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You walk through the city in the early morning, and stumble upon a quiet neighbourhood with an empty Japanese shrine. What drew you to it? You're not entirely sure. 
You enter the shrine, as if you are being called by a strange force in the dewy air. 
Script and art by StaticFoxu!



Hobo Carnival

I'm a simple man. I see Cadence upload new stuff, I listen and like. Edit: man, this was both nice and sad at the same time. Big props to StaticFoxu for the script!


Since the shrine was abandoned, it didn't take me long to put 2 and 2 together. But that's still sad. Trapped in a dying location and unable to do anything but watch everyone grow up around you while you can't leave.


Indeed. She appears to be at the point where she's at peace with the situation, but I imagine the first few years must've been hard D: