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🎁Poll 2 of 2: For Patreon Exclusive Audio [2023 Runner-Ups, Part 2]

  • [F] Verna the Chibi Lamia Celebrates Her Adoption Day (You Adopted Her) 11
  • [G] Cotton Girl, the Ultrasoft Superheroine x Co-worker Listener 13
  • [H] Forest Nymph Wife Celebrates Your First Wedding Anniversary 10
  • [J] Star Kitsune x Listener (Secret Love) 8
  • [K] Wealthy, Motherly Spider-Woman, Mademoiselle Amandine 15
  • 2023-12-19
  • —2023-12-27
  • 78 votes
{'title': '🎁Poll 2 of 2: For Patreon Exclusive Audio [2023 Runner-Ups, Part 2]', 'choices': [{'text': '[F] Verna the Chibi Lamia Celebrates Her Adoption Day (You Adopted Her)', 'votes': 11}, {'text': '[G] Cotton Girl, the Ultrasoft Superheroine x Co-worker Listener ', 'votes': 13}, {'text': '[H] Forest Nymph Wife Celebrates Your First Wedding Anniversary', 'votes': 10}, {'text': '[I] WORKING FOR A (NOT SO?) EVIL OVERLORD, CADENZA THE THIRD', 'votes': 21}, {'text': '[J] Star Kitsune x Listener (Secret Love)', 'votes': 8}, {'text': '[K] Wealthy, Motherly Spider-Woman, Mademoiselle Amandine', 'votes': 15}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 27, 2, 0, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 19, 11, 7, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 78}


Greetings, beautiful souls!

Following this page's "December tradition," we will have two, shorter Patreon-exclusives this month instead of one long one.

The poll options will include all runner-ups from the 2023 polls (January to November). This is to give the topics you loved another chance at being made into an audio~đŸŽ”

This is poll 2 of 2.

Multi-vote is enabled (note: the poll bug is still there for those on Android. You will need to close, then re-open the app, to cast additional votes).

Sending you all (the most powerful patrons in the patronverse) loads of love 🎄💗💕. Thank you for supporting me in making these audios and stories 💌

[F] Verna the Chibi Lamia Celebrates Her Adoption Day (You Adopted Her)
Verna is a chibi lamia who lives in a big people world. She was sleeping in a giant lamp you purchased from an antique store. You were excited, thinking you had bought a genie, but it was not a genie at all. It was a chibi lamia who couldn’t grant wishes. For some reason this was also exciting, and you decided to adopt her after finding out that she had no family.

A year passes. You and Verna have a very busy day, as it is both her adoption anniversary and the day when it is your town’s turn to offer sacrifices to the fat viper god. You have a disagreement about whether or not you should just poison the viper god to get rid of him, and she complains about how you are too kind hearted. You make it up to her by giving her a gift – a pet snake that looks almost exactly like her!

[G] Cotton Girl, the Ultrasoft Superheroine x Co-worker Listener
Cotton Girl is an ultrasoft superheroine who is able to soften her body or anything she touches to different degrees of softness for a period of time. She works a regular job to hide her identity, and because superheroics don’t pay the bills. One day, there is an accident in the storage room. Cotton Girl saves you from being crushed by a mountain of falling boxes. She pleads with you to keep her secret, but also expresses relief at being able to share it. She then remarks that now the cat’s out of the bag, she can help you with those very tense shoulders

[H] Forest Nymph Wife Celebrates Your First Wedding Anniversary
You have been married to the forest nymph Hazel for exactly a year. However, for the most part, it has been a long-distance relationship as you were away fighting a war, defending the lands of purity from an army of blights.

The war has finally ended, with your side being victorious, and now you have returned to you and your wife’s home – just in time for your first wedding anniversary! The home is a large, enchanted grove with a river running through it. She has prepared you a fresh meal, and plenty of surprises. After you finish dining, you jump in the river to bathe together and renew your vows!

You are a famous and well-travelled adventurer, and today is not your lucky day. You have been captured(!!) and brought to the throne room of Cadenza the Third. Both she and her late father have quite the reputation – rumours of assassinations, abductions, and torture abound. Given your worldly experience, the “evil” Cadenza wants to recruit you as her adviser, and tries to threaten you into doing the job. However, her façade breaks when the heel of her shoe accidentally snaps
 that’s when you discover that she is, in fact, just a huge softy who needs to uphold an evil reputation

[J] Star Kitsune x Listener (Secret Love)
You met the star kitsune when she landed her crystal ship on your planet. However, it wasn’t long before the villain Krystaus attacked the planet to take its resources. The kitsune was able to get you and a few of your friends off the planet before it was destroyed. Later on, while battling Krystaus, the kitsune died while protecting you.

You were able to eventually defeat Krystaus and bring the star kitsune back to life. This was when you finally put your hidden feelings for each other out in the open.

Years later, your group has created a community of your own on a backwater world. The star kitsune softly hums a tune as she cradles a baby in her arms
you sneak up behind her, prepared to give her a kiss

[K] Wealthy, Motherly Spider-Woman, Mademoiselle Amandine
Amandine is from a family of famous Arachne tailors. When you enter her mansion, the first thing she does is treat you to a proper meal. After eating, Amandine gives you a bath. She scrubs you clean, and once you’re dry, she takes your measurements so she can tailor you an outfit. When this is all done, she takes you to your new bedroom. She then comforts you, wraps you in a cocoon, and rocks you to sleep while whispering positive affirmations in your ear.



Is it just me, or can we not vote for more than one anymore?

Arexus Galia

Oh wow, another neck and neck competition! This time between the spooder lady Amandine, and the (not so) Evil Cadenza. Which of these two will bet the oppurtunity at a second shot?!

Arexus Galia

Update: Oh boy! Cadenza is now leading by a huge margin. Will she be able to keep this up, or will other characters somehow gain a last minute increase in popularity and votes?!


Idea of Chibi lamia celebrating adoption is a recipe to get instant diabetes ,how cute does that sounds;)