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💝Hello everybody!💝 

Here are the poll options for the topic "Life After Life." 

Thank you for cooking up such marrrvelous stories!

You can vote for more than one idea. 

[A] Djinn Sultana x Listener

Your spirit ‘comes to’ in the middle of a colourful and cosy caravansary. Standing over you is Bajeela, a soft-spoken and kind former djinn sultana. You tell her about how you were were cursed by a devious efreeti and now your soul is bound to Varunastra, a legendary shape-shifting weapon which is now in her possession. As you converse, you find out that her kingdoms were destroyed by the very same beings that cursed you. She is nervous about being on the road (with dangers looming) and you embrace her with your spirit to calm her down for the night.

Sounds: Wind, sand, cultural music, jewellery, soft fabrics.

[B] Kitsune Goddess x Catboy Knight

You die in a battle while protecting one of your allies. Your soul is retrieved by a kitsune goddess who explains that unfortunately, that was the last of your nine lives, but fortunately, it isn’t the end of the road. She shows you the lives you have lived (and even different reincarnations), then brings you to the afterlife, a paradise for catboy knights just like you.

[C] Supernatural Hunter x Lost Soul Trainee

You give up your life to stop a serial murderer from claiming the life of a child. Now your spirit finds itself floating around in an endless fog…suddenly a zombie crawls out of the ground and comes for you. You think this is it, when gunshots stop the zombie and a woman appears. She is dressed in garb that’s almost military in nature, and wields a fancy revolver branded with symbols. She invites you to join her agency. You will never live again, but you will walk among the living and protect them until the end of time.

[D] Dullahan x Listener: The Final Test

Your soul wakes up in a vast plain, with tall grass and white flowers surrounding you. A few steps away from you is a dullahan sporting two swords at her hip. She says she is the guardian of the underworld, and challenges you to a duel. You eventually defeat her and she asks you to finish the job, but you finally realise the true nature of the test. You gather up her lost arm and head, and she congratulates you and escorts you through the golden gate…

[E] Goddess of Heavencorp. x Listener

After death, you meet a Goddess who is trying to create an ideal afterlife setting for you, but it is her first day on the job. She wakes you up, and you find yourself inside a cosy cabin…but things aren’t quite right, and many details are glitching. The second floor bathroom is visible from the first floor, and the windows in the house show the field of grass outside upside down. She tries to play these off as “special features,” but finally admits that there is a problem. You comfort her, then she puts you to sleep with a song (she says she will fix the issues while you are sleeping) ^3^


Arexus Galia

I rofl'd at E haha. It's not a bug, it' a feature!


I now feel like I went pretty tame on this one. Felt bigger when I wrote it.


That's the thing to say during presentations when ppl ask you if there is something wrong with the coding ahaha :D