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Next to Harry was Ron, whose wand had been changed during Evan’s first-year summer at Hogwarts. That summer, the Weasleys had won the annual Grand Prize Galleon Draw. After traveling to Egypt to visit Bill, they still had enough money to buy a new wand for Ron.

He’d been using Charlie’s old wand before, and the Unicorn Hair core in it could be seen from the tip.

According to wandlore (the study of the history and the magical properties of wands), when the wizard is not using his own wand, he cannot exert his own strength.

The wizard chooses the wand, and the wand also chooses the wizard.

Ron's poor casting performance before might have been related to this. Nevertheless, with a new wand, his grades were still terrible.

Snape's description of "empty-headed Weasley" was not groundless. If it weren't for Hermione's help, he might not even pass the school year exam.

This worried Mrs. Weasley. He was not like Charlie, Bill, or Percy.

However, compared with the troublesome Fred and George, Ron was a relief, as long as he was not controlled by a Dark wizard from time to time.

After Percy ran away from home, Mrs. Weasley didn't seem to value performance as much as before.

Of course, this did not mean that she agreed with Fred and George to open some prank joke shop...

The cores of all the Weasleys’ wands were unicorn hair, which was unexpectedly consistent.

As a family of pure blood wizards, this seemed to have something to do with their blood, which had been going on for centuries.

If he wanted, Mr. Weasley could also tell a few stories about his ancestors and the unicorn.

This kind of family history was good to listen to. In all likelihood, it was fictitious, and all pure-blood wizard families could tell it.

They all had the system of all kinds of magical creatures, but they had no blood talent magic such as Parseltongue. This showed that the Weasley family, like other pure blood wizard families, was no longer pure. The only difference was that they probably never cared.

Hermione's wand was the penultimate one to test before Evan's. Her wand was made of vine wood, fourteen inches long (TN: in the original plot, it was 10 ¾ inches), and the core was the dragon heartstring. This was a very magical substance, very rare before the dragon was raised in captivity.

After all, a unicorn or a phoenix could have countless hairs, which could regenerate after being plucked. But the dragon had only one heart, and its value could be imagined.

The vine wood itself was also a very rare material. In history, the grapevine was the first tree planted by Noah after the flood, so the vine wood had been endowed with many symbols since ancient times, such as wisdom, life and love…

What’s more, Evan’s wand was also vine wood. Of all the wizards he knew, only his own and Hermione’s wands were vine wood.

His wand was half an inch longer than Hermione's, and the pattern on it was simpler.

After studying the Wandlore, Evan knew that, aside from other special meanings, only when a wandmaker obtained the precious or excellent core material would he consider using vine wood.

"Well, boy, it's your wand's turn, let me have a look!" said Eric impatiently.

He put Evan’s wand onto the wand weigher, and there was a flash of expectation on his face.

After a slight vibration, a narrow strip of parchment came speeding out of a slit in the base.

Eric took a look, and was stunned. It was still an unknown substance. How could that be possible?!

He could now be sure that there was absolutely no problem with the wand weigher, and that the problem was with Evan's wand.

The core of this wand was a substance that had not been recorded by the brass instrument, and it might be a brand-new magical material.

With the development of the wizarding civilization to this day, this kind of thing was simply unthinkable and theoretically impossible.

Eric’s expression made Evan realize that the core of his wand must still be the damn unknown substance.

He’d once asked Ollivander face to face, and the old wizard still said the same thing. This wand had been left by his ancestors. The core of the wand was the Thestral tail hair. He did not know any more information.

Evan really wanted to show Ollivander the test results. Was the Thestral tail hair an unknown substance?! Or, was the wand weigher unable to detect the Thestral tail hair...?

"By the way, must every visitor to the Ministry of Magic test his wand here?" Evan’s heart moved.

"Of course, no matter who it is, his wand information will be recorded with me." Eric came back to his senses.

"What about Dumbledore?" Evan asked. "Have you tested his wand?"

If it had the Thestral tail hair, his wand would have the same as that of Dumbledore's Elder Wand, which should have met the same situation.

"Boy, are you crazy? Who would dare to test Dumbledore's wand...?" said Eric, thrusting the wand at Evan. He looked at him carefully, as though to get a good look at the young wizard.

Then, he noticed the silver visitor’s badge on Evan’s chest, "Well, Evan Mason … are you that young wizard?"

Currently in the wizarding world, Evan’s name was almost as famous as Harry’s; and to some extent, even more famous.

"Eric, is there any problem?" said Mr. Weasley firmly.

"No, but..."

"Thank you, you know, we’re in a hurry," said Mr. Weasley. "Hurry up, kids!"

He steered them away from the desk and back into the stream of wizards and witches walking through the golden gates.

"Evan, Harry, your two current identities are too sensitive, especially you, Harry. We must be careful not to be noticed. Although it doesn’t matter, you can never go wrong with being careful,” said Mr. Weasley cautiously, leading them to the golden elevator.

They did not ride with other wizards, but occupied a lift alone.

The lift stopped on every floor and no one came up, but several paper airplanes swooped into the lift.

They looked around curiously, feeling everything strange.

Finally, they came to the second floor, the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, including the Improper Use of Magic Office, Auror Headquarters, and Wizengamot Administration Services.

"This is us, go this way," said Mr. Weasley, leading them out of the lift into a corridor lined with doors. "My office is on the other side of the floor. Evan, Fred and George have been here before!"

They turned a corner, walked through a pair of heavy oak doors, and emerged in a cluttered, open area divided into cubicles, which were buzzing with talk and laughter. Memos were zooming in and out of cubicles like miniature rockets.


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