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I fixed one last big issue with rain visuals! Now, cars have proper wetness maps (gif with old drops shading, gif with the new one). And it is taken into account for drops falling off cars and other effects too. Also, guessing and car wetness calculations are reworked. There are still some tweaks needed to be made to drops shading, wetness calculation and a few smaller tweaks and fixes here and there, as well as low quality option, but all of heavy lifting is done now.

This build is just 0.1.64 with preview of rain visuals, if you have any questions on how to install it, please take a look here. Comparing to the last rain build, a lot has been fixed too. Especially with new windscreen raindrops, there were a lot of issues and things to improve there as it turned out.

Thank you all for the support! Hopefully the next build with new audio and Weather FX integration is going to be ready soon.

UPD: Oh, almost forgot, if you have been experiencing longer than usual loading times recently, could you please try this build of Content Manager? It should be able to detect any problems with Fault Tolerant Heap (which can turn on for Assetto Corsa with CSP because of my crashy previous builds — very sorry about that — and slow it down considerably) and offer to fix them. To fix the issue, it would require admin privilegies, but instead of giving them, you can make Content Manager prepare files to run for you and inspect them manually:



Hell yeah, keep on the good work



Paul Clark

Awesome 👏🏻- keep up the amazing work Ilja. Look forward to drying lines on race tracks and sol integration to allow weather plans - all in good time - amazing work 👍🏼


Hey thanks for the update, the progress you are making is fantastic! Curious if anyone else getting issues with the DRM mod Bmw 2002 and latest model of their 320i not wiping the rain from the windscreen? All the other DRM cars I have tested so far seem to work. Not sure would this be an issue with the car models themselves?


WOW! Those .gifs look massively different. Just tremendous, Ilja! Way to go!


Impressive, as always, although in this version I have a problem: I use vr (rift s) and with this preview I only see drops with the left eye, the right eye does not render any drops that are on the car: body, windows, windshield, mirrors, suspension ... and the wheels wet texture is not visible either with the right eye.


Hey, thank you! I see the issue with BMW 2002, nothing wrong with the car, just that wiper guessing algorithm still could be a bit more improved. I’ll work on that :)


Oh, thanks, I’ll prepare a new build tomorrow. Very sorry about the inconvenience


I really appreciate llja's constant work. These are really great jobs! The flames from the constant exhaust are extinguished. Great! However, the windshield wiper does not wipe the rain on the front window of Mercedes. (The same is true for the unmodified kunos model Mercedes SLS AMG GT3.)


Rain start always in automatic...


Thanks for the update! OT: Ilja, please, can you check your email, i sent you one. Thank you!


Thanks You for update.


Hi Ilja. I've been trying to get the updated build without rain (0.1.64) running and keep getting the error: Unexpected Error, OOPS. File: source\ac_classes\ShaderVariable.cpp Function: Set Line: 53 Any idea on how I can get it working? Cheers. (EDIT: Only seems to be happennig with the Tailem Bend track, which I was driving in previous builds with no problem.)


Thanks for the update ! I just tested with 2 cars and the wipers only cycle 3 or 4 times and then they stop working. For them to work again i haave to activate them manually. Is it a bug or just me misconfiguring something ? BTW the rain looks better, effects are incredible. Very good job !


Another question : for the content manager build, does the alert screen pops automatically or should we go on a specific menu to check the potential performance issues ?


Buggy, back to prev47. Still need our wiper trace fixes, and I always get some black pixels at close distance (behind F40s3 for exemple) :( The rain is back in normal weather, and the issue with lighting effects on one eye only is back in VR.


Hello, great your work. I have seen some small flaws. In some cars the windshield wiper stops. And in one, an alfa romeo 75 the water on the windshield is greenish. In previous versions it did not happen. When the problem is solved I will give me hours and hours of driving :-)


I did notice the very long loading times as of recent, this build (after manually running both .reg and .bat) fixed it! Will wait on a new build of CSP for some extra fixes.


Amazing work. But I have one little problem - rain turn on automatically in any weather profiles.


I can see colored water at windscreen from driver camera in some mod cars. Not solved by changin inner and outer windscreen shaders.

Paul Tomlin

I get rain whatever weather I choose. If I choose clear, I get a clear sky but its raining on the car and auto wipers do not work. The only way to get it to stop (in game) is to bring up Weather FX Debug and uncheck Debug Rain (why is that on anyway?). I can stop the continual rain by disabling Rain FX in the Custom Shaders Patch in CM (but that stops everything... and where's the fun in that?).

Paul Tomlin

The offender seems to be WeatherFX Debug > Rain debug > Debug rain checkbox. This is always checked, every time I load up a race, so I have to bring up the Debug screen to uncheck it (which fixes everything). But it will not stay unchecked, next time I load a game, it is back. Is there an .ini file I can edit?


As expected. Integration with Weather FX (and audio) is still in progress. From Ilja post above: "Thank you all for the support! Hopefully the next build with new audio and Weather FX integration is going to be ready soon."


Disable Rain_FX effect in Csutom SHader patch seettings page

Paul Tomlin

That's right Marco, that's what I said in my first post. But that disables it completely... No rain in any weather setting. I think I prefer to uncheck the Debug rain checkbox ingame, I just wish it would stay unchecked!


Im having an issue where the weather app (in game) is all bunched up, with some part overlaying others. Is there a way to fix this?


hello, why is the car not reflected in the water?






The rain can not be manipulated by the weather controller (Sol for example) yet. That is what Ilje meant with "WeatherFX integration" which is hoped to be ready soon.


Everything seems to work great, only input i have is that it seems the rain spray is a bit green. Even with no ppfilter and default graphics settings.


Hello, when playing in VR, the transmission screen is getting blurry, let anyone know why? in version 1.0.64 and 1.0.65 https://i.ibb.co/VMS6Rhf/Capturar.png


This gets more and more amazing with every build ;-) Here is a short feedback re. the current preview build: - veeeery long loading times into session (often not sure if the process has frozen or if it is still running as the little moving progress / waiting indicator is not moving as well) - dripping water from objects still does look much to large droplet wise (like giant rain drops, the size of at least 5 cm in diameter) - the illuminated water drop streaks in front of light sources (such as headlights, brake lights do still need a serious rethink at some point when possible - in real life illuminated rain in front of light sources is really only illuminated rather close to the actual light source or when directly within a spotlight cone and ONLY when the eye or recording device is sufficiently close to the actual illuminated raindrops to be able to actually see them. Currently it is a bit of a flickering mess and I'd rather have this effect temporarily disabled (would look better then it is currently implemented). Perhaps a variable of maximum visible droplet size (they are way too large, when viewing from far away) and maximum distance from light source after which they blend out and become invisible may be needed here to "fake" the actual effect. - Some cars do have the "water drops on the visor / eye" effect that should not have them, especially at high speeds when their open cockpits are pretty much shielded from any rain entering by the windscreen - the false effect then can be rather annoying as you cannot see anything pretty much ;-)


Am also having rain on any weather, would love a fix.


yesterday carried out the first test and I must say that there have been some nice improvements but as pointed out by others in VR there is a big problem, in practice with the right eye what is transmitted in the left one is not reflected, raindrops on the bodywork of the car and what bothers the splashes of water which are not uniform as seen in the left eye. For the rest I noticed a clear improvement also in the performance during the day with pouring rain, only at night should the situation improve since in that situation the fps go down badly. last thing it would be useful to be able to find a system that gives the same image of the wet on the asphalt without activating the reflections in the graphics options of AC.


Anyone know how to turn off the splashes/drops on the lense which makes the camera blurry? Thanks


Always love these updates, however, as the rain is seemingly set by default on in the WeatherFX, specifically at 50/100/50, with the car at 100 wetness, this does bring some problem when trying to run in dry conditions or even less/more wet conditions. For one, I can't start immediately unless I'm happy with 50/100/50, as I have to start driving, then go to the UI menu, bring up the WeatherFX Debug, change the weather (usually to off), then start, and sometimes the track's wet weather mapping will stay on even after I've adjusted it, so I have to restart the session from the pause menu to make it work. Also, despite that, even if I restart the session, car windscreens, mirrors and so on often don't change from being coated in rain drops, even if I have the rain off. Along with this, I've found that some cars still have water fly off while driving or even still kick up spray when the track is bone dry, mainly single seaters, kicking up water on the front left tyre. This can get incredibly distracting if you're not expecting it, and immersion breaking to boot.

Alex Zuotoski

Hi, Richard. As far as I know, this is an alpha version for us to test and let Ilja know what we think, bugs found, etc. He said, a lot of times, that the rain is not in sync with the weather conditions, it is ALWAYS ON. That being said, If we don't want to start a race or practice with rain, we must disabled it at Settings -> Custom Shaders Patch -> Rain FX, otherwise it makes no sense to complain about the rain always on and anything else related to it, except if we want to report any bug or something (which isn't the case in your comment). Please, don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to be rude, english is not my native language. My intention is to explain why the game behaves like that and how to stop it. Cheers, friend! :)

Alex Zuotoski

Hi, Paul! Maybe your "Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\extension\rain_fx.ini" is read only or the entire "Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\extension" folder is read only !? Worth a shot. If the "Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\extension\rain_fx.ini" isn't read only, make it read only after disable the Rain FX in CM - that way, CM can't change its content anymore. This is not the ideal solution, but may work for you. Cheers, friend! :)

Alex Zuotoski

Hello, Wendel (are from Brazil, too?) This is not the transmission screen, this is the Custom VR mirroring. You can disable it or set it up in Settings -> Custom Shaders Patch -> Grpahics Adjustments -> Custom VR mirroring onto the main screen. Cheers, friend! :)

Alex Zuotoski

Is is intended to be like this (explained a lot of times why). If you want to disable it go to Settings -> Custom Shaders Patch -> Rain FX


I get this error above after copying the mods folder from the lights patch above to my AC MODS folder. Please help !


insane mod but.... to find car work with it.. another probleme

Morten Eriksen

Make sure SSLR is on and try turning off motion blur in AC settings. See if that helps and please turn off caps lock.


BysquiZz, do you mean cars with wipers and internal glass? You can add those yourself with Blender (and a tutorial).


How can i save my weatherFX Debug please ?


Hi Im not able to hear any rain sounds and wipers sounds how do i fix this?


hello I would like to know when a fix will come out to solve the problem of displaying the rain correctly in VR


Words do not describe how amazing this mod is. The visuals are some of the most realistic I've ever seen! One minor problem I'm having, though, is that the rain doesn't switch off, even if I select a different weather type. How do I resolve this? Thanks for the great work!


many have written it in the various comments above, however just uncheck RAIN FX in the Custom Shaders Patch settings


Thank you for your hard work. The rain-fx looks amazing. There is a bug right now that when you screenshot the grass-fx disappears. Not sure what is causing that.


yo man ;) How can i turn off the condesation ? https://prnt.sc/uklfyz its very visible at night tho


What is a FAULT TOLERANT HEAP?? Keep getting that performance issue pop up. What does each option do exactly?? Never had content manager issues before so not a clue on what it all does lol. Also now have an issue with custom championships not progressing... Can complete the first race then the championship doesn't progress no times recorded no results given. Only since installed this preview has this started happening.


Илья, установил этот патч, в меню отображается что всё установлено, появился RainFX, но в игре дождя нет, во вкладке WeatherFX дождя тоже нет


Im not sure why but even when I disable rain FX my wipers refuse to turn off


Hello guys! I'm starting today, and I can say that I'm very impressed with the quality of the raindrops on the windshield, I just couldn't see the puddles, do I have to enable any settings? thanks!


thanks for new patch. My problem is always crash start game. Always gpu overclocked failed.


Thanks for this mod but If I active the rain fx there is no display on my game. I can see the display on just track cameras.


is there any chance we could get your custom shaders patch settings? my game looks quite different from yours from what ive seen on your channel


Помогите решить проблему нет звука дождя луж и мокрой дороги стекла с боку сухие????


The rain and water puddles are looking stunning! One thing I noticed on the Nordschleife Endurance layout, the rain stops and starts seemingly random. Am I missing something, or may that be a bug?


Прошу прощения, звук пока не заработает, скоро им займусь. А так, пожалуйста, попробуйте новый билд.


Thank you! Does it correlate with certain places on a track by any chance?


It means Windows noticed AC was crashing too much and now applies a certain fix to it which really slows everything down. CM now detects it and offers to fix it quickly, I’d suggest to go with it. It might even help with custom championships issue.


Проверьте, пожалуйста, не включено ли приложение RSR? Пока с ним дождь отключается.


Hello, please try Brands Hatch or Spa, would puddles be there?


do you have RSR live timing app enabled by any chance?


Yes, it works, I load the whrong tracks to test, now its working fine, thanks!


I'm sorry I could not get back to you earlier. I'm not sure right now, I will check that and get back to you when I know more.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qSOPmQbMT8 After the 1m50s mark you can see the rain dropping out. However, I can't reproduce the behaviour with the recent version. The new windscreen rain effect doesn't seem to work on Oculus, which is why I use the old effect - but that may be some other issue with my configuration.


Idk if this is from the rain mod but when i load in it makes the game look like it has really high contrast that isn't something subtle either it is supposed to be that way. I don't know a fix to this but i have had this issue before trying to mod with CSP and Sol


i also cant find the files to uninstall them either to see if that works so i cant try that


i am also having the exact same problem, it is very annoying and i cant seem to find the fix.

Chris Morris

Gday All! just new here ! But I don't know if its been asked or not but I have just put the 1.69 0n and the rain is working beautiful ! BUT the wipers are not wiping the water of the glass? Is there something else that I need to do? Cheers in Advance! ;-)

John Hoang

try Kunos cars most of them wipes work and clear water away. Also many DRM cars as well.