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Rain is still being finalized (sorry about even its rewrite taking so long), but there are already some changes for another preview build which might be worth testing. And now I’m going to try my best to get the public release out as soon as possible, with all the changes that have been made.

Updated AI

AIs got a lot more tweaks to try and get it to act better in rainy conditions. First and foremost, they adapt a lot better to changes in grip now, no longer starting to suddenly brake the moment they get into a puddle. Depending on chosen level and aggression, they might also try to drive a bit more bravely (but with low level and a lot of aggression they might not even make it into a corner). Also, to get them to drive safer AIs will change their trajectory during the rain, trying to stay away from dangerous curbs and taking a safer route (you can use CSP Debug app to view those alternative splines). There is an experimental option for them to try and drive around puddles specifically as well, but it seems to slow them down more with all the extra steering, so that is something that might need further improvements. They would also downshift less and try to increase the distance to the car in front just to be extra safe. And, of course, tyres selection logic has been rewritten, so that AIs would avoid unnecessary visits to pits and choose tyres more appropriately.

However, despite all these changes sometimes AIs might still slow down too much, still investigating their behavior and the ways to improve it.

New soft lock

With all those problems trying to get hardware steering lock to work on different steering wheels I’ve decided to try a different route, so I’ve added an alternative that is a lot more accessible now. Available in FFB Tweaks section is a new option for an alternative soft lock implementation that should work on all steering wheels (although some of them might require some settings tweaks). Taking into account wheel speed and with a smooth boundary, it should be a lot less bouncy. And, just in case, a simple Lua script can be used to add custom FFB postprocessing, including alternative soft lock implementations for steering wheels that work differently.

Content Manager update

Apart from CSP, I’ve also made some progress integrating Content Manager and Custom Shaders Patch further. CSP installation has been reworked to be a lot more stable, both for regular CSP builds and for preview ones dragged into CM. URLs to some of CSP previews (like this one) can be passed to CM directly for a faster and more automatic install — and it’ll also save the build so you can always roll back from or to it later. Weather selection in Quick Drive has been reworked as well, now allowing users to choose a WeatherFX controller and configure ones with settings (such as built-in Live weather controller). And, apart from that, the New Modes section in CSP settings is gone: now all those extra modes are integrated directly to the Quick Drive section as well.

Another small change is that now extended physics checkbox works for cars with unpacked data as well, and is available by default, please consider using it if you haven’t tried it yet.

Photo mode & post-processing

If you like taking screenshots, there are now a few extra things that might be helpful. First of all, I figured out a way to get into YEBIS and add custom tone mapping functions, such as ACES, or the one created by Gran Turismo developers, and more. Those functions determine how to convert an HDR image to be displayed on a regular LDR monitor — which is a surprisingly tricky task with no one-and-only solution. You can access them in the built-in PP filter editor, and if there isn’t any you find suitable, post-processing filters and WeatherFX implementations can define their own shader for a unique tone mapping solution.

Photo app has been updated as well. Now it allows you to change color grading on the fly (also, with this update you can use .CUBE files for color grading as well), change near clip plane to hide obstructing geometry for zoomed in shots and alter vignette parameter live. Depth of Field slider moved into a lens tab (ex-CPL tab), and if you’re using accumulation DOF (in Nice Screenshots settings), Photo app will use a custom DOF shader for a more accurate preview. Also, if you’re familiar with Tilt-Shift lenses, I’ve tried to add a basic simulation of those, so you can both shift the viewport and, more importantly, rotate the focus plane any way you want for some unique-looking shots (it’s most known feature is making those pictures where things appear as miniatures, but you can also use it to get more of the scene in focus, for example). And automatic white balance has been updated to behave more accurately.

And as another small addition, with the new built-in CSP Debug app (as a replacement to the old Python app with a similar name) you can change time, date and weather conditions in replays.

Apps update

With a new “Tidy AC apps” option in the GUI module CSP will regroup apps and fix the naming of some of them. It would also hide the original Render Stats app and replace it with a new one, which was updated to be a better replacement, now showing physics and FMOD times and late frames, with its interface being redesigned and extended. It also got a new feature suggesting possible optimization tweaks for settings that can be applied live. Oh, and CSP can apply some changes in “video.ini” live as well, with a new “View & Video Settings” app allowing you to edit them in-game.

Voice chat

That part took a lot more time than I anticipated, but now CSP has a built-in Mumble client with proper integration, automatically connecting to a Mumble server specified in server config, showing talking users in-game with icons and some in-game UI. It can also play audio with AC’s FMOD engine (so both doppler and echo effects could work if 3D audio has been selected in server settings). More details about the new system are coming soon.

Other changes

Here is the full list of changes and fixes (including changes in Content Manager) since the previous preview build, but here are some other highlights:

  • For people using VR there is now an option to boost spatial audio and increase stereo effect. Also, for those using VR and steaming there is a stabilizer option for VR mirroring, smoothing out head motion.
  • If you’re using a DualShock/DualSense gamepad, with this update it should work even without disabling controller integration in Steam (CSP will try to rush and block Steam from integrating it first). Also, if you started the game without waking the controller up, it should be able to detect the controller afterwards (but that option currently might still need to have that integration disabled). DualSense haptic feedback now works as intended as well (previously it was ignoring the settings).
  • Showroom mode works more similar to CM showroom, starting windowed and remembering its position and size on the screen. Also, AC can be used to generate car previews using all the rendering features of CSP with preview presets from CM (simply switch to using new CSP renderer in showroom settings in CM). Now you can get the previews of all those encrypted cars to look the way you prefer.
  • Players can select a custom model from a repository of verified models which would load automatically for other users online (unless other users disabled this feature). Repository at the moment is empty, but it might be a good option for the future. And it's another small step to changing models and resources without restarting the process.
  • If you’re using a curved monitor, there is a new post-processing filter to get the reprojection just right (make sure to configure its settings after selecting it in the Graphics Adjustments module). With triple screen setup it might be a bit tricky to set though (ideally you would need to fit triple configuration to better overlap with curved configuration).

As always, thank you very much for your support! Next thing on the list is to finalize voice chat, fix other remaining issues and whatever issues that might arrive in these updates and then push towards the public update.

(By the way, to install the new preview build, you can download the attached file, but, better yet, try the updated Content Manager and click this link after installing it. It should pick the build and remember it in the list of available versions.)




This is complete madness!! I'm always so much more hyped on updates from you than any other big game company 😆🫶


hmmm custom models, is it cars or drivers that can be showned?


Ever since lights-patch-v0.1.80-preview115-full my FPS goes from ~100 to ~35. If I revert back to lights-patch-v0.1.80-preview1-full it's back to ~100. Tried disabling Pure, disabling SOL, none of which seem to make a difference. The problem persists with lights-patch-v0.1.80-preview218-full. thanks


Yes FPS issues have gone up for a number of people on their settings. 99% CPU bug occurs more often. Please release a fix soon


Try turning the shadow Resolution in AC video settings to less than 8,192


Cant change time in replays anymore after new csp install, anyone know why?


- try turning/switching off in game chat app, no chat app no issues so far (Idk it worked for me ) - AC\game.cpp (140): Game::onIdle AC\game.cpp (210): Game::run AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup 00007FF9E0817604 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk 00007FF9E0B626A1 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart

JU Racing

Hi Ilja, first of all a big thank you for your amazing work I am looking especially forward to the AI improvements. But let me just report on a small prob in an online race we did yesterday with the F1-75 cars on Imola'72 Just before the end of quali everyone using the latest preview-version were kicked from the server. Log was referring the the CSP version as a reason. Everyone using another version did not have any issues. We all went back to 1.79 and continued the race without any problems. I don't know what caused the crash. Just wanted to report on it. Thanks for reading.


i just want to know, is there a way to make my car not get grip in the rain?


lot of fun with the new csp ! it's really great ! few questions : I set sol planner with 4 as difficulty value under rain. but most of the time ai, even at 100%, are too slow, is there a way the speed them up ? another thing when the race start only ai wear wet tyres, I have to set my car manually, shouldn't it be automatic ? could it be possible to set only one button for the wipers ? 1 touch :on, slow speed 2 - faster 3 - stop thank you


thankyou for all the awesome work you've put into this ran perfectly for several days. today crashing on some tracks


I tried Sir Spats remedies with no success. I'm back on 115

Stefano Canonica

i have black sky with 1.80 preview, tried what sir spats video said to fix but to no avail. Also, and this with 1.79 too, when i start the game, the CM loading screen says "warning can't activate extraFX, to use extra FX, please disable original motion blur in AC video settings", problem is if i start the game trough steam the game freeze at the loading screen "loading car metadata 100%". is there a way to change the video option trough notepad?

Stefano Canonica

I fixed everething, all works fine, got sky, rain and extrafx working properly. to make 1,80 work without black sky you must install the update from the webpage, while to enter the game from steam without freeze on loading i temporarily took out of the cars folders all non ks cars


When you are in an F1 car using VR, the tire droplets are very large and the spray is hardly noticeable. When it should be the other way around. Keep up the good work, we are grateful!


super unstable cant load into any lobbies cause itll crash with a bunch of wierd errors i really hope he come out with an update asap really like the new look of the csp


I had problem with black sky and no rain. When I updated from the webpage, all was working as it should. I also followed Sir Spats 8 tips YT video.


seems like changes to material in ext_config.ini for a skin no longer work, or something changed in that because a skin that used to be chrome in 1.79 is now just normal paint


Borked me completely. Cant launch into anything with current pure/sol, reverted, can now launch. Will keep up and watch for update.


when i download light patch v0.1.80 the game crashes and i cant get into any races either


Black Screen Fixed - I had same problem after installing CSP v1.8 preview218-Full, I also had black skies. I had initially installed latest SOL- at the same time that I updated my CSP but black skies immediately appeared. I tried various things, reverting back to CSP-1.8-preview1 but still had black skies. When I disabled SOL completely, I had good skies again, so I concluded perhaps latest SOL & latest CSP are the problem. The one thing that finally worked for me was un-installing SOL- and install SOL- and then re-installing CSP v1.8 preview218-Full, now everything works fine again, sunshine & clouds have returned in the sky. Hope this helps someone else.


@Graham Bale does the sol planner work for you by any chance?


anyone worked out how to fix the crashing issue when installing lights-patch-v0.1.80-preview218-full.zip


yo your content manager version is hella scuffed, get good


Install everything automatically and manually but still impossible to start a game. I get the error Error might have something to do with: 00007FFA7EB993B0 (DWrite): (filename not available): DWriteCreateFactory 00007FFB4C0B7614 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk 00007FFB4DC226A1 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart


the controller script in weatherfx, is missing with the new content manager in lnk ?


ill update once i get an actual stable version lol

andrea calabria

I have a problem that I encounter with some mods..and others less so..it forms like a frame for a thousandth of a second, especially in curves where there are more cars, like a flash of a piece of car, it didn't happen a few days ago, now yes and I don't know why .. what could it be? for the shadows behind the cars that splits or I solved it by removing TAA, but this frame thing I don't know what to do .. help! :)


Is it no longer possible to change the time in a replay?


yeah, but if you start a replay directly in a singleplayer session it works, but not if you watch already recorded replays. Just downgrade to the last csp preview version


i dont have rain drops. please help


i also had a weird issue on this update, anytime i was drifting or driving on this update i would spin out. As soon as i downgraded to 1.78 i could drive totally fine? Im on controller by the way


I have an error with screenshot photos they show up totally black in media ! Before the update it functioned well.


whenever I update from 1.79 to 1.80 my game doesn't act the same and the sky is pitch black with a blue stripe of sky at the bottom of the horizon. What is the fix for this? I tried updating from 1.79 to each other the updates released after (not just this post's file) and still nothing.


i had my steering wheel perfect before updating to this version now im getting way too much FFB how do we disable the changes you made in that aspect


crash_20230512_190047.dmp log.txt custom_shaders_patch.log py_log.txt errors.txt video.ini race.ini,python.ini,controls.inicsp.ini all of those are whats crashign for me


hello, when I try to unzip the file, it appears that it was impossible to execute. what can be the problem?


Nekem az a problémám a frissitéssel, hogy mintha blokkolná a Sol-t. Újrafrissitettem az elemeket , és hibajelzés van! Remélem a szerzó már orvosolja,mert egy pillanatra müködött előszőr a hosszú várakozás után és tetszett.


i hate how there is no support considering this is a payed subscription with a 60k a month salary


game won't even load up if I turn on stabilization for custom vr mirroring.


wont let me load into anything at all


cant load into anything


YaY new update :D


I was excited to have projection correction for Curved Monitors now. Unfortunately something is wrong. When i enter my screen size, radius and distance it calculates a FOV around of 160° instead of 30-40°... While i hope for a fix i will use ReShade`s PerfectPerspective tool again


Ok with the lastest CM update it works, but... ... Some cars model crash the game at loading screen, as exemple Verdes Garage models. He sent a message about this issue: si teneis fallos con los modelos encriptados en la última versión de CSP ( yo los tengo también ) volved a la anterior. Esperemos que se solucione pronto! Gracias por el apoyo chavales. Hope you can solve the problem, fingers crossed. Thx again for your awesome stuff ;)


I tried out the new CSP Debug app to change weather, date, and time in a replay to see if I could make online replays night time. The weather portion of it worked flawlessly, but the buttons in the "time" tab didn't function at all. Is this a bug or am I missing something?


No rain bro,, and wipers are turning on by themselves


i install 0,1,80 and i have black sky, helpppp me please


is 1.80 taken down?...Im locked on 1.79


1.80 wont install for me now?


same i havent been able to get in the race


im facing an error i installed everything correct but when i change weather to rain only sound of rain comes but no visual rain how to fix it ?


any new for when the update might be comming ? Still cant join some servers :/


Extended physics is completely unsuitable when driving in the rain. they behave completely unrealistic. Above 130-140 km/h on a straight line they slip uncontrollably. This is unreal. An ordinary car with medium-quality tires can easily drive 150-160 km / h if there are no large puddles.

Andrew Tsousis

have the latest CM and have installed CSP latest version both manually and drag drop into CM. Constantly get an AI Spine error, anyone else get this?Also using latest pure and 2.5 SOL controller.


goto CSP settings new ai behaviour and turn off rain awareness avoid sides when raining


la dirreccion retrocede muy tarde es imposible jugar


game keeps crashing when using online servers, offline is fine


thats same thing with me no rain and black sky, i have updated the controller and can select the controller under weather in race menu but the sol weather option that used to be under live weather option is now gone . sol 2.2.8 pure 1.80 high or low res csp any from 1.80 and above going to uninstall sol and pure and csp and restart and install sol then restart then install pure restart and then csp and controller fixes and restart have done it before several times but not restarted pc inbetween.


is New Loading Screen Broken ? Been having issues using it ever since after preview 1 of 1.80 . When I disable it , I am able to load into game. Even after clearing out my screenshots .


in game i get the message please select sol in weather fx controll section but its already on..


my game keeps crashing with this no matter what i try nothing helps, using latest versions of everything


with the latest preview218 when i enable the post processing check box the performance is destroyed, massive performance hit at least in VR, the game becomes unplayable


Idk what the issue is but i seem to not be able anymore to start the assetto benchmark as it crashes all the times... this is the crash log: Error might have something to do with: AC\sim.cpp (2550): Sim::renderScene AC\game.cpp (275): Game::render AC\game.cpp (275): Game::render AC\game.cpp (275): Game::render AC\game.cpp (126): Game::onIdle AC\game.cpp (210): Game::run AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup 00007FFA65C126AD (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk 00007FFA676EA9F8 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart


massive light flickering on shutoko, back old versions :'(


Saw on reddit happening to others as well as me, the sky turns dark blue/black in VR if using SOL.


HI Bro, in this version (lights-patch-v0.1.80-preview218-full.zip) the Sol Planner not Work corretly

Daniel Oliveira

why does grass appear on the track when looking at the car from afar, like in raplay or when looking at the car with the camera in f3 mode? Large patches of grass planted right in the middle of the track that come and go quickly. big bizarre like cars that slide backwards. could improve these things. very annoying. I'm using recommended csp, pure and cm.


Whenever I load into the game the sky and lights start flickering. it has always been a problem but now it eventually crashes my game. Only way to fix it (sort of) is to revert to the public version of CSP as now even older preview versions crash. I do not know the cause


Hello after updtating content manager, i cannot use the 1.80 preview anymore it says not available to install. The weather controller script is not there anymore please help


with new CSP i have delayed sound on replays its like ~6 sec and im not only one with this problem, on 115 ver its no problem


I have the same issue.With some constellations just 35 fps but rain, or good fps but rain fx is not working. And 1.80 is not shown in CM, but I instaled it


Rain works with newest pure / CSP / CM but is literally undriveable even on wet tires. The cars do not react to steering at all and will just veer straight off the track.


Having the same problem! Tracking this problem and testing to see if there is a temp fix as we wait for the creator.


Does anyone know why my headlights aren't showing up/flicker on and off on shutoko? every other map works fine.


it rains eveywhere except for cockpit views

ll l

thank you my eyes are very beautiful !!! lol


Hi, CSP 0.1.80-preview218 - Crashes when taking screenshot in Photo Mode from replays. Any ideas?


great mod, works as it should for me. no issue


crashes and doesn´t start AC Pro.

Josh Fincher

This version for me the sky is completely black


i also have a problem on the porsche 911 gt3 rs 2017 stock version the spoiler moves when modded


When I use this version, i get a dark sky, nothing shows up, doesnt matter if i use Sol or pure, is there any way to fix this?


My content Manager wont Show sol 2.2 in the weather script


each time i try to enable rain , game bugs , can till play, but anything related to rain or wipers does not respond correctly

Andre Warringa

Still haven't been able to fix my issue, AC fully crashing when I open the pause menu. Sometimes I get this error afterwards, could it have something to do with my controller (T818) or ffb settings? I only have this issue with the 218 preview. AC\directinput.cpp (107): DirectInput::forceFF AC\game.cpp (275): Game::render AC\dicarcontrol.cpp (535): DICarControl::sendFF AC\physicsdrivethread.cpp (246): PhysicsDriveThread::run AC\game.cpp (275): Game::render

Martin Hardi

I have the Problem that my virtual mirror is over bright. I can solve the problem if I don't set in the Custom Shader Patch / Gui settings the Active Checkbox. Furthermore, I tried to disable all the single checkboxes, but I couldn't find the cause.

Andre Warringa

I think I finally found the culprit of my crashing when pausing issue - I disabled in FFBTweaks 'additional postprocessing script - Soft lock test' and 'Custom soft lock'. Since then, knock on wood, no crashes anymore. That soft lock is a new feature in preview 218 so that probably explains why I did not have the crashing issue with the former version.


When is the new overhauled shader patch is coming CSP Preview 1.80/334 ??


hi i have a problem where SoL planner does not work in replays. it was working yesterday but today it is not


i need to know that rain nfx is not working for everyone to get out of doubt

The best game Plays

i keep getting a black screen with this csp and idk why

Drekalo Lakovic

before you even read this make you have weather: "Sol 2.5 (Sol Planner) " in the drive menu before you drive ~! You must be sure to follow the correct steps and order of installing these softwares. This man is helpful and your answer to the problem lay within reach somewhere close here as I had your exact issue with the previous update and my fix was to properly copy the files the way he explains in various places. You must copy exactly the way it is told in the specific updates ! Maybe you already know this all ! Try using a notepad and write down all the steps you did and when you have problems check that your steps are not different from the instructions. You will probably notice that you missed something. Make sure you are running content manager in administrative privileges too ! Hope This helps a little ! P.s. I skimmed the comments until i found someone else suffering same complications and then I researched around the replies and eventually found a solution. my problem was a black sky as well on the previous update to this one. You WILL fix this. Re-trace your computer steps !


Would it be possible to enable time shift to offline races and track day ?


since installing the new cm im unable to unpack kn5s


bro where is the csp apps on the taskbar?

Bryan Williams

what happens if your key is revoked not sure what i did


Sol Planner not working in drive mode; directs me to update in weather fx but only sol2.2.9 can be selected.


SAADIQ, I believe on Sol's page it shows you the new instructions for how to activate Sol with the newest versions of CM. It's no longer through controller script on weather FX but something you select in the drop down on the drive menu weather.


hi I was in version 0.1.80 I just realized that I no longer have the version I came back to version 0.1.79 I didn't touch anything why? how to put back version 0.1.80 Thank you


Hello, when i want to access sol planner it says sol 2.2 controller not running. I don t know how to fix that. Can u help me?


I had same problem... remove the CSP and download the latest version. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WS3I6QzoOI


meme probleme


figured it out nvm


after this installation the ghos car is gone

Bruno Rizzuti

where can I download rainfx ?


when I download the new csp my weather script disappears in weather fx is there any fix for this


is voice chat actually people to people conversation?


it moved to quick drive and weather, from there you can choose sol 2.5 dynamic or static, dynamic makes it so day and night cycle works


Just checking, but when I set my Sol Planner to 'Snow' or 'Heavy Snow', snowflakes don't actually fall? Am I doing something wrong, missing something? Everything else works.

Tony W

I'm unable to launch a championship. I keep getting the following error Thanks System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no elements at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at AcManager.Tools.Objects.UserChampionshipObject.LoadProgressFromEntry() at AcManager.Tools.Objects.UserChampionshipObject.ReloadExtendedData() at AcManager.Tools.Objects.UserChampionshipObject.PastLoad() at AcManager.Tools.AcManagersNew.BaseAcManager`1.<>c__DisplayClass49_1.<b__0>d.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at AcTools.Utils.Helpers.TaskExtension.d__5.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at AcManager.Tools.AcManagersNew.BaseAcManager`1.d__49.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at AcManager.Tools.AcManagersNew.BaseAcManager`1.d__37.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at AcManager.Pages.Drive.UserChampionships_SelectedPage.d__2.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at FirstFloor.ModernUI.Windows.DefaultContentLoader.d__0.MoveNext()


why does content manager download itself into system32


I used to be able to see rain and now I dont, is there an update or setting change I have to do?


how do i download the rainfx mod i just became a member


Download the latest lights patch


is that the 0.1.79 one


Hi, i jusy downloaded the lightspatch,and i have also, lastest versions of Pure and Sol, the only extensions i found to control the weather ingame. but theres something wrong, cause i cant make everything works together... If i use the preview version of CSL i can see the rain, but i cant access either SOL or PURE, if a upgrade the CSL, im able to manage the Pure and Sol, but icant see the rain... Can u help me with this?


Hi! When I add this to CM, I can't change time in replay mode using Sol Weather.

wilfredo carlo

How do I get my rain to work again, I'm new at this and I'm lost.

Craig Macman Robinson

Is anyone able to help please? After installing this mod I can no longer adjust the mirrors. Has anyone else had this and how did you fix it?

13 Black Plus

this thing doesn't work.


Does the AI Tyre selection logic work? AI never seems to pit for WET tires once rain starts to fall mid race


meme probleme pour moi on veut mettre des pneu inter mais les ia ne passe que les wet quoi que l'on fasse