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What's good family! We hope all is well with y'all and that life has been going good for you.  We can't express how grateful we are for your support.  We wanted to touch base with you all and kind of let you know what's going on with us in our own lives, as well as our feelings on the current state of the channel.  As many of you know, we've been trying to build up the Youtube channel the best we can.  But since Hus and I are only able to record reactions Monday-Wednesday, It makes it difficult to record reactions and edit them in a timely manner to be able to benefit from Youtube Search results.  We wouldn't have to be so dependent on YT search results to grow if we were able to generate at least 3k views in the first hour of uploading.  But now a days, we're lucky to even get 300 views in the first hour.  So the growth on Youtube has been pretty nonexistent.  We've been patient and optimistic for a long time, because we believe in the content we've been putting out.  But our optimism has been steadily dwindling down into desperation over the last few years, and for so many reasons.  I can't speak on everything, but I'll be transparent about most of whats going on in my life.  Naturally, my mothers battle with breast cancer has been the most stressful situation to deal with.  She hasn't been able to work since she's been diagnosed, and the upfront medical cost have been ripping the finances apart. Of course I feel like trash that I'm not in a better financial situation to just pay for it all.  As soon as she was diagnosed a year and a half ago, I was going to stop doing reactions and start truck driving.  I didn't want to give up on what we had started with the channel, but the desperation was starting to mount.  The plan was to let Hus do the reactions and I'd edit for him in between driving shifts.  But he was concerned that viewership would drop (Even tho I think he'd do fine).  So I decided to keep grinding with the channel in hopes that it would continue to grow and since bruh wasn't comfortable reacting solo dolo.  And fortunately, we've had so many of you donate to my moms gofundme and help her in her most critical time. We wouldn't have even made it to this point if it wasn't for y'all, and that's no exaggeration.  After a year and a half of countless surgeries, grueling chemotherapy and radiation, the hope was that this last session of chemo would be the end of my mothers battle.  But unfortunately, a scan spotted a cancerous tumor that had developed on her lung.  So she has another tough battle ahead of her, and I'm stuck at another crossroad on what I need to do in order to help her.  I know a lot of you have been asking for shows like Mob and ReZero to come back, but when you edit a Youtube video for 3+hours and only generate $6 in revenue total from it like the last Mob edit (3400 views, our most viewed mob vid from S3), it's disheartening and definitely doesn't ease the sense of urgency.  Me and Hus have been contemplating ways to help the channel grow as of late.  We honestly think it's best to watch both Naruto and One Piece together to help us in the Youtube algorithm asap; which means we'd have to postpone Ippo and the other shows until we finish one piece. The sense of urgency has built for Hus as well as of late; and for reasons that he might talk about at a later date.  But this is where we currently are rn fam. I told my mother that I would post the gofundme here, and not to make anybody feel the need to donate, because you guys have blessed us throughout her battle enough, but in hopes that you might share the link with others.  We love and appreciate y'all, and after I finish my edits I'll pop in and respond to as many comments as possible.  




If you react to movies that you havent seen it could really help with bringing new people to your channel. I have seen alot of channels blow up from movie reactions


I've been a Patreon lurker since so I'll try to leave some YouTube stuff on in the background. Don't ever feel less because of the situation you're in, the healthcare system sounds like a nightmare. Mama Heatah is a fighter so we'll keep supporting her. With Boruto taking a hiatus, it might be a good time to consider Bleach. It's a bit shorter and the final season is hot right now. You'd probably be able to catch up before the batch of episodes come out. You could try some YouTube exclusive content as well. Right now people who support here might not have as much incentive to watch the reactions again on YouTube. I've seen a lot of success for tierlists which kind of works hand in hand with your reactions since you can make them around what you've watched.


Even if you quit reacting today, you have nothing to be ashamed of. you all set the bar too high for anime reactions


Sending y'all all the good energy I can 💜 really sad to hear that y'all have been going through it, thank you for the update and all the hard work you put into your vids 🙏🏼 As others have mentioned, it might be best to cut down on the edits or reserve them for the shorter Youtube uploads, I would hate to see them go since they're absolutely hilarious but if it can cut down on your workload until y'all are in a better situation in general, it's probably for the best Whatever y'all decide to do, I'll be sticking around as a patron for sure! Your archive of reactions is truly 💯 I love going back to old reactions for a good laugh. I really hope y'all can keep the duo reactions going though! When y'all were recording separately because of the pandemic and there was the rare occasion where one of your webcams didn't record, I was like dang, still a fire reaction but it hits different. Love you guys, hoping with every fiber of my being that things turn around for y'all asap, y'all 👏 deserve 👏 the 👏 best👏


This is gonna be long because I have a bunch of ideas: - YouTube shorts and TikTok can be great ways to funnel viewership to your channel. There’s always at least one hilarious moment/edit per episode that would make for perfect bite-sized content. I’m sure several Patrons would be down to help out! - Have y’all researched YouTube search optimization? Perhaps some tips around video tags can help? Y’all and another reactor I follow literally NEVER show up when I search just the name of a show + “reaction.” It’s very strange because I’ve watched hundreds of y’all’s videos. - To echo what everyone else said, I think minimizing the editing (especially on Patreon), is the way to go. It’ll make your process more efficient and less costly. - Another consideration could maybe be taking down and reposting an old popular series you’ve reacted to like HunterxHunter. I know some of those videos were removed for copyright, but I’ve been seeing a resurgence of new reactors reacting to HxH, so it let y’all ride that wave a little bit. - Although I was originally drawn to y’all’s One Piece content, I wonder if perhaps to those who aren’t as interested, the volume of OP content is turning them away? Idk. I know y’all have shows that you finished but not all the episodes have been posted to YouTube (e.g. Haikyuu). I wonder if sprinkling those in can help somewhat “diversify” your content a bit more. - Also as others have mentioned, maybe movies can also help boost y’all. - I wonder if adding other types of context can help boost as well. Like tier list videos or more timely discussions like “what is the best starter anime.”Those always get attention.


Oh and last thing was compilation videos. Those videos typically see a lot of views. They can either be from your own account or a side account that takes the “best of” different reaction series.


I think reacting to Naruto and One Piece would be good idea. There was many people that were hoping you’d start watching Naruto over One Piece. But, please at the very least continue to upload reaction on Patreon. We all pay good money to watch y’all two who we love watch anime.


Youtube shorts have no algorithms right now, keep pumping out anything you can constantly as much as you can.


Thank you for keeping it real with us and keeping us up to date. Sorry to hear about that. Hope your mother gets better and I'll will try to be more active on your videos and leave a like and comment.


Hello Heatah and Hus, thank you for sharing this and really very sorry and heartbroken about your circumstances. I had hoped that your mother had been doing well in her treatment, but reading your message was really a punch in the gut! I really really hope she is able to overcome this new health issue as well and I want to wish her and your family all the very best! Sending prayers and good wishes along the way! I have been following you guys since your early AoT days, and it was such a treat watching and following you all these years. I am not very fond of reaction channels, and I maybe follow a couple because they are good, but there is something unique about you guys that made me join your Patreon. Your editing style, killer humour, and amazing recall memory makes the reaction worth a hundredfold! Often times, we watch reactions so that we can share the love of the show with the reactors, and when the reactors love the show more than us to the point that they remember every little detail that even we missed, it enhances our experience and brings value to watching it with you! So you guys are the best and let me tell you that you are far ahead in leagues than others when it comes to your observation, analysis and memory. It is indeed a shame that YT is not promoting your content and I have noticed that too - it is strange and only God knows how their algorithm functions. I think everyone above have given very constructive comments and suggestions, and I agree with some of them. I think 2 things that work wonders for the growth of channels are - consistency and variety. Setting a release schedule for series fulfills the expectations of the viewers and variety brings in more viewers who may stay for other content. Someone said to release Haikyuu reactions on YT, I agree. It is a very popular show and hopefully you should get more traffic. One Piece is a good attraction, and I hope so would be Naruto (maybe I will watch it with you if you react to it), but diversify to other shows as well, as that will bring in more diverse audience. That being said, I understand how difficult it can be doing this, in addition to your other job/work, family commitments, etc. The only way you can do it full justice is to do it full time, but to do so is a huge huge risk which understandably not many people may want to take. I will always wish you the best in anything that you decide, and please know that we are here with you! The smiles and laughter you two have brought us over the years are priceless and incomparable, and have helped me sail through some of my own darkest moments. Thank you very much, wish you all the very best of luck and success, and good fortune in the days and years to come! Stay strong :)


I wonder if you could reach out to other reactors and maybe do a bit of networking. Maybe a collab would give the subs a bump, get more exposure 🤔


I am overwhelmed with gratitude. The love and support you have shown my family during the toughest time of our lives is humbling. And the support you give to my son Heatah and Hus is amazing. Thank you! We are truly grateful. ❤️


Jujutsu Kaisen S2 in July is basically confirmed to be a huge hit so that should definitely help out a bit.


Also Demon Slayer S3 in April will hopefully get a lot of views.


Adding on to my long list of ideas, I also think maybe y’all should increase your income streams. Based on what I know, most reactors don’t make their money from YouTube adsense. It seems to really be from Patreon, sponsorships, and merch.

Nate Deezy

Will the gofundme link say as this one?? would def love to help when my paycheck hits...


I love your guys’ content. You’re one of the best reaction channels. You two are hilarious, and you’re really good at remembering the small but important details. I’ll do my best to go back and play all your YouTube uploads and give them a like as well, I hope that helps even a little bit. I always wondered if views on here transfer over to YouTube or not. Hopefully all the big shows returning soon will give you a boost too. Sending love to you all! I’m rocking with you guys till the end 🫡


Hey I’m a long time fan and I really love y’all. Mercy would be a great way to expand. I’d be happy to work on designs for y’all free of charge. Jus hit me up! God bless y’all man frfr


Ay Heat and Hus I just liked about two months worth of videos on YT for my niggas...idk best way to keep the algorithm steady and better BUT hope I helped someway gents. Stay up your fans are there for you. Even bring up the Patreon a dollar or two I wont mind . That's just me..everybody else opinion I'm sure you'll figure it out


I put in a modest donation, sending good wishes, you put in the work and deserve so much success, hope it works out


Y'all should do what's best for your growth. I believe in your content.