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Public update might take a bit longer than anticipated since a few more bugs have popped up, but here is a quick fix with some changes:

• RainFX: issue with distant surfaces fixed, static rain intensity set in online servers now is adjusted to keep things compatible (basically multiplied by 0.2), online servers can disable rain physics with “[EXTRA_RULES] DISABLE_RAIN_PHYSICS=1”, rain drops show up in rear view mirrors.

• Physics: ground height calculation for wings has been fixed.

• New option for rear view mirrors reprojection: instead of updating mirrors each frame it’ll skip a frame or a few and reproject previous image to make things smooth. Should help with performance, although it does introduce some artefacts (while opponent cars and track can be reprojected pretty accurately, some other things such as smoke or lighting effects would lag a bit, but at 60 FPS with a single frame skipped it might be tolerable).

• ExtraFX with triple: TAA now works, and wipers won’t mess up screen-space reflection. Also added support for ExtraFX with fisheye and 360° mode, although currently limited (not working well with some camera views).

• Mobile Gamepad FX script and the app have been updated with improved Android support and smoother steering.

• Smoke from overheated brakes should work now (heating values were way too low before).

• Some other smaller bugs have been fixed as well, like D-pads not working for quick pits menu without controllers integration option in GUI or Lua apps unable to draw TTF text with draw-text-aligned function. And new trees now will show up in rear view mirrors as well.

RainFX physics is being verified now to make sure average rain thickness correlation to rain intensity matches reality, but also I would like to provide some details about the latest design changes:

• Logic of wetness and water parameters have completely changed, requiring controllers update, but old controllers should work well with a compatibility option automatically applied by CSP to older controllers (ones using “ac.setConditionsSet()” function). There was an issue with online servers with fixed rain intensity, but it should work now as well.

• Before the update, puddles were arranged completely wrong, leading to a situation where aquaplaning wouldn’t even occur (because of unevenness, car tyres would quickly find a lot drier spot and stop slipping). Now water thickness is a lot more evenly distributed, so cars might lose grip and start aquaplaning a lot more, especially without rain tyres or with the intense rain.

• To make things accurate and controllable rain intensity now scales linearly and can go a lot higher, so old 50% rain (medium) now can be achieved with 10% rain, and old 100% (heavy barely drivable rain) is only 20% now. Everything above that is for truly extreme conditions only.

Sorry for such a large change, but the old system was very limiting in a lot of ways and not that accurate at all, so I do believe it will make the simracing experience better in the near future. Also, if you find water level too even and puddles too few for some tracks, tracks can alter that behavior with a config to simulate a more rough environment, documentation update is coming soon (although first I might need to reconsider placement of that option, but you can test its effect with “Override puddle amount” slider in WeatherFX Debug App).

Thank you for the support! Finished public release is coming soon. Happy New Year and happy holidays!




My rain was working and working well for awhile, but for some cars the headlights did jack, and it just stopped working and I've tried reinstalling the mod to no avail


Is it just me or is there no rain ?


Does anyone else’s rainfx puddles only appear on the side of the road as one continuous streak of water? I was expecting actual puddles scattered around


android auto youtube doesn't work


i cant use replay mode


Shaders patch won't update to 1.80. Please help me sir


turn off auto updates and try again,, if not unzip. then drop it in assettocorsa dir


Hello My problem is that all the lumirank systems on my cars don‘t work. i have csp 1.80 preview115. downgrading to 108 works again.


I cant get puddles to work


ive downloaded 1.80 preview and installed it successfully but i still dont see it selected in the About & Updates "currently active" area. it still shows 0.1.79


pls help i have never had rain and i have paid for patreon since day 1 of owning assetto pls help

Ben Gehrke

I`m so happy that people like you are in this community! Thanks for all the great stuff


Im a bit frustrated to be honest.. since the patch 1.80 came out many of us got the same problems... no rain and black background. So i have to stick with the older version 1.7*, but its even worse now... i cant use the AC Manager at all. When i start it, it crashes 10 secs after that for no reason... i dont get any message why it crashed. I guess ill abandon my subscription until its playable again...

John Hoang

put the dwrite.dll form the "lights-patch-v0.1.79*" to the assettocorsa folder. make sure to backup the original one. This should help.


Hi so I installed the latest verison almost everything is working fine, but there's no rain? I have everything necessary enabled already so I'm not sure what's the issue. Any tips?


I can't load the latest recommended 0.1.79 version. rain doesn't show up visually anymore and the wipers can't be controlled manually. Any suggestions ?

Jacopo Di Giuli

@x4fab any news about the new version of CSP?


In chase view rain doesn't ripple down the outside of my cars anymore. Just have static droplets.


Was there ever a solution to the black sky issue? I'm new to the Patreon. I cannot get any of the "Preview" downloads to run without black sky: I've tried several 1.80 versions, and the last 1.79, all have black sky. On the regular 1.79 available through CM, skies are normal. I'm using Sol 2.2.7 if that matters (though it shows in CM as 2.2.1 under Content/Mods, and 2.4 in WeatherFX). I'd like to try the 1.80 features but that's not really possible until I fix the sky


Doesn't Work at all. I do not know what more to do!

Zane Gentry

anyone know why the floor goes green when I make it rain?


turn off racing line debug in settings rainfx


how i can get wet look on my track ? i cant search this option


the app does not pop up


Hello, one question: with the latest version the POV1 buttons do not work correctly for me, in the box menu it jumps two by two making it impossible to select any of the options. can this be corrected?


Hello, I think I've found a glitch with car mirror reflections in VR. Reflections only show for my left eye and the right eye shows black. This didn't happen in the non-preview build.


updateeeeee pleaseeeeee =)


When is the next update?

John Hoang

I hope IIja is okay. We haven't heard from him for a while. Let us know if you are alright.

Zip Zap

He's probably busy doing work for Automobilista 2; he's part of Reiza


If I am inside VR with rain, and if I turn off the rain and set to none or clear... cars will still have rain particles off tires, looking like dust. Is this commom behavior?


where is the setup exchange tool? I remember some versions ago there used to be one with setups people used to share with the app

Max Schrappe

Hi Ilja, as I became aware you are about to release a new preview, specially addressing the AI topic I would like to ask you (again) to include in this new version (if not already) some issues I've observed before: 1. AI on the pit get automatically refueled to the top instantly, not respecting the real time programmed in the cars physics, while the human driver car have to respect the refuel time. This is specially important in vintage racing cars where the refuel time is greater than the time to change tires. In this kind of situation AI pit time will be only the time to change tires and the driver will take a lot more because of the refueling time. I.E. with Porsche 917k from Kunos, the refuel time is about 60s whereas tire change is 20s or thereabouts, so AI will refuel instantly and will leave the pits in 20s while the human driver will take 60s (the combined time to change tires and refuel). To race long races like endurances or any race where you want to make a real refueling time it's not possible, this kind of ruin any attempt to do a real racing against AI in this scenario unless you change the fuel multiplier or the car refueling time in the .ini, which is not desireable for realism purposes. 2. Sometimes when AI spins or crashes and end up in the wrong direction of the track or facing a wall or a tire (on track or off track) they keep trying to go forward no matter what, they're unable to engage reverse, so when it happens in a chicane (i.e.) they end up creating a massive shunt or traffic jam in the track. Here it's not the best to AI to just go to faster to the pits retiring from the race, it's best that they could engage reverse to leave the track clear and then come back as soon as there are not cars coming. Instead even if facing another cars they keep accelerating, going against the others, it's a mad behaviour! 3. What leads to another topic, sometimes when the AI spins, and end up facing the right way, they try to come back to the track not respecting the cars coming and causes crashes, this scenario is even worse when they spins going to the pits as the pitlane spline has priority zero they dive in front of another cars. 4. Leading to another problem, the priority zero of the AI is a mess, if they touch another car they just refuse to leave the line and turn the wheel in the direction of the line, in a way it's almost certain it will cause a crash. Would be best to recon they are being overtaken release a bit of the throttle leting the other car pass and than return to the line going to the pits. 5. Finally when AI spins or crashes in someway where it's not terminal and get off track, if they are not facing or in a less than 90 degrees from the direction of the fastlane they never try to come back (perhaps related with the unability to engage reverse), and even when they are in a good angle to come back they took ages (laps and laps) they go baby steps forward until they get to a point when they touch the asphalt so they try to return. Would be best that this behaviour could be improved, allowing the AI to maneuver offtrack to come back, and doing it faster more in line with what a human driver would do. Important to note that sometimes they even abandon the race because they can't come back, other times they stay offtrack until they got no fuel left, than they retire. Here would be best to have two behaviours, one for the gravel trap and for the another surfaces like grass and road) they could come back in diferent times, respecting the grip or behaviour of the surface. 6. Another issue I had was with cars from VRC when enabling the extended physics. During the rain they don't know what pace go, so they start to choke in the track going very, very slow in a way is impossible to race, when I disable the extended physics they return to normal, but, this way I could not do races using the rain "grip" or "rain line" with AI and I also loose the new tire physics that is much better than the original. 7. The last update you made fixing the behaviour of slower and damaged cars making them pit and fixing the issues not coming back still damaged is working like a charm, I didn't have problems with that anymore, but seems that the cars are just retiring, it would be best that they could go driving to the pits to fix and than return to the track as a real driver would do. 8. Finally, I also in a previous comment observed a problem with the reflection in the latest previews. They are creating a pattern like a matrix of black dots where should be appearing the high reflexion. This happens in car paints, puddles, etc... and I couldn't fix changing the graphics card driver configuration nor changing CSP graphics setup. Nevertheless It's really nice to see you addressing this problems that really make the game play messy. If you need some help to test some issues I do a lot of offline racing and as I'm modding a track due to an endurance racing I'm organizing I'm already doing a lot of AI tests and have a good knowledge of the plataform.


somehow races now open properly but now the game crashes after watching a replay for a couple of seconds


audio desyncs from game when in replay


Disappointed, crashes every time on start up in VR. 44:11:487 [13460] | WARN | Texture involved: dumping description… 2023-04-27T14:44:11:487 [13460] | WARN | Size: 2434×2462, 1 mips, 1 in array 2023-04-27T14:44:11:487 [13460] | WARN | Format: R8G8B8A8_TYPELESS, no multi-sampling 2023-04-27T14:44:11:487 [13460] | WARN | Usage: 0 2023-04-27T14:44:11:487 [13460] | WARN | Bind flags: 2023-04-27T14:44:11:487 [13460] | WARN | CPU access flags: 2023-04-27T14:44:11:487 [13460] | WARN | Misc flags: 2023-04-27T14:44:11:487 [13460] | ERROR | Failed operation: `device->CreateShaderResourceView(texture, &view_desc, &view)`, error: 0x80070057, invalid call 2023-04-27T14:44:11:487 [13460] | ERROR | Failed operation: `device->CreateShaderResourceView(texture, &view_desc, &view)`, error: 0x80070057, invalid call Anyone run into anything similar and find a fix?


Crashes everytime with the message "Content Manager couldn’t find out what’s wrong."


I've got black sky, does someone has solution for this?


when i installed this csp preview version everytime i start a session it crashes immediatly :(Error might have something to do with: 00007FFCCD5A6E3F (d3d11): (filename not available): D3D11CoreCreateDevice 00007FFCCD5A7762 (d3d11): (filename not available): D3D11CoreCreateDevice AC\game.cpp (23): Game::Game AC\acs.cpp (450): wWinMain f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup 00007FFCD4537614 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk 00007FFCD4B426F1 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart)


I get that this is a preview version but at this point, there's to much bugs. And I feel like we haven't got a lot of updates regularly then we did before. I'm sure there's an explanation to this and i feel like if we could get some insight to ur work it would make us more satisfied seeing ur work.

alioune diallo

Hello i also get this error AC\game.cpp (140): Game::onIdle AC\game.cpp (210): Game::run AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup 00007FFCBA5126AD (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk 00007FFCBB22A9F8 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart

matthew oneil

Hello i also get this error AC\game.cpp (140): Game::onIdle AC\game.cpp (210): Game::run AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup 00007FFCBA5126AD (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk 00007FFCBB22A9F8 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart


Happy new year! With this update, the stereoscopic mirror doesnt work anymore for me. Right VR eye is black.


Happy new year Ilija and patreons! I'm having the issue that I have to set: settings->video->post-processing->saturation all the way down to 15% to have a good quality image in my Pimax 5ks. Any VR racers have an idea?