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Alright, I (Heat) Tried something new with the editing and it backfired. YT was on my neck and blocked the first upload, which was my first in a while. (Hus has had a few blocked over the last two weeks.) I went back to what's been workin.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


(No title)


Jigga Man

Here I am thinking, I'll just smoke half this joint.. let's go!




Gonna pour one out for the real OG Netero. Hope one day HXH can give us a prequel kinda thing so we could have a chance to see how strong prime Netero really was.


Great reaction guys, Team Netero forever 🙏🏻

Loro Lukic

I wonder how it would have been if the king would have developed 100% with the queen


Apparently in the manga, the real translation for Netero was "never underestimate humanity's potential for malice." He really went out with murder on his mind man. Crazy that he was a walking nuke!!


an NFL player did the netero's heart during a game, that was lit


I'm gonna keep it spoiler-free as possible, but If you read the manga, they dive deep into Netero's experiences in the DC along with Netero's family.


Fire reaction guys, I enjoyed this reaction of this episode the most. My mans Netero went out like an ultimate savage, best scene in tv history IMO. Shit really put chills down a niggas spine


Lol Hus was hurt. I feel you bro. 😭


Remember when Heat wrote in comments he would never cry. I bet it was really hard this time


I agree. The King would've lost if it wasn't for Komugi. This one hurt me too bro. RIP Netero.


Remember back during the Hunter Exam when Gon & Killua tried to get the ball from Netero & Killua said Netero barely used his right hand & left leg & look what happen?


And I'm not surprised this episode was hard to edit for you guys because its like "What do I include & leave out in just a glorious episode?"


During "that" one other episode they will probably have keep everything lol


Lol ikr. I have no idea how they'll edit that one down to 10 min. I was completely shook the 1st time I watched it. Their reaction will be epic.


They might have to consider leaving out the opening for these edits. I know we all like seeing them singing along with the opening & outro but for future glorious episodes like this? Heatah, Hus? Nobody gonna blame ya'll for leaving out your mixtapes to the opening to leave more room for other certain episodes in this arc.


Remember how Gon was being selfish and fought genthuru before carrying out the plan? this is kinda like that, except instead of summoning a giant rock to trap him, netero nuked his ass. and this is what netero meant when he said that he might have to sacrifice someone in this mission


The EVil one in this fight was Netero, the antagonist. He knew from start that he was going to loose. Netero was unreasonable, tricked, lied to The king. While the King always spoke with the truth. Thats why he said, Im going to hell. The turn this anime takes amazing.


Loving these fire reactions, keep it up guys


Remember when Hisoka wanted to fight netero Hahahaha oh how we all wish he would try him


Hisoka would be crushed by single use of first hand lol. Or similar, because as though as he is I really doubt he could keep up with Netero which can throw thousand+ punches per minute

Steven Fechter

I wonder if hisoka could even scratch him. Is there even a 1% chance he could gum up the dummy hands to the buddha and at least slow them down enough for him to dodge?

Steven Fechter

I think the japanese word for malice can also be interpreted as evolution. It fits very well thematically.

Steven Fechter

I mean the king was still going to subjugate the planet and humanity lol. The point is there is no good or evil. Ants humans, its no difference. Its not about whose right or whose good, just who wins. Survival between species and there isnt enough room for both.


I never really understood why the ants where so strong. Nobody was even near 10% of Youpi's power, and Netero really wasn't even a challenge for the King, his attacks were brushed off like nothing, The gaps are wayyy to huge.


Phagogenesis: the queen takes the best attributes of the species she eats and passes it on to her kids. Ants have the best attributes of animals, humans on top of the ability to use nen.

Jacob Hendrix

I mean it always made sense to me. If you took a normal ant and made it human size, even without phagogenesis or nen, it would have superhuman strength, and it’s exoskeleton would be thick enough to stop small caliber rounds. It’s also worth noting that Chimera ants were stronger and more aggressive than normal ants even before they started evolving.


This is legendary indeed


Yo Heetah! Just to give you an idea of how saucy Netero was, Netero was actually an Enhancer like Youpi, Gon, and Palm. However, his skill with Nen was so powerful that none of the abilities he showed us are Enhancer abilities. The 100-Type Gunian is actually an Emission and Manipulator ability. Its Emission because he emits his aura behind him into a massive statue which is what holds him up when he floats (its not Conjuration because non-Nen users cant see it). And its Manipulation because of the hand movements. Netero's Zero Hand hatsu ability is a combination of Emission, Manipulation, and Transmutation. For the same reasons listed above, except the Transmutation part is because he alters his aura into a blinding star beam. With that being said, Netero was truly a Nen master to be able to use other classes besides his own Enhancer class, so effectively


RIP Netero you a real one


Just now seeing this g! It's part of the League of Legends tier. Most of the homies haven't requested to have a link of theirs promoted, but WallyOne reached out and asked if we'd provide the link to his twitch in the description.


Can you guys reupload this somewhere ?, this is the reaction I wanted to see most out of the whole hunter series.