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Unfortunately, not a lot has changed since last preview, very sorry about that. I worked a bit more on rain drops on cars shading, especially the way they look under the light. Also, rain drop marks on tracks should look much better at nights now. But for most of time, I was working on all sorts of fixes, especially a fix for one particular issue causing some major stability issues with AMD GPUs (not that it was an AMD fault at all, just that NVIDIA’s driver was more forgiving to my newbie mistake). Hopefully now the whole thing should be more stable in general.

Weather FX integration is in progress (it’s almost ready, actually, just needs some more adjustments), after that, it would just need new audio for sound and some more physics-related adjustments, and it’ll be ready for public release.

Thank you so much for your support and patience!

UPD: A few more fixes, mainly for dynamic shadows.



thanks, it looks better every update and i’m glad to support the work you do


I tried it quickly now at Bathurst Wetness and water texture improved on track surface. Wipers trace more realistics! My Nvidia GPU got more 5 fps. i’m glad to support the work you do too


I tryed to install it with drag and drop but it seems is not working


Thank you =) Its so niiice =))

Alex Zuotoski

Great news, IIja. Did you take a lot at the VR issue? Where one eye is like 2D (not exactly this, but it looks like), for instance the grass in the left eyes is nice, with shadows and everything else, but in the right eye it looks flat, without life and the floor also seems to be above the grass. It was happening in the lights-patch-v0.1.65-preview1-full.zip. My specs are: Windows 10 pro 64 bit Processor: Ryzen 7 3700-X Memory: 16GB 2666 MHZ Ballistics GPU: MSI GTX 1080 Gaming VR: Lenovo Explorer If you need something more detailed, please let me know. Thank you for always bring something better for us. Cheers :)


my graphic card amd and works good this update. Thanks


Yes, all those VR issues should be fixed now, very sorry about them, that was such a stupid mistake


Thank you for your wonderful work! I am grateful and looking forward to your work. Unfortunately, even in this version, the wiper does not wipe the rain on the front window of the Mercedes. (You can check it with the unmodified kunos model Mercedes SLS AMG GT3.) But I know Ilja is taking on other difficult tasks. I will continue to wait for you to fix it. I will say it again. Thank you for your wonderful work !!


Has RainFx gone from the settings?


Also should it show 1.66 preview 2 in cm?


window wipers don't work for some cars


Great stuff. Thanks for your continued hard work...


It might be helpful to give a few examples of which cars wipers specifically do not work (particularly if those are Kunos cars).


The wipers have seemed to stop working on some cars. The first one I noticed was the 488 Evo DLC from Ferrari.


I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but will rain sounds be added back at some point in the future? or will it be gone forever? Cheers:)


see if you have any wrong setting to me with the same car it doesn't happen


Things are looking so great, Ilya! Can't wait for Weather FX! Though, I'm finding the spray from opponents is so opaque that even taillights are obscured. Really difficult to drive with opponents on track. Any chance we could get a density slider for the clouds of spray? I noticed that disabling new smoke and dust under Particle FX disables the clouds entirely! EDIT: I found a setting under assettocorsa/extension/config/particles_fx.ini Under [SMOKE_DEV] the limit can be reduced to around 2000 - 4000! Now close racing is possible in the rain! :D Comparison: https://imgur.com/a/uolyT3b


Yes, it will be added before public release Last sentence of Ilja post: "Weather FX integration is in progress (it’s almost ready, actually, just needs some more adjustments), after that, it would just need new audio for sound and some more physics-related adjustments, and it’ll be ready for public release."


Hey, i cant get things done. i've insalled the path, i do have rain FX in CSP and also SOL, but when i start the game (SOL HeavyRain) i see no rain, only the clouds from SOL app. what i do wrong? tried to change PP filter, and weather script, with no help


i have the same problem, do you have nvidia gpu? Maybe it's not working with new drivers


Hi, the rain effects are gorgeous but...whenever i change the weather ( sun, clear, cloud, haze, fog ) it always rain on my car! Why does it always rain on meeeeeee? is it a bug or is there any chance to set the weather in the right way?


Weather Fx integration, but also sound and other further refinements, will be implemented before the public release. We are here a "small" group accessing preview builds that are not meant to be complete in all aspects.


Still crashing in oculus rift... problem started with 0.1.62 and its still here, all previews tested, all versions past 0.1.61 tested also, all of them crash the same way (crashing the video driver on amd btw I do not have a powerful enough nvidia card to test if it happens on nvidia too). Works fine in single screen, broken in both oculus rift mode and openvr mode. AMD Drivers tested: 20.4.2, 20.8.3, 20.9.1, 20.9.2 Card used: Vega 64


as written before in an answer I noticed that actually the wipers do not work correctly on the cars, I have tried a dozen but the strange thing is that looking at them from the outside it seems that the problem is inside the car as the windows are cleaned on the side external but not internal side. can someone check if the same thing happens to him on cars in which he does not see the wiper working? thank you


thank you very much it seems the optimal setting is 2000 for me.


Kunos and MOds? I have list with both in v 0.1.65. V 0.1.66 changed cars list that don't work wipers trace.


rain look is improving everytime. Very impressive, Sadly allmost all cars' wipers (windscreen fx) seem not to work anymore like in version 0.1.65 pre1. Maybe there is an issue with creating wipermasks. Some ideas of fixing? Anyway fantastic work!!. Keep on going Ilja :)


For me this version is somehow not recognized by CM


yes for me too but I solved it by installing it manually and not through cm


Okay, with 1.66 and 1.67, my AMD gpu (5600 XT) is now able to run with New smoke and dust active in the Particles FX without crashing, but the spray has a very gray, smokey look to it, as though it is picking up too much reflection from the track surface. Is this a known issue, or can you recommend other adjustments I can try to render the spray more white/clear? Thanks so much for getting this far!


The buildings became blue.


just installed, now my car audio wont work with specific models???


Ilja, good morning before anything. I just had a very weird issue with Content Manager, I was watching videos in YouTube while CM was opened in the background and the videos started to stutter all of a sudden and the GPU started to heat up to 60°(when im watching videos it basically stays at 30°-35°) and the fan started to spin much faster, when I went to see what was happening it was CM using 100% of the GPU... do you know what happened there?


1.67 has been interesting, idk if its just my install but rain sounds have just disappeared entirely and every so often by complete random as far as im concerned ill load back into the game and the wipers will just not actually wipe anything otherwise love the new wet maps and everything Edit: the reason the wipers stop wiping anything is because since CSP isnt synced with SOL yet you can't start the game in rainy conditions, you have to start in any non-rainy conditions then you can switch to per say "thunderstorm" in game and it should work fine... not entirely sure how that works but just a note for anyone with the same problem


Anyone else having issues with the wipers working on the ACL/Assetto Drive Shelby Daytona Coupe? The rain is animated beautifully on the windshield, but the wipers aren't moving the droplets. I swore that it worked before in earlier builds. Anyone else?


Is anyone having issues with refractions in updates 1.63 to 1.67preview?


Just a little heads up: ferrari 488 gt3 is one of the cars with wipers not wiping away rain.


Did you pointed Ilja about your findings on wipers? This is really a nasty bug to find I have 2 PC (a PC on the SIM rig and a Notebook for modding ) and even if with the same identical CSP, SOL and AC settings on one wipers are not working where the other is working with no prob. I tried you workaround and I have to say that now I'm able to have working wipers on both. I think it could be an useful info for Ilja to sort out the problem, even if I can imagine that once Weather_FX integration will be implemented everything should work correctly.

Wayne Fossetti

i went back to other version this seems to crash in race situation :)?


I have a Problem with the sound of the raindrops. Can anybody help me with that?

G. Yam

It just looks breathtaking! I had a "small" question Ilya. Do you think that there is still some performance to be gained through bugfixing and optimizations? I have a Ryzen5 3600 cpu And an RTX2060S with 16Gb RAM. The wonderful rain unfortunately robs me of too many frames. Many thanks for everything and greetings


Sound is not finished yet, we can only have patience :)


Hi new to all this is the rain mod only for official tracks as iv tryed on moded tracks but get no track wetness or puddles like i do for silverstone cheers


Just try to rename the executable to "Content Manager Safe.exe" and try, i bet it got fixed =))


The raindrops in the puddles during replays were amazing detail I've never seen before. Everything is running as it should for me exept doing replays with the wipers active. Replaying wiper animation freezes. I also might be bottlenecking my 2080 hydro super with 8g of ram... anyone else have wiper lag with playing back replays in the rain?


I do not know how exited anyone else was but for the first time the rain did not fall while driving under underpasses ,posts or tunnes Freaking exellent attention to detail Nailed it!!


hey mate, what do I need to do to my track ini files to show rain? if its not already been done. thanks in advance peeps


Installed the new preview, but there's no rain debug option in the weather fx app, any idea why?


Rain FX


Nice work angain. How to completly deisable rain instead of doing this for each race ?


Hi Ilja! I am a VR user and this latest csp is very good for perfomance! Thanks! But I'm facing a problem everytime I finish a race. Everytime I get this: AC\inputdevice.cpp (127): InputDevice::setG27Leds AC\inputdevice.cpp (88): InputDevice::~InputDevice AC\directinput.cpp (38): DirectInput::~DirectInput 00007FF6FCEBEA84 (acs): (filename not available): DirectInput::`scalar deleting destructor' AC\directinput.cpp (84): DirectInput::cleanup AC\game.cpp (233): Game::shutdownObject AC\game.cpp (221): Game::run AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup


Thank you for the wonderful material. But i'm having some problem with the rainwater not being wiped off some vehicles. I don't know if this is a future supported issue.


Only issue I am having is the rain drops on a car. I need to fully turn off everything to remove the rain particles from the car. And that is for every single car I choose.


i dont have rain and wiper sounds... :S


Awesome work ! ,on my side, i want to give you my return of experience with this preview : on some cars, totally randomly, some rain drops are entering in the car, like if the wipers are sending the rain through the windshield. Ican't witin the total integration to weather system, 'cause it's a bit weird to cut off the rain when i wanna race in sunny weather. At least, a good point about SOL 1.61 automatic wipers is now working very well ! Keep up the good job !!!


quick question... i saw that video posted back on july 12th on the YT channel... anyone know when the "breathing on the window" thing'll actually be a part of this mod?


There is a Rain Fx section under Custom Shaders Patch in the settings you can toggle on and off


I’m having a problem now where every race that I start through CM it’s raining. I have put sol to clear and I still always get rain. What do I do ?


go to apps menu on the left and open weather fx, rain debug and choose 0% rain etc


Ok thank you !


amazing job dude, did support :)


so I only need this mod in order to rain :) ? i have content manager and SOL


Hello I have two problems, one is that the rain has no sound and the other is that the wipers do not clean the windshield, is there any possible solution? Thanks a lot


I am not getting any puddles on modded tracks, how would i fix this? It works fine for kunos tracks.


Hi. I love your job! I installed Sol 2.0 with this last build of yours and I have no idea but, game crashes right after loading weather FX. I only play in vr. I had a little glimpse of the game as soon as I installed Sol and the shader. I tried to play this morning but it doesn't load at all. Could you give me any suggestion on how to fix it? Appreciate it! Keep up your awesome job


hello I wanted to know if in the future there is a way to see the puddles without activating the voice reflections in the graphic options because even if set to the minimum it is one of those functions that eats a lot of fps especially in vr. thank you


does anybody know, what you have to change in a track file to adapt it to ser the rain on track?


Hey there good people! Considering I'm an only 2$ per month donor I didn't want to bother anybody with rain not working on my PC after I did a clean install and tried everything I could find here in these comments. Now, I really want to get it working. I appreciate Ilja's work and will be supporting him in the future. So, I have installed all new versions of the CSP and currently, the newest is installed but can't get the option "Debug rain" in the weather effects. Any clues? Thank you so much in advance!


Отключи дополнение RSR, если оно у тебя включено.


I have this exact problem too. Tried different versions, asked around on the Sol discord and had a 2 hour troubleshooting session basically, and I just dont know what to do to get it to work :'D


is it possible for the creator to coment? or reply to msgs? as ive been waiting over a month.. not a whisper.


You need to delete/rename Assetto Corsa folder in MyDocuments

Morten Eriksen

Anybody else getting flickering textures with the latest preview? On cars and track from TV cams?


Is it me or we are not going to get any support form this guy?

Morten Eriksen

I think he is busy with fixes for next build. Remember these are just previews.


wipers dont wipe the rain away with this update


Works only for some cars in the later previews and will surely get fixed soon, I'm sure it's a priority. If you switch to older versions of csp's rain preview you will notice the wipers will work in some versions. For now I choose to stay with the latest preview and enjoy the rain from one of the cars that works, of which there are plenty.


i took some time to test this.,.... i lost the reflections of the car in the puddles, i have SSLR active, dont know what else it could be


mine is not even loading after updating to this new version. I know the developer might be busy preparing new builds but, in my case it's unusable. Deleting, reinstalling AC, quitting this build , for now. No support at all!


Илья большое тебе спасибо за твой труд! Ассетка выглядит круто-как никогда прежде. Дождь на стеклах - впечатляет, особенно в VR! Некоторые трассы выглядят просто отлично, промокают, блестят и появляются лужи. А некоторые вообще не хотят "промокать" так и остаются сухими. И это есть на трассах куносов. Барселона - например. Я так понимаю нужно что-то менять в config track?


да, правильно, схемы должны быть адаптированы к патчу, пока есть Spa-Monza-Brands Hatch. другие готовы, но не в официальной версии, поставляемой с патчем


I have a question. Apologies if it's been asked and answered before. Are the puddles in RainFx placed randomly or are they related to the road mesh? I can see there tends to be water at the side of the track but there doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to the water across the track. Does the water flow downhill or across the road camber and if so I wonder how that is modeled in terms of absorption and drainage? I am probably overthinking this but the whole thing of dynamic weather and now the new RainFx seems so miraculous to me, I am wondering where the limits are. This also brings up the tyre model. Someone was pointing out recently about the unrealistic tyre grip in AC needing to be compensated for with the rear roll bar. But water brings up a whole load of new problems. It's certainly not good enough just to treat water as a slippier surface as the old wet tracks seemed to do. There is the question of water dispersion by different tyre profiles - ordinary road tyres, slicks vs intermediates vs full wets etc. This becomes important if there are significant amounts of water on the track. If you try a car with broad racing tyres at say Brands Hatch with RainFx cranked up, it is just about possible to get round and drive with a reasonable degree of realism and fun. This is in itself unrealistic as far as slick or semi-slick tyres are concerned as they would be pretty unmanageable in those conditions in real life. But it's liveable with. if however I take out a road car with narrower tyres (I took the new Ferrari Lusso) I can't even make it round at any real speed as the car gets hopelessly bogged down in the puddles (with a big jolt to the steering wheel - quite good, tells me I've hit deep water!) and spins out very unrealistically. I wonder if anyone's thinking about a new tyre model with water dispersion related to the real characteristics of that tyre. It would make wet races amazing with stops required to put on wets and back again as the rain clears up and the line dries etc.

Maty Mendoza

What do you need for sound? i could make some rain sounds, more muffler for the interior and stuff


Hola, no se silo dices por mi comentario de que no tengo sonido de lluvia, ni dentro ni fuera del coche. // Hello, I don't know if you say it from my comment that I have no rain sound, either inside or outside the car.


why the rain wont stop


OMG This is soooooooooo GREAT !!! Thanks


I have CSP (CSP 0.167) and SOL 2.0 Beta 7. With the rain the windshield wipers do not clean the water from the glass, it worked well the first day (I cleaned them well) and now with the same car and the same circuit (Ford Escort and Silberstone ) the rain doesn't clean me. I have tried deactivating the RSR app, I have uninstalled CSP and SOL, I have reinstalled and nothing, it is still wrong. I have no idea what could have happened. All I did was practice at Silverstone and it worked, then I wanted to do a race and it didn't work anymore, I went back to Practice and it didn't work anymore. Thank you and sorry for my translated English. continue like this with your work


Same probleme here, @Xavier Catala. Wipers doesnt work.... i paid to have this feature :(


I am sorry to read that. I got the same problem. I don't think we are going to get any support from the creator. Maybe, his followers might help us but, so far, nothing. I heard the creator is coming up with a KIND OF BETTER CONTENT MANAGER. This is good but, sincerely I'd rather getting a fix for this build instead of jumping out towards something new.


Wipers not working for me as well.


AMAZING work! but what can i do to stop the rain i don't want rain start with every game ?


Hey guys, I 've just joined and installed this mod but the wipers are not wiping away the rain?. Any ideas?


What can I do when the wipers are not wiping away the rain?


Quick question, anyone else lost the Extended Physics tick box option since that last CM manager update 2 weeks ago? If I downgrade to previous Paetron CM build it is there, but when I update again it disappears. In the change log it states it was going to go public so I would assume would be there?


I have CSP 1.66 installed and just now bought this patreion to get the preview but I am getting can't install two items at once error in content manager


Nevermind, I just had to get the full verstion of content mangager which I just did lmfao, if anyone is reading this and getting the error "Can't install two things" or whatever, just get the full verstion, all you need to pay is like 3.00$


^^^ when you joined this patreon you already got a key for the full version.


this link was sent to you, but if you missed it, click this and link your patreon, you will get your key https://x4fab.itch.io/ac-content-manager/patreon-access


Hi im new and was wondering why the puddles on the tracks were not working for me? Im getting the interior rain & can see the rain both on car and on the track just missing puddles and reflections on the road. Cheers!


Hi, Amazing work! Mod looks and works great. However I have a couple of problems. First the rain doesnt affect the windscreeen meaning it doesnt decrease visibility and wipers when they are moving dont seem to move the rain drops .. they just move and the rain keeps falling. Second, there is no water spray from the cars when they are moving. How can i fix these issues? Thanks.


Ok I had particles Fx turned off.. thats why there was no spray.


I think you need to go to rainfx debug and increase the water slider.

Daniel Oliveira

does anyone know if to have wet track effects it is necessary to have a specific track mod or only csp already gives this effect?


Can I use this patch on a dedicated server? I uploaded it from CM but I don't see any effect. I use Elite game server


Alan, I also noticed that right now and could not find an answer. Maybe Extended Physics are enabled by default?


CSP gives you the wet surfaces with no need of extra mod.


Thanks for the update! Someone can explain the procedure to switch off all rain effects? It's there any option build into the plugin itself? Thanks!


Disable Rain FX in Custom Shaders Patch tab in Content Manager.


Thank you! Also it's there a way to increase puddles? I'm able to see the wetness of the surface but there are no any puddles. Any suggestion? Thanks.


Hi there. Great work mate. But wipers don't work for me. They are wiping bit the rain drops are not affected. Any suggestions? Thanks


yeah same with me. also.. I kinda wish when we selected Rain on race settings, it would automatically trigger the new rain, or clear, it would take off rain. having to change multiple settings to get rain plus rain look (sol) can get annoying. but yeah that is just some user experience things im noticing. lots of similar settings in CM.. kinda wish it was combined. any tips on the wipers not clearing off windscreen?


I have no rain sounds, and sometimes accidentally after turning off the rain in "WeatherDebug. and when you turn it on again, the rain does not wash away, sometimes it is so immediately after turning on the game and entering in the map.


What a job ! It's blowing my mind ! Thank's for your work, the firsts tests are greats for me.


hi, my wipers don't wipe the water drops, any solution for that?


Yes I've got the same issue too, tried a number of Kunos cars and all the same. Wipers go back and forth but don't wipe the water away.

John Hoang

you can turn of f the Rain FX in Setting- Custom Shader patch

John Hoang

the lights-patch-v0.1.65-preview1 wipers clear water but lights-patch-v0.1.67-preview1 wipers do't cleR WATER

John Hoang

lights-patch-v0.1.67-preview1 wipers don't clear water


tengo un problema y es que salen de los faros traseros una especie de cintas rojas de todos los coches y no se que puede ser. algo abre tocado pero no se que puede ser. en general patch settings la opcion shaders patch la desactivo y se quitan pero si la dejo activada salen

Constadinos Chatzis

Hello. Just start to use this wonderfull mod. In this version wipers don't clear water.


Hi, I have an issue where when it rains, the windscreen wipers function normally, but they do not affect the rain. So they will swipe left and right but will not move any water. This mod is brilliant and I hope you can help me get it working 100%, thanks.

Constadinos Chatzis

For everyone who have the issue "windscreen wipers function normally, but they do not affect the rain". For me, unchecking the "Use screen drops" under "Modules (temporary arrengent) in Rain Fx tab, worked! Now the wipers do affect the rain normaly in all original Kunos cars and in some good mod cars downloading from Racedepartment such as Accura NSX, Ford Siera RS500.

John Hoang

Hi, Have anyone notice the "Enable lighting in reflections" does not work since v.150. Is there a way to make it work for 1.65 preview1?

John Hoang

Yeah! its working for lights-patch-v0.1.67-preview1-full.

John Hoang

Thanks to Constadinos Chatzis

John Hoang

Correction: Sorry the wipers still don't clear the water on windshield with lights-patch-v0.1.67-preview1-full. even with "Use screen drop" disabled. I have to use lights-patch-v0.1.65-preview1-full in order for the wiper to clear the water for all most all of KS and many other mods. But the effect is so amazing just like a real car wiper. Great job go to Ilja Jusupov

John Hoang

Hi, I have noticed that thelights-patch-v0.1.65-preview1-full. the water spots on car only show in the Left lense, the right lense does not show water spots on cars. I'm using Vive Pro. While thelights-patch-v0.1.67-preview1-full I can see in both left and right lense. But the wipers don't clean the water.


Hello, I installed this version and now the sky is black. I have the latest version of SOL. What should I do please? Thanks