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Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  This has been such a crazy year, I know a lot of people are struggling due to the pandemic and the tough economy for many industries.  I myself lost my "day job" two months ago when the company I had worked 15 years for was forced to make deep layoffs.  And yet I have a great sense of calm and feel quite blessed and optimistic about the future.  My family is doing OK and I hope yours is too.  Since today is a day of gift giving, I wanted to remind everyone that I am still giving away free spore prints of a very special strain of mushroom that I think could become quite important and valuable in the grower community.  So far I've sent these out to 16 countries.  I also wanted to let everyone know that I have added a bunch of additional details and pictures to the prior Pan Cyans TEK post including new information about growing them in a cold climate during the winter, and a simple way to modify your humidifier for better results.  PEACE AND LOVE TO ALL!




Sorry I am late, but Gordotek honestly you have been an important guide in my journey and I am so grateful.

Krissie thompson

Hey guys, it’s been awhile but I wanted to say I WAS able to produce some pans with this TEK. It definitely wasn’t that easy and they sure are small little things. I sampled them to see what the fuss was all about as well. Let me preface this by saying I should of planned better and taken it more seriously...the trip IS different. It came on way slower... I took .6g first then another .4 about 30 min later. So, total of 1gram and it was too much for me in my opinion. Visuals are great, nature is amazing, all the usual things you would expect. BUt, I had major stomache aches and my partner had pretty bad back pain. Granted he had been traveling all week, just got home that morning, ect... Like I said, we should of planned better. But it was a full moon and I was excited to try these rare/hard to find shrooms. Then, we just wanted it to stop! So for me, it wasn’t that great. I plan to try again sometime in the future. I just thought I’d share my experience with y’all. I am super happy that I managed to produce them. Thanks Gordo for the advice :-)