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Thank you all for the voting! It was a pretty close race in the end, but our winner is...

The Perfect Pitch - A shy young man, new to the city of Empire Bay, stumbles on a very fortunate opportunity when looking for a job. The only place willing to take him in is a popular night club in the Harbour District. But the proprietor of the club sees more than just a busboy in him and in the middle of his first night, she turns on a very special song. A song that the young man can't help but begin humming along with. As he's working and humming, the song's energy escalates and he feels compelled to join in with his voice, which cracks into a lovely alto. As they sing, their body changes to match the voice, they grow some gorgeous curves and atop their head, a crown of horns grow. Finally, she jumps onto the stage, grabs a microphone and sings in perfect pitch while swaying her tail to the beat.

[Empire Bay - Human male-to-female Tiefling night club singer]

Big thanks to CosmicChangeling for the suggestion and thanks again to everyone who voted!



w00, excited for this one!