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I participated in this study and can certainly identify with the findings.  I am working on creating  a complete (and free) program that I believe will allow almost anyone willing to follow the protocol, the benefits that have been documented by Dr. Griffiths (Johns Hopkins). Much more to come...


Study: Encounters With God, Even Under The Influence, Provide Lasting Mental Benefits - Study Finds

A study by researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine found that those who have had divine encounter experiences -- the sensation of seeing a God-like figure or a profound, enhanced reality or truth -- reap lasting mental benefits.



Hi Gordo


oops sorry sent that to soon. Gordo, I've watched several of your videos and tool a liking to the simplistic break down of things. Is there a way possible outside the forum when can speak? You mentioned MIT but im not sure if you live in this area. I work in the financial district in Boston not far at all. I'd love to sit down over a quick break in Boston to pick your brain and get your thoughts on things. I recently used your links to make all purchases. Please let me know how to proceed. Strictly educational purposes only. I value and appreciate your time and energy used to helping others and getting this information out there. Hope all is well. Thank you