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FYI: I am aware that YouTube took down my mushroom cultivation video.  Google thinks growing mushrooms is "dangerous and harmful" apparently (that was the official reason they gave for the ban) they also sent an email to me saying "we think it violates our sale of regulated goods policy" (Huh? Was I selling something?  I had some links in the description to things like pressure cookers and coir, didn't even have a link to spores, certainly had no links to anything regulated, nor do I sell or solicit sales of any regulated substances). Sad that we are subject to this level of censorship with no recourse and they essentially have a monopoly. The handful of other video sites out there don't allow long videos or high resolution and get little traffic. There was a blockchain based video site but last time I tried it, it didn't work well and videos were auto deleted after a couple months... I'll try to make some changes to the mushroom video and see if I can put it up again, but YouTube may not allow it.  For subscribers, I will find a place to host the file as many people have been asking for a copy.

It has gotten to the point of being ridiculous, one of the top YouTubers for mushroom related videos had his entire channel deleted by YouTube and his content was exclusively edibles (shiitake, oyster, lion's mane, etc) - even the appeals process at YouTube is broken, you get no response, you are dealing with people who are probably offshore, may not even speak the language in the video, and I wouldn't be surprised if they are paid by the number of channel bans and video removals they implement (proof to their employer that they are doing their job?).

Even if my video was about cubensis, it's now decriminalized in two US cities (Denver & Oakland), and completely legal in numerous countries (I see 7 countries listed as "legal") Why should an informational video on how it can be grown be banned? There are all kinds of videos about guns and alcohol on YouTube - you would think those have far more potential to lead to negative consequences. Who is dying from psilocybin?  In the meantime, there are 3 MILLION DEATHS ANNUALLY FROM ALCOHOL.

At any rate, this will give me a chance to make the video even better, there were a few things I wanted to clarify and improve.  So please don't go and upload your own backup copy to YouTube just yet.  I'll get a new version out there this week with a download link for you as well.  I guess I can at least be thankful they didn't delete the whole channel, but who knows that might be coming very soon too.  This is why the patreon group is important, it allows me to communicate with subscribers via an alternative to YouTube.


michael thompson

Fantastic video first of all. I needed some additional reference a couple of days ago and say your video was removed; I couldn't find you. Then I realized you mentioned Patreon and somehow with luck found you again. Good job on creating a scientific approach...much needed and appreciated.


Thanks. I assume you've found the revised & improved version which is currently still available on YouTube plus I've provided download links: https://www.patreon.com/posts/29675383


When you consider it was the American taxpayers that paid to build the internet and all the various platforms i do not know why the government has not stepped in and passed legislation to make social media play by the same rules as any other "news outlet". I worked for the NSA under contract to install fiber optics, satellites and microwave dishes in the very early 90s which is how the internet came into being. Google would not exist without the CIA and anything you ever posted is on a server somewhere. You could go out in your yard and look up so i could take a nice high definition 8 X 10 of you for facial recognition purposes that the government now owns.