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OP 956_3

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Wesley Owens

Anyone remember that filler scene in dressrosa when like a dozen random marines instantly turned all their blades into black blades? that shit was funny.

Karheem bamboo

black blade is a permanent thing. remember ,zoro did the same to his swords in dressrosa while fighting pica but his arent black blades


Imma need these next two expeditiously


I’m so hyped for these next two


Heat is way too smart for Oda’s 4D chess lmao. At a certain point you’re gonna have to just turn your brain off so we get some reactions before you figure everything out my guy 😭😭 As others have pointed out, Hus was a little confused here. Through no fault of his own really, considering the number of unclear bits of lore and visualization. For example, stuff like Oda never intending to visualize armament originally, the obscure nature of black blades, the fact that Zoro does indeed have one, but it wasn’t him who forged it, etc etc. Ame-no-Habekiri, Oden’s sword bequeathed to Momo, means “feathery cutter of heaven,” and is a reference to a famous Shinto myth I described in detail a while back earlier in the arc, although I’m not sure if you guys saw that comment. It again references the myth of Susanoo and Yamata-no-Orochi, and was the sword the storm god used to slay the eight-headed serpent. Enma is the name of the one who came to rule the underworld in Buddhism, ruling over the 10 judges of the Buddhist Hell as the King of Hell. You’ve seen his name recently as well, though I didn’t see you guys draw that parallel, in Naruto, as Hiruzen Sarutobi’s summon Enma, the Monkey King. Fun fact, the Saru character in the Third Hokage’s name actually literally means monkey. And via his summon and the power pole we can infer his character is a reference to Sun Wukong of the famous Journey to the West, like so many other famous manga characters of the time, most notably Son Goku, of course

Xayle 415

Ryou just means haki not the one Luffy is practicing which is a step above so when he said Enma takes the users Ryou it means haki not what Luffy is mastering