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op 955

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yessah 😎🔥🔥




Let's good been waiting for OP


Duo of the century

Jack SV

So… Oda off screen that fight between Big Mom and Kaido. I’m not surprised about that one since that fraud always does that lol. But an alliance..? I’m guessing because those were on the same crew before that they are available to work together. I hope we at least learn more about their past crew tbh.


oh yessir the nights complete, this duo/partnership is gonna take yall for a ride lmao 🤞🏿

Mario Prime Plays

Yeah don't forget we STILL haven't seen Zoro go all out by this point lol.


nah respect oda man this fight isn't even important ofc hes gonna skip it


Lollllll fire ass reaction funny asf discussion has me dying like always


Don’t forget dressrosa. I think law has to much respect for Luffy to betray him


love yall the best reactors , so insightful on what’s to come based on your true love for the series yall know what’s up oda will show you peak soon


"He's gonna go out and play with it" "HUH" bruh I swear yall kill me with the pause sound effects. Also the next 2 eps are about to go crazy.


Jack brought up a point I think is worth discussing, as in OP community, skipping fights or skipping events is deemed bad by certain people. And I think that's dumb. Sorry for the long post in advance. First of all, OP is an Epic Fantasy Shonen series. Emphasis being on "epic". There's really no other manga in fantasy genre that compares to the scope of OP, and it's really modelled after Epic Fantasy books (which in turn were modelled after historical epic fiction and myths), and is not typical Shonen manga. In any Epic Fantasy novel series tons of battles are always skipped, tons of events are skipped. Why? Because of the scope of the world - the author can't possibly show every event that occurs in the world, even only notable ones are too many, not to mention the long history of said world, much of that stuff is only mentioned in passing, leaving you to use your imagination. So the readers of books really understand this, and manga/anime community doesn't. If you're in the business of epic scale, where you created such a large world, and you inhabit nearly 2 thousand characters in it - stuff is going to get skipped all the time. It's only natural. But more than that, OP is a manga series. And manga is much harder to produce than a novel, simply because you have to draw everything, which obviously takes longer than to type out words that describe said things. Oda has been creating the series for 28ish years now, and he's up there in age. And OP still needs around 7 years to finish (by my estimate). If you didn't skip fights and showed various events, or showed more interactions of characters than even Oda shows, OP could easily double in length - simply meaning it enters the territory where it's humanly impossible to accomplish this for a human - nobody is going to draw a manga for 60 years on such schedules (when Oda ruined his health as it is, sleeping for 3h for decade+; wanting to give the world the gift of his work). Even picking and choosing to show more, still puts more strain on the creator - even a few things can easily bubble to a year, or a few, and you never know what complications can arise from that when you're not so young anymore. Oda's willpower, drive and love for his work cannot be tarnished by ignorant statements of "another skip" - it's highly disrespectful. It's already a miracle that Oda has the health and drive to accomplish what's he's doing. The man is still going. What's more, stuff is getting skipped in other series with way less larger scopes than OP. Jack's own favorite, Naruto, Chunin exam arc - are all the battles being shown in the exams? No, not even close. They skipped dozens of fights. You could levy same complaints - where's Orochimaru's assassination on Kazekage?, wheres x fight in the forest or the tourney?, etc.. Are we getting to see all the fights in the Dark Tournament arc in Yu Yu Hakusho? No. And that arc is about a fight tournament. Lastly, to this particular skip. From a viewers point of view, why would you ever want to see Kaido vs BM fight, when that fight would reveal their moveset? We got a taste, and it was enough. Oda chose to do this to make the heroes fight more interesting and surprising to watch. Some people also need more imagination, not everything needs to be shown. Sit back, learn of Kaido's and BM's moveset in the future, then imagine their scrap that occurred off-screen, simple as.


Perfect timing to watch Ryuma Monsters right before this episode. Now that Zoro returns his sword

David Emerson

no way yall still think little momo is gonna be a factor in this battle


„Haki must be a foreign concept. In the Land of Wano, there is a concept of power that will cover your blade via your body. A GOOD SWORD WILL CUT EVEN IRON WHEN YOU NEED IT TO, BUT WHEN YOU DON‘T, IT WON‘T EVEN CUT A SHEET OF PAPER. It‘s all up to the swordsman……..You call it Haki, but we call it Ryuo in the Land of Wano. It has the meaning of „flow“. I‘m sure your Haki flows in your body, too…….All I can teach you is the Ryuo technique that covers your body. That‘s what you call Haki. It is a very strong power that defends you like invisible armor and can also be used offensively. But if you take it up a notch, the HAKI that covers you will become even stronger, and it will enter your enemy‘s body and destroy it from the inside!“ Hyogoro, the flower/Rayleigh/Kuina’s father So imo, Ryuo is the same as Haki’s Armament, like Mantra is as Haki’s Future sight for example. Just a different name in a different country but it’s the same concept. And Zoro „knows“ the feeling of Ryuo/Mantra/Haki since Alabasta. He just just has to take it up a notch or two to cut Kaido. It‘s not like learning a new technique, but more like enhancing it.


I finally just blocked his troll ass lol he's always on about something with little brain cells and inability to comprehend storytelling. It's a good thing there are people here that do have that capability.


I think it was just a fault of whoever wrote the subtitles when Law says "I'm it", it was supposed to be "I'm in" as in he will gladly take the opportunity to leave.


Good on you. The guy is pathetic. But I also dislike the current recent narrative being spun about him, by couple of people and him himself now of "he is trolling everyone and getting you to respond". Because a) very little people respond to him, after they understood how stupid and hatefull he is (years ago), and can't throw anything other than a buzzword or a slur b) he isn't trolling per say (maybe now he is, after the narrative was instilled though), as you can't call "bad takes = trolling". And if you consider the bar so low, when he is very poor at trolling, as you can troll people and rile them up way better by pushing buttons more discretely and effectively. Is getting some comments once every month a half really considered epic trolling? c) to troll someone you really need to make people be truly mad. He doesn't make me mad, he makes me facepalm or outright laugh at him. His takes are so bad, and he is so uninteligent that he simply couldn't really effect me. And I don't see many others effected as well. At best people are annoyed once in 2 months d) he is clearly effected by OP deeply, and this series truly lives rent free in his head. It's not just troll comments for troll comments sake. Sometimes I catch Heatah's running streams, and you see Jack there trying to convince Heatah that a particular part of OP is bad, and him getting denied - that is just levels of pathetic that you almost feel sorry for him. Last time I heard something was during beginning of Wano. He said something like "admit it, WCI is a terrible arc", and was denied by Heatah again. Heatah listed stuff he loved while running. This guy is living comedy. So this current narrative of him being a "troll mastermind" is laughable too. You can't be a person everyone laughs and dunks on, while being a "troll mastermind". He is only a class clown.

Karheem bamboo

Lool I did it too, click on the persons profile pic then the dots that pop up ,you’ll see a block button. Probably the same for desktop


The only reason I personally take him for a troll is because he admitted it to me when I asked a while back. Saying he doesn't really care about One Piece, he just likes writing negative things about it because he enjoys pissing off the One Piece fans and finds it funny, and then he turns around and acts like he's being attacked with victim mentality lol that to me says bored troll, but I can't understand why anyone would bother for so long except that people respond. But on the other hand, I also just think he has very little capacity for understanding stories passed surface level so his bad takes are genuine. He comes off as someone who thinks an anime is only good when "big fight goes boom".


HOW TO BLOCK USERS ON PATREON: Click their profile, then click the option called ... more, then just select block.


That reads to me like he's just coping. Imagine getting dunked on like him, flat out getting embarrassed for being a dunce. You give him way too much credit. At this point he is saying that, trying to salvage any possible image he can - so he started this narrative. But as I said, a person who everyone is laughing AT, by definition is not a troll. And he is not even surface level. Surface level reader at least can pick something basic about the story. I think he can't even do that - so he is "skipping on the surface" and not "staying on the surface", let alone digging in deep. So personally I will never block him. His comments are entertainment. Actually when I look at any of his comments, and when people easily debunk anything he says (if they care to, cuz sometimes comments are "this is shit" and nothing else) - that does the opposite effect, ironically for Jack. You can be mixed on OP, be a random viewer who reads into only surface level stuff for example about the story, but when you see a stooge like Jack trying to throw out random buzzwords and getting debunked, their opinion of OP can only naturally improve - "so this x buzzword about the story doesn't apply, huh?". So in a weird way, Jack is doing the opposite of what he is trying to achieve. A folly of a dunce. Edit: But I also get why people block him, he can be annoying to constantly see I guess, so blocking him is totally valid if you just don't care. So good for all the people that do block him.

Wesley Owens

You guys are being a bit harsh, he just wants to see reactions to lit content.


On the one hand, I love these long discussion outros, so much so that I really think yall could do a whole podcast just discussing theories and reviewing major story and character moments, but on the other hand I feel like if you give heat enough time and room to run around with his theories he’ll just figure everything out and then the reveal reactions will just be “I fkn knew it” lmao