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op 952

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What you can ascertain from what the Monk said, and from what we already know to be true, is that when Shusui (and subsequently Ryuma's body) was stolen, it was around the time Kaido arrived in Wano. We know Moria was the one who stole Ryuma, so Moria had to have been in Wano, challenged Kaido, and his crew was decimated. He still managed to make off with Shusui and Ryuma, and Kaido took over the different regions of Wano (this isnt confirmed or denied, but is a very popular theory in the OP community). The Monk is saying the "God of the Blade" became enraged, and without their national treasure Shusui being there to "protect" the country (remember the people are superstitious), it allowed the tragedies they've experienced to occur. That's how I've always interpreted what he said in that moment.


Thats kind of spoilery. Apart from that we can assume that the "god of the blade" is Ryuma or his spirit that lies in Shusui.


I like how you guys fixate on King having wings and not at all the fact that his fucking head is on fire lmao