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Sorry about the late upload, this page took a lot of time 😅

Also sorry that this isn't the next Rags To Riches page. I don't want to overshare, but after the last Rags page I felt a very strong need to get this page of AFIL out first. But now that I've spent an absurd amount of time on this one, I think I need a break from AFIL instead x)

Anyway, here's a bit of lore to explain a few terms and concepts in this page. 

Most of the Gateworld uses mysterious, magical little crystals called starshards, or just "shards" for currency. These little baubles are vital for most people in the Gateworld because even though everyone in the Gateworld can cast spells, it's a skill that takes some time to perfect and it can be very strenuous to do without training. So most people use starshards instead. You just crush them in your hand and the ley energies within empower you to cast whatever minor spell you want.

Starshards are also weirdly common, you can just find them randomly in your shoes one day without any explanation. But because most people need them to light fires, purify water and so on, they're always a sought-after commodity. So over the thousands of years, people in the Gateworld have simply decided to use them as currency.

Not all do however, there are a number of nations and empires that use their own currency for various reasons. In the Airum Counties, where this comic takes place, many nations use silver coins called ghaler. The specific nation that Tybee lives in is named Anadunos, and they do not mint their own ghaler because their capital city, Airum City, is a trading nexus between the northern and the southern nations outside of the Counties. They default to starshards, but because so many other Counties use ghaler, Anadunos accepts them as well, but usually values them at the weight of the silver rather than the value minted on the coins themselves.

Leywyrm is a fairly common weed with tough roots that most alchemists grow themselves. The flowers smell good and oil infused with the root is very soothing.



Niamh Cinnduibh

Looks amazing! I love all the little details!