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Despite promising Mistress Raven you would attend her Christmas party, an urgent investigation in the forest demands your immediate attention. Still, you rush to the Midnight Ice Cream bar after your work is done, hoping there might still be delicious food left. You are starving! 

By the time you arrive at the party it has already ended, and the last guests are about to leave. Mistress Raven is distressed and worried about you, though she hides it well. After she has ascertained that you are OK and in one piece, she offers you food (but not before you ask her for a stiff drink)!

Afterwards, you help her clean up, then she fixes you a hot beverage and takes you to her cosily-decorated balcony upstairs. To your surprise, she lives on the second floor, above the bar. You watch the sunrise together, and she expresses an interest in creating a deeper connection with you…




Loving the continuation of this series! 🍨🍷


Another best audio I will be listening too :)

Phil's Enjoyment

Next thing I know, our half-gargoyle buddy is gonna be showing up at Raven's place, injured (with maybe a busted arm that shattered in stone form) and tailed by some hooligans who realize where they've wound up and turn tail out of fear of our lovely vampire lol