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OP 744

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The Pebble

I don't care, ima say it; I don't cry often, but Fujitora saying he wishes he didn't blind himself, just so he can see what Luffy looked like makes me tear up every time.


you guys are the best reactor, no cap 🔥🔥🔥


that Bastille impersonation lol. good episode love you guys


Honestly same, when I first read it something about the sentiment is just so heartwarming


They lucky it wasn't Akainu out there instead...mf would've dropped flaming fists on the entire population LMAO


The Dressrosa citizens are basically sheep...they just follow whatever narrative is out there, but they were some really wholesome sheep this episode, had me extra emotional on top of Fuji's inner monologue

Lord Precht

Damn Heat!!🤣Why u on Gilly head like that?!?!😭😂

Adrian Lara

Luffy didn't want to be a father like Dragon didn't.


Lmao, Facts. Akianu would deem every citizen that would help Pirates as criminals and condem them to death.


All in the name of his 'absolute justice' smh whack ass hoe Akainu


Been waiting for this ep for so long, and Heat’s reaction to the huge stride toward Emperor status didn’t disappoint This ep is low key one of my favorites in this arc. The reveal of Fuji’s backstory, the Dressrossan’s showing out for their saviors, Fuji’s somber remorse, yet quietly contented smile at seeing (no pun intended) there are still truly good people out there living how they wish, coming off the heels of Sengoku genuinely telling Law to live how he likes since Rocinante would say the same, culminating in the alliances and swearing the oath to Luffy… so much huge character progress on several avenues here, but I feel like people overlook this ep of this arc for all the doflamingo and sabo stuff when it comes to reactions. Watching you guys experience this was super satisfying for me, personally, tho haha


The best admiral in the game


So there are a lot of Japanese Jokes that a lot of western fans dont get with the Straw Hat fleet and numbers thrown around: joke here is that Barto's Crew is called Barto Club and it has 56 members. 56 in japanese is pronounced GOMU. and IS also Luffys number (hes often seen wearing tshirts with this number) So he specifically has THAT number of crew members bc hes a nerd Similar to 5.6K members in the fleet. Bc 5 and 6 are GOMU


Fujitora was conscripted through the World Military Draft during the 2 year timeskip and was appointed to admiral rank along with admiral Ryokugyu (Greenbull) - he was mentioned by Doflamingo previously when he referred to Ryokugyu and Fujitora as monsters, but Ryokugyu has not been seen yet. They were chosen to fill the 2 admiral vacancies caused by Aokiji's resignation and Akainu's promotion to fleet admiral. It shows how large the One Piece world is that there could be admiral level prodigies out there that we don't know about being drafted by the world government.


These discussions b killinnn meee😂🤣🤣


Fujitora’s speech always gets me emotional. It is so wholesome