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When Evan had accompanied Sirius to the Ministry of Magic before, it caused a commotion.

At that time, it happened to be the end of Sirius’s incident, and many witches wanted to find Sirius for autographs or ask him about the details of what had happened.

He was surrounded by people as soon as he appeared, and Evan had to walk into the hall alone.

It was as though a certain big star came to the Ministry of Magic, along with Evan.

Now, no one looked at Evan and them again, thinking they were ordinary young wizards.

They might have heard of the fame of Evan and Harry, but they didn’t know what they looked like, so naturally they wouldn’t come up.

Besides, another change was that when Evan came here last time, many wizards were holding his newspaper in their hands, which was not the case now.

Obviously, this was because of Fudge's influence, no one dared to hold it in public.

"Come on, kids, this way," said Mr. Weasley.

They joined the throng, wending their way between the Ministry workers.

No one looked at them, and all the wizards were wearing glum, early-morning looks.

Some of them were carrying tottering piles of parchment, others battered briefcases, some constantly stuffing toast or other things in their mouths, still others reading as they walked.

Immediately, Evan saw many people secretly reading Rita's article.

Although Rita had a bad reputation, she still had some influence.

Regardless of the authenticity of what she wrote, she would definitely be able to capture the hearts and preferences of the public and attract people to read it.

In this way, Fudge's ban had not been implemented uniformly in the Ministry of Magic. Evan and Hermione hired Rita as a special reporter, which still worked, and created a lot of pressure on the Ministry invisibly.

"Is this the Fountain of Magical Brethren?" Hermione looked curiously at the fountain in the hall.

On the way here, she’d heard Evan talk about the interior of the Ministry of Magic, which was a very famous landscape.

They stopped in front of the fountain. There were many silver Sickles and bronze Knuts glinting up at them from the bottom of the pool. A small, smudged sign beside it read:

All proceeds from the Fountain of Magical Brethren will be given to

St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries

Everyone looked at the statues on the fountain, and they could easily find a slight difference when getting closer.

The wizard's face, which looked very handsome in the distance, gave a feeling of weakness and stupidity when they got closer. The witch's face was also covered with an empty smile, as though she were participating in a beauty contest.

As for the goblin and the Centaur, wizards with some common sense knew that they could never look adoringly up at any human beings in this way.

Only the timid servile air of the house-elf was convincing, to make one really feel bad.

Sure enough, Hermione's eyes finally fell on the house-elf's face, and her brows frowned tightly.

"I don't like this statue. It is not true at all."

"Those in power only want to see what they want to see and make decisions that are most in their own interests," said Evan softly.

This feature of the Ministry of Magic was vividly reflected in these statues, in such an unnoticeable way.

They didn’t care about the truth and objective attempts. They only cared about power and interests.

"Wizards’ slaves..." Hermione whispered. Compared to the servility of the house-elves, the wizards were blind to facts. Of course, the enslavement of the elves was the most difficult thing for her to accept. This kind of thing had to be changed.

Evan didn't anticipate that this trip to the Ministry of Magic would directly lead Hermione to decide to work at the Ministry after graduating.

Her focus had also shifted from safeguarding the legal rights of house-elves to changing the degenerate political ecology.

And many years later, she defeated the opponent in the elections and became the first female Minister of Magic, altering the course of the wizarding world's development in many ways.

While Hermione was staring at the statues, Harry was also making a wish.

'If I’m not expelled from Hogwarts, I’ll put in ten Galleons,' he thought desperately.

"Good morning, Arthur!" A bored voice sounded from behind, and a badly shaven wizard in peacock-blue robes came over. "I saw you leading these children from all the way over. Are they going through security check?"

"Please, Eric, they’re all visitors," said Mr. Weasley.

Eric nodded, and then, his gaze fell on Evan.

"Ah, I remember you, kid. You came here two years ago..." Eric's eyes brightened.

The main reason he still remembered Evan was that when his wand had been tested, it had been found out that its core was an unknown substance.

He’d been a watch-wizard for many years, and this was the first time he’d encountered this situation, and he was naturally impressed.

Not to mention that nothing had happened in the Ministry of Magic for a long time, and it was boring to be in charge of security checks.

His only pleasure was to look at the visitors’ wands and see what the cores were made of.

In Britain, wizards were used to using certain parts of dragons, phoenixes and unicorns to make wands.

But this was not the case for wizards in other countries. They had different customs.

He’d even seen mysterious oriental wizards, using magical creatures he didn’t know, and even the material of the wands was strange.

But anyway, it was the first time Eric encountered a situation where the core of the wand could not be detected.

He later asked the experts who came to overhaul the Wand weigher. There were only two probabilities in this situation. The first was that the Wand weigher was broken, and the second was that the substance used in the core of Evan’s wand had not been recorded in the Wand weigher.

But this was simply impossible. This Wand weigher included almost all known substances.

"We’ve got a new Wand weigher this time. It hasn’t been used for a long time." Eric whispered, and the breath in his nostrils sprayed heavily. "Boys, let me see what’s inside your wands."

As usual, he held up a long golden rod, thin and flexible as a car aerial, and passed it up and down Evan, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George’s fronts and backs.

"Wands!" he grunted, putting down the golden instrument and holding out his hand.

Starting with Harry, they all produced their wands in turn.

Eric dropped Harry's wand onto a weird brass instrument, which looked something like a set of scales with only one dish.

It began to vibrate slightly, and a narrow strip of parchment came speeding out of a slit in the base.

The wizard tore off the paper and read the writing upon it.

“Eleven inches, phoenix-feather core, been in use four years. That correct?"

"Yes," Harry said nervously.

"Okay, I keep this, you get this back," said the wizard, impaling the slip of parchment on a small brass spike and thrusting the wand at Harry. "All right … next!”.


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