine Magic Resistance reaches lvl 6’
‘ding’ ‘Vine Magic Resistance reaches lvl 14’

‘ding’ ‘Void Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 17’
‘ding’ ‘Void Magic Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 20’

The last defensive skill Ilea was going for was unlocked one week prior to her drink in Farport.

- Void Magic Resistance

You have faced the concentrated attacks of an Ascended, a master of the void itself, and lived to tell the tale. Be it a whim of your enemy, a chance left for you to escape, sheer luck, or pure tenacity, here you stand, defiant.

‘ding’ ‘Void Magic Resistance reaches 3rd lvl 1’

Void Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 1
The mystical magic usually used to enchant high level items applied as a form of combat magic. It’s as deadly as it is silent. How exactly you survived is unclear, perhaps the caster willed it so. Next time it might work against a true enemy as well.
2nd stage: You have resisted the true magic of the Void, your body and will showing unrelenting grit. More than a simple spell will be required to invade your body with the void. Your very existence and all of its parts are connected to you through the threads of magic.
3rd stage: Your body is bound to the space around it. The void cannot take what it does not own, nor move what cannot be moved. The effects of Void Magic are reduced. Its damage remains but you can no longer be ripped out of space itself, nor be moved against your will by the magic of void.

‘ding’ ‘Void Magic Resistance reaches 3rd lvl 2’

‘ding’ ‘Water Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 11’
‘ding’ ‘Water Resistance reaches 2nd lvl 20’

‘ding’ ‘You have unlocked one Third tier General Skill point’
‘ding’ ‘You have unlocked one Third tier General Skill point’
‘ding’ ‘You have unlocked one Third tier General Skill point’

Name: Ilea Spears

Unspent statpoints: 0
Unspent 3rd tier skill points [The Azarinth Sentinel]: 0
Unspent 3rd tier skill points [Kin of Ash]: 0
Unspent 3rd tier General skill points [1713 Total skill levels]: 5

Class 1: The Azarinth Sentinel – lvl 348

- Active: Absolute Destruction – 3rd lvl 23
- Active: Sentinel Reconstruction – 3rd lvl 30
- Active: Azarinth Awakening – 3rd lvl 30
- Active: Blink – 3rd lvl 27
- Active: Sentinel Sphere – 3rd lvl 25
- Passive: Sentinel Core – 3rd lvl 30
- Passive: Azarinth Fighting – 3rd lvl 30
- Passive: Sentinel Huntress – 3rd lvl 8
- Passive: Azarinth Perception – 3rd lvl 23
- Passive: Azarinth Reversal – 3rd lvl 19

Class 2: Kin of Ash – lvl 348

- Active: Armor of Ash – 3rd lvl 30
- Active: Aspect of Ash – 3rd lvl 30
- Active: True Ash Creation – 3rd lvl 30
- Active: Heart of Cinder – 3rd lvl 19
- Active: Storm of Cinders – 3rd lvl 17
- Passive: Ash and Ember Unity – 3rd lvl 27
- Passive: Ashen Wings – 3rd lvl 24
- Passive: Eyes of Ash – 3rd lvl 17
- Passive: Avatar of Ash – 3rd lvl 30
- Passive: Keeper of Ash – 3rd lvl 27

General Skills:

- Dancing – lvl 3
- Deviant of Humanity – lvl 8
- Elos Standard language - lvl 6
- English Language – lvl 15
- Gourmet – lvl 2
- Harmony of the Drowned – lvl 8
- Heavy Archery – lvl 11
- Identify - lvl 13
- Meditation – 3rd lvl 7
- Monster Hunter – 3rd lvl 1
- Oxygen Repository – lvl 14
- Sage of Torment – lvl 18
- Soul Perception – lvl 2
- Teaching – lvl 3
- Veteran – 3rd lvl 4
- Warhammer Mastery – lvl 5

- Arcane Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 16
- Ash Magic Resistance – lvl 1
- Astral Magic Resistance – lvl 1
- Blast Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Blight Resistance – 2nd lvl 1
- Blood Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 8
- Blood Manipulation Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Bone Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 5
- Corrosion Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Crystal Resistance – 2nd lvl 14
- Curse Resistance - 2nd lvl 20
- Dark Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 6
- Death Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 8
- Diamond Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 3
- Divination Magic Resistance – lvl 5
- Dust Magic Resistance – lvl 6
- Earth Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Emerald Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 1
- Fear Resistance – lvl 10
- Flesh Magic Resistance – lvl 8
- Gravity Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Health Drain Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Heat Resistance – 3rd lvl 7
- Ice Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Lava Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Light Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Lightning Resistance – 3rd lvl 4
- Mana Drain Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Mental Resistance – 3rd lvl 5
- Mist Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Obsidian Magic Resistance – lvl 3
- Pain Tolerance – 3rd lvl 3
- Poison Resistance – 3rd lvl 2
- Rot Resistance – 2nd lvl 5
- Ruby Magic Resistance – lvl 14
- Sand Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Sapphire Magic Resistance – lvl 13
- Silver Magic Resistance – lvl 1
- Smoke Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 3
- Soul Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 3
- Sound Magic Resistance – lvl 18
- Space Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 2
- Stamina Drain Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Time Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Topaz Magic Resistance – lvl 18
- Vine Magic Resistance – lvl 14
- Void Magic Resistance – 3rd lvl 2
- Water Resistance – 2nd lvl 20
- Wind Resistance – 3rd lvl 2
- Wood Magic Resistance – 2nd lvl 1


Vitality: 816
Endurance: 405
Strength: 515
Dexterity: 425
Intelligence: 765
Wisdom: 910

Health: 8160/8160
Stamina: 4000/4000
Mana: 18182/18200


Han Pol

Yay long list of class skills feels like we get close to the next class. now

Sebastian Prue

Favorite part of my day. Love to see her growth and I'm so excited to finally get some closure for Eve, (Olivia??) Soon. As well as her new class



Michael scott

Thanks for the chapter


Came so early my gf left me :(


Can’t wart for the next chapter 😍

Sean Ulrich

Holy info-dump Batman! Just curious, how long does it take to come up with the skill descriptions?

Michael C

You mixed up Emerald and Vine resistance descriptions. Other than that good job. The smoke resistance calling her a slut deserves a snarky respinse by Ilea....

Jonathan Walker

Bruh she is an absolute monster I can't wait to see her new class, please stop dragging it on now


Man, that's a fucking long list of skills, can hope to be even longer!


Thank you for the chapter.


Those resistances upping her skin and bone to be more resilient, fack, she is going for indestructible body!


So for resistances thats 50 total, with 27 in 2nd tier of which 16 are at 2nd lvl 20, and 10 in the 3rd tier.


We can't look at her training as dragging something, since the fae said it was better for her to train more skills and get more achievements, but since now she did get quite a few new general skills and created not only an organisation, but newer classes, she probably will get an amazing class!

Michael scott

She is definitely ready for her 3rd class. Months of training, I bet it's straining.


Since it's exactly 50, probably her new class will be a mix of body enchantment class with something else related to the sentinels, probably sentinel guardian/elder, since she not only made a organisation, but is the reason for new classes to appear


Thank you for the chapter! It's nice to see the status update after all the work she's been putting into it.


Thank for the chapter

Han Pol

Couldn't she get 5 skills still to 3rd rank. I think she qualified for blood manipulation sand magic and lava magic, light, and I think corrosion or curse?. and with sage of torment close to the 2rd level she could wait that one out as well. before she levels.


Wow, it's been a while since we've seen her whole status listed out like that. And exactly 50 resistances too, I sense a 3rd class incoming!!!

Dominic French

All of this skill leveling adds up I'm guessing, the second tier resistances make her ash both denser and stronger which I'm guessing is multiplier on how much damage her ash can take. In addition all of the other skill increases consolidate and focus her power. If these increases in stats could be reflected in her next combat with the specters that would make it seem more real to the readers.


What's the difference between Emerald magic resistence and Vine magic resistance? Because it seems the description of 2nd stage of emerald magic resistance is more appropriate to vine than emerald. I get it that emerald creates vine, but what are you gonna do when vine reaches 2nd? Cuz the best description is already taken :)


Thx but i have to say that a pdf on the end of the chapter would have been better ib my opinion. Feels like staling.


Damn. Another 4 different resistances that provide some sort of increased defense/studyness/resilience to her body. Need a master list of some sort.


Damn, it was so good to finally get her status update. She should have gotten some Ash resist from the Sentinels that got an Ashen class imo.

Some Total Kretin

You've built a nice suspense G. You can stop building it now. No! We don't think it will be better with a tower on top! Put down the trowel before you're smacked with it! (Originally by Yahtzee Croshaw on alien:isolation)

Darcy Lessard-Patola

Should her stamina be 4050 since her endurance is 405?


pretty sure there is one somewhere. Maybe check the discord or wiki?

Hayden Pech

Was hoping for more meat, but the update on her status was nice. Thanks for the chapter!


I noticed that she has 405 endurance but only 4000 stamina is that a typo or am I confused


Heh what a Status bukkake :D

Some Total Kretin

Unless the status came from multiple sources I'd say it's a large load more then anything else.

Arnon Parenti

stamina and mana drain resistance should be popped to 3rd as well as time magic resistance.


No levels for absolute destruction? Would have thought the spectres of rot would have helped a bit, no?

Some Total Kretin

I think she has better candidates in mind to upgrade and that's why she keeps the points. I have to admit that curse resistance sounds nice tho.


"Been a while since I heart (heard) that name."

Robert Mullins

She was trying to avoid killing them so she probably didn't push the skill as far as would be required to level it.

Alexander Dupree

In the skill description of blight resistance you forgot the 2nd lvl1 label.


Now it would(n't) be cool to not get a 3rd class at 350



Some Total Kretin

Wouldn't it be nice if we were older Then we wouldn't have to wait so long? And wouldn't it be nice to live together In the kind of world where we belong? ...😆


I think time,gravity staminadrain and would be good candidates. Staminadrain: -Most likely resource to run out. -Its worth to know what drain resistances do. - Maybe more stamina -Maybe minor Stamina drain. Drains would go very well with her fighting style -If its realy good she can get the other two Time: - time is scary cc. Ilea likes to draw out fights and heal. Can't utilise her potential health when lockdowned and burst - Also smart and fast targets are hard for her since she has realy low dex for a 350 melee. - maybe time asseleration? Gravity: -getting ccd is bad news - Katelyn needs more cakes and there is possibly an ascended with unknown means nearby Time from the dog genocide, Gravity from the ascended. Drains from her friend who probably hates stand by noch, because it is dry and gets everywhere

David Zimmerle

Honestly don't see that Fear Resistance skill leveling anytime soon considering how high her Veteran skill has gotten. She's basically at the point where she'd need multiple basilisks to be in her face to maybe level it.


I think the Vine and Emerald resistances are related, so the skill description is correct. This is Vine Resistance's text: Vine Magic Resistance – lvl 14 The versatility and abundance of vines have caused many hunters to specialize in its use. Often coupled with venom, this at first glance less dangerous magic becomes the last thing many a creature experiences. You have avoided that fate. For now.


All these skills in the 3rd tier would be awesome, but she has to face real hardship to get them to that point. The only one she can get a qualification for quickly would probably be water, if she just went really deep in the ocean and fought monsters there, but the others are pure happenstance, she just has to hope to one day meet really strong creatures of those elements.


Eh, Fear Resistance only levels up from overcoming natural fear, so she just has to dive deep into the ocean for a nice long while and fight some ginormous squids or something. She'd get levels in Oxigen Repository and Harmony of the Drowned as well, so I don't really know why she hasn't done that yet. Maybe after she gets her 3rd class we'll get to see it.

Peter Christensen-Calvin

I hope she gets all her skills to max before leveling. It's be such a waste when she's so close!


I don't know if it exists already, if it does I apologize for my ignorance, but it would be nice to have a document that listed all the skills that Ilea has, with their descriptions and level.

Robert Mullins

There's a link to one on the discord if you join and link your patreon account.


Some of her skills, like her attack skills, will never max out before leveling, because they involve killing things.


Her being able to talk to creatures it interesting. Could she possibly get some kind of tamer skill since now she can literally talk to the monsters?


Scrolled all the way down for this. It's harrowing.


How is Gourmet not in the second, if not third tier?

Grond (James)

Because it's a new skill he thought up. So he made it where she had to eat gourmet meals for every meal for two weeks straight


mm did not the tier 3 skill can get more than lv30? forgot or mistake on my part maybe but i vagely remenber the fox in the north saying she have her principal skill tier 3 more than lv30 (it was at the moment when the blood curse situation was solved if i remenber good), and diamond resistance op more robust bone she need to get atleast all the resistance (gemmes, rubis topaze etc tier 2) kinda low lv when she go train this 4-5 res vs multiple golem multiple time, and logically its pretty much better to max all she can before going 350 for maybe better class evolution (she have all the time she want 1000 years old) so its kinda stupid to force this before getting all she can before (with her speed in 6 month 1 years she can get all her res max with her op skill for training res and surely more and maybe all her skill class max too) class evolution its finite its pretty bad and stupid if you cant controle themselve a little and getting all max you can before going to get the juicy thing its cripple your future to rush when no need rush (yeah its suck for the story and getting a little boring if she do that but in IRL situation of course she do the max lv try she not stupid and its risk life to fuck up the class evolution for the future situation for some impatience, multiple little time skipe maybe author ?) (author need to thing of something on the mechanic of the world for explaining this situation if she go now for lv 350 without maxing all, if not its a little of plothole logic in the story for me with what we understand of the world mechanic at this point :))))

Tim Deral

Idk about u guys, But i am smelling a class Evolution

Some Total Kretin

Nah. Class evolution will come later at higher levels. It was said that you can get evolution at level 350, but for weaker classes, not high requirement ones like Ilea's. 350 is third class territory for Ilea.

Kevin Mendoza

I wonder what oxygen repository would look like maxed. Would she be like Superman able to survive in the cold vacuum of space?. I think in the bottom stats we should see the % bonus or full amount of the skill that improves every time she improves her resistances beyond a certain threshold. I’m sure the author has the math down. It would give us a slightly better view of her hardiness and let us enjoy watching it’s improvements from chapter to chapter.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Thanks for the chapter! It's so satisfying to see Ilea's growth.


2nd tier: immunity. 3rd tier: you are able to photosynthesize


Powerlevelling Gourmet... nonchalantly eating during high speed combat while making anime food reactions


Definitely light, it's up there with lightning with impossible to avoid speed, seems common and is probably a base element like heat


That m8 I need to agree with you, since illea is at the top percentile of the humans levels she don't need to get to 350 quickly, but, I can see the desire to achieve it! And illea is not someone to have much patience for that kind of thing, if not she could try and train every skill possible before reaching 350.


1713 total General Skill levels / 66 General Skills = 25.95 average level. Not too shabby.


If i made a D&D monster boss with half her skills the party would attempt my end by all means necessary


Status updates are nice, we get to see where she is, but without context of how strong she's from the previous update it's taking away something from the update chapter

The 49th Khan

Wow, ok. So her body gets a static 10% increase in resilience for the new 2nd tiers (5% increase from the first tier, 30% overall), her bones just got sturdier from bone magic resistance, her skin got sturdier from diamond magic resistance, and her ash gets 5% (static) denser for each new 2nd tier (30% for six resistances). Damn, including all the class skill levels she got even more unkillable. Oh, and her stamina should be 4050 with 405 endurance.

Rip Woodham

Looking forward to seeing where this goes! Maybe Eve faked her death! And glad to have that info dump. I too think there is a reasonable chance for evolutions to happen at 350. It's annoying to me how most dismiss it out of hand because "the Fae said." The Fae is not all knowing. It does not know what her classes are, only what it sees. This is chapter 477. The last evolutions we got were at 300. Well over *half again* the length of the story since. Ilea has done a tremendous amount since to completely overshadow anything prior. I noticed this chapter that she has 4 skills in each class maxed and another in each close. Last evolutions she had required 4 or 5 maxed specifically. And these are all oriented toward her goal of becoming indestructible, alongside the insane resistances she has accrued.


I realize she's getting bored, but a few of her fave skills (blink, flight) are not maxed, and that might cause her to miss some class options/evo options she'd love. And, as noted above, some of her unlocks were tied to having more things maxed. Maybe she figures she'll get her 3rd class but no evo...in which case it's a lesser concern perhaps. One good boss fight might keep her amused and provide the missing skill growth, or more offscreen grind, but I can't fault her if she just plows ahead at this point. And yes, the Fae isn't omniscient, merely a far better data pt than the usual gossip, rumors, and vague legends that passes for info on Elos.


Nah Eve is absolutely dead. That guy found her while she was still recovering from killing his old party team mate and killed her. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. In story SuperFae already said she'll probably evolve around lvl500. Her classes are too strong. Ilea has also said something to the effect that she 'feels' she won't evolve any time soon either. Yeah the Superfae isn't all knowing, but he doesn't have to be in order to have a pretty good idea what is required for Ilea's skills to evolve again. And you can't really go predicting evolutions by story length either man. Her levelling has slowed dramatically for instance so it makes sense that more would be written now too short of doing stuff like huge time skips. Yeah everyone has their own WAG about what her 3rd class will be. Can't really say for sure at all what it'd be at this point.


in regard of all the story i realize we have a somewhat "problem" with the base structure of the world mechanic for class, we know we have a ton of class and some people switching them (like exemple the sentinel switching class) but we never see the pletoria of class option she surely "unlock" in the earlie story (swicthing class no evolution) and like evolution every 50 lv or when we can "swap skill", something is not right with the mechanic of the class, switch, evolution, option, etc (mm maybe some "skill evolution" with enoff achievement or grown of the "soul" for get some flexibility with this world mechanic) sry im really bad with english i cant get the right world for explain something feel not right something is missing with how the base of the system world mechanic work, author have done a ton and a amazing work on this but well that the problem/trap for author i guess when you create little by little the world mechanic with the story advence you something miss a little and well you cant really correct it after because its fuck up to much of the story you already writed, guess its what web novel and light novel exist :))))))


no problem mate. Just add some . and some capital letters in it after the . and things become easier to understand. Had to add these in mentally to understand what you were trying to say. Not saying this to hate, its meant constructive


Pretty much anything that can be used to lock her down and take away her mobility or her escapes should get T3'd ASAP really. Problem is that unlocking all that requires some serious brutalizing to make happen even for someone like Ilea.