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A Prince's Welcome to the Kingdom of Lamias

The story takes place in the Lamia Kingdom’s most renowned hot spring baths.

You are a human prince, sent to the Lamia Kingdom to improve permanent diplomatic relations.

Nephia is a lamia from the Court of Foreign Relations, and she has been assigned to you. It is her job to welcome you and make your stay as comfy as possible.

You both have a nice time soaking in the hot springs, getting to know each other while sharing tidbits of information about your respective cultures.

She then offers to give you a traditional lamian massage. This involves wrapping her body around you while she uses her muscles to give you a full body massage. She wants to replace the image of lamias constricting and eating humans with something more pleasant, and less morbid!

After a bit of hesitation, you agree to trust her, and she gives you the best massage you’ve ever had. She even manages to correct your slightly crooked back. You enjoy it so much that you promise to write home and recommend setting up lamia-run massage parlours back in the human kingdom.

It all ends with you dozing off in the water, content and relaxed.


Dear Patron who submitted this, feel free to reveal yourself in all your splendour and glory ;3 (message me or post below)


Arexus Galia

What?! It won! My rushed, two hour idea inspired by Temuera Morrison's Polynesian spa ad won?! Edit: The vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21HKBw449bE

Arexus Galia

Welp, that's added to my list of locations I'd want to visit if I ever get to go to NZ.