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What up fam! Hus is sick, so we didn't get a chance to get up for JJK unfortunately. 



Watch "n63" on Streamable.


Mario Prime Plays

Konkuro a hoe for dodging Shino like that lol. Can't wait for Temari vs Shikamaru.


There has been some manner of debate as to what the story of Naruto is actually about. It’s been said that Kakashi is actually the primary framing device, and not Naruto himself, though it’s hard to see this point of view at this point in the story. I’ve always felt like it’s less about Naruto himself and more about his connection to various communities, and how his words and more importantly actions affect the people around him in the long term. People like to meme about his talk no jutsu, but there are plenty of times when talking isn’t enough, and Neji is the first one. Naruto has a way of backing up his ideals with action despite his inexperience (and often weakness) and these actions reverberate outward onto the people around him, and through them entire communities, and eventually societies, over time. We saw a microcosm of this with Zabusa and Haku, but Neji is the first real macro scale change directly related to Naruto. So much so that he even says himself he doesn’t know what he believes anymore, only that he knows he knows nothing. Its been said a wise man acknowledges how little he knows. It’s impressive that Naruto can bestow wisdom like that despite being so childish, goofy, and brazenly foolish on his own. That to me is his greatest strength, despite how crazy the power scaling gets in shonen. Luffy tends to have a similar effect, where he’s basically a walking rallying cry for all walks of life. Tho people tend to get caught up in his own motivations, whereas Naruto will deliberately try to change others for the better, eventually as a direct result of his ideals of change Still going strong through the portion of the story many consider the strongest, you love to see it. At this rate the Final Valley should be wondrous to behold…