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i argue this punch was even more satisfying than the first one cause of how many eps this this mf was bouncing lmao i was about to punch him myself


Lmao finally, get him outta here! Look what we got going on up top while this nonsense intervention was going on. This has not been it for Law the past few weeks. Like you said not even a sip of water today he's been working. I know he miss the squad rn.


Why y’all acting like you don’t know one piece? Every character in this be immortal ace is the only dope character that dies in this show


You know luffy is pissed when he actually says your name right


The king is mad now🔥


An honorable disposition Bellamy has. Lay in the bed you made. Doesn’t matter what anyone else did, you chose this life as a man. Don’t invalidate your decision with excuses. It was your poor decision. Granted you can take accountability in other ways like helping us get outta here. It’s not like he hasn’t already been beat up multiple times by doffy today. He’s paid for his mistakes. In the end it was pride. “If sticking to your guns” or “dying on that hill” was a person. Hopefully his character will be redeemed later. I like him now and he has a cool power. At least it’s safe to say that Bellamy is loyalty done tragically well. His character/ loyalty isn’t conditional. He never turned his back on his convictions once he had them. He tried his best to fight for his treasure and he wouldn’t let go without a fight. He’s a rare gem. A true pirate. He just needs to follow someone worthy of it. Or lead those as solid as him.


When ace died I cried bro why couldn’t it be everyone but him🚶🏽 fuck law give me ace back


Law had a death wish from the beginning and he got so many lethal blows through his career he should’ve been gone but ace was a dreamer and he gets one shot for his troubles and gets no chance of parole wack👎🏽


I felt like the citizens were about to ask Zoro to give a speech after he climbed up rockside. They were all clapping and stuff lol


Yeaaah, the one thing I'm not a fan of in One Piece is the overall pacing of events. Y'all joke about Punk Hazard being last week in the One Piece timeline but it really might have been yesterday or a couple days ago since we really don't get specifics unless we're jumping back 'x' years ago for flashbacks And idk where Heat is getting the idea that the heal-heal fruit fixes inanimate objects... Trebol said the factory can be rebuilt, as in, by slave work using the super strong Tontattas


nah i think giolla def made it seem like her power could rebuild the factory in the case it got destroyed, but at the expense of her lifespan.


Huh, I never caught that tbh, that's uhhhh quite broken 💀 Dressrosa seems to be the arc of broken devil fruits


I think the end of Punk Hazard only happened yesterday in the actual timeline. Law told Doffy that he had until tomorrow morning to resign from being a warlord and that's when the Dressrosa stuff kicked off. And after looking it up CP0 said there would be a correction at 3pm that day so, yeah, it's been a long couple of days lol. I wonder if it's even been a week since Fishman Island.


yeah that's correct. The ONLY time her power cost her lifespan is when the heal-heal fruit is used on inanimate objects. Mansherry can actually use the heal-heal fruit indefinitely on living beings (according to wiki)


If you don't like the pacing, I suggest you read the Manga. Also it's very easy to gauge the time passed in the manga by simply watching the moon phases


Last fight of >Bellamy was he was trying to act like the first time they met, thus the act ended up as Bellamy wanted. The same One Punch that he got the first time.