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A yandere girl pours her heart out to the therapist listener as she tries to understand why she is the way she is. 
👩🏻👨‍⚕️💔 What drives her behaviour and actions? Why does she become so obsessive? Why does she perceive every interaction her victim has with another person as a threat? 
Perhaps there is an answer there, somewhere. 
🖋️Script by Jordan Edwards (TheInfernityZero)
🖋️Blog:  https://www.jordansgems.com
🎞️ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheInfernityZero
Summit - by Jonny Easton [Link: https://youtu.be/ZH5B_C8r9Dk][Check out his channel: https://www.youtube.com/jonnyeaston]




There are so many Yandere characters in existence, but no one ever bothers to ask WHY Yanderes act the way they do. So my goal here was to deconstruct the trope and explore the mindset of this archetype.

Joseph Asscrack's ASSMR

Apart from a massive pyre with 'DEATH TO B.S ARCHETYPES' written in flaming letters, this is exactly what I have wished for the world of ASSMR to make more of! Thank you for leading the charge.

Arexus Galia

Finally. After years of asking "Where is Yandere" or "Who is Yandere", the question "Why is Yandere" is finally asked. First off, I legit cried while listening to this (It's all your fault InfernityZero and Cadence!). Second, I love this approach. To treat a "Yandere" not as an object of dread, but as person in need. To see WHY a person would be desperate enough to kidnap someone, to obsess over them over a single measure of kindness. Thank you for this wonderful audio. 10/10, will sob again.


Gotta say, I've made several yandere audios yet never questioned WHY they are like that :p

worldofcadence (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-26 12:34:54 <3 yep - great script!! I enjoyed playing this character
2021-05-21 10:15:46 <3 yep - great script!! I enjoyed playing this character

<3 yep - great script!! I enjoyed playing this character


*hugs Arexus* It's awesome you got so into the audio :') I totally cried too while doing it lol xd