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I love Kishimoto but the fact that this is a top moment for Sakura so far is so telling about how clueless he was when writing her.


the after episode talk always get me 😂


Hus was spitting on this one ngl. If Yashamaru hated Gaara so much, he wouldn’t have died with a smile on his face congratulating him. He was probably deeply conflicted, and had a number of complicated feelings. If he truly wanted to torment him, he wouldn’t have tried to help him by teaching him about love and hope. He already saw he couldn’t kill himself, so he easily could’ve just told him there was no reprieve, and that his pain would only grow worse with no hope of escape. Spit is an old folk remedy for small cuts and scrapes, it’s just a cultural difference. Sucking on wounds puts pressure on them and helps close them. A similar reason it’s a natural instinct for dogs. That isn’t intended to be as weird or creepy as you guys read it as. Exactly the opposite, in fact. He was trying to understand other people’s suffering and heal them, as we see with the kids immediately afterwards. Yashamaru’s expression was not one of disgust, but of concern and conflict, seeing this demonic monster as so many label him, the savage who murdered his own mother, be a kind, empathetic young man, truly remorseful and only wanting to help, despite only being able to hurt. It is simply a tragic backstory through and through. The only real disgust (among his family I mean) appeared to be from his father, who offered no compassion, no words of kindness or assistance, just a disgusted leer and judgment from a distance. And considering he was the Kazekage, you could argue he is directly responsible for the treatment of Gaara by the village. We’ve seen something similar with Naruto already, in fact It’s been years since I last saw this backstory, but it still hits just as hard as I remember, every time. Even more so in hindsight, given context. How love and hate can both create a demon. A demon who loves only himself…


Spoilers The backstory gets fleshed out more in the war arc. You can go look it up and see what Yashamaru was doing.