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There have been many strange occurrences in the weeks after the Reverend defeated Gluttony. His wife is concerned about him, and he tells her not to worry. He can handle things. 
That night, the Reverend gets a visitation. It is Pride, and she has more than just a bone to pick with him. 
Will he outsmart her like he did the others...?
🖋️Script: Jordan Edwards
🖋️Jordan's blog:  https://www.jordansgems.com
🎞️ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheInfernityZero




I'm constantly pushing my limits with this series. Going as far as possible with the rules of audio dramas to make it as unique as possible. And there's more growth in the future.

CJ Marshall

Plot twist: The Reverend intentionally lost the game in order to make the Demon of Pride underestimate him.


Oh boy another one? This is gonna be awesome.

Arexus Galia

YEEEESSSSSSS! THE LATEST IN THE SERIES!!! Man, as I was listening to this, I was kinda worrying for the Reverend. With him winning against 2 demons straight, I was thinking pride might have entered his heart. And holy smokes I guessed right! And the worst part is (and props for tearing my heart with this one) that it was his wife who was affected. It was his beloved who paid for HIS mistake. What a tragedy. This is certainly a humbling experience for the reverend. Hopefully he beats the other demons and get back his wife's soul. Looking forward to the next installment. Props to InfernityZero for the writing, and Cadence for the performance. You two must be feeling PROUD in having outputted another awesome audio entry. Bonus Joke: How do demons like their food cooked? They like to have it pride.

Arexus Galia

I love the direction you made in the writing. After beating 2 demons, it makes sense that he would struggle with pride. His loss reminded us of the fact that he is not perfect, and the tearjerking loss of his wife's soul certainly upped the stakes. Looking forward to the next one my dude!


Well I'd say you're doing an amazing job. I was on the edge of my seat on this one.


Whoa. The stakes have been raised. Now the Reverend can't seek out the sins at his leisure anymore. Someone else's soul is on the line. As always, amazing stuff Cadence. And you as well InfernityZero.

Karsen Lafferty

Dang maybe you should have called Carman to help with this one


Nono definitely cheated. Queen was taken and at one point there at the end queen took something so yes, cheated.


Regardless, never agree to chess or checkers or any other board game with demons. They ALWAYS cheat.


It's great fun to put these together, and you always give great direction which helps a lot with the final audio!


Yep, I was wondering where the story would go. He wouldn't have thought as much about sacrificing himself but when it's the soul of somebody important, then it's so much worse ;^;. Is the last line of your joke missing a word :o


The moves in the chess game they play is an easter egg I believe - they're the same moves as the famous Moriarty vs Sherlock Holmes match

Karsen Lafferty

He's actually a famous Christian singer that makes cheesy over the top music videos and if I'm honest they're pretty good