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Main changes comparing to previous build:

• Raindrops on windscreen now enabled by default, using XAtlas instead of UVAtlas for better and more stable windows mapping (plus it should solve all possible issues with Windows 7), wipers work even if FPS is not 65, drops shading on mirrors improved with a bit of occlusion to add some shape, layers fixed (now, if there are any semi-opaque areas on windscreen, they’ll remain under raindrops).

• Raindrops on car exteriors reworked, with secondary layer of smaller droplets, which is linked to car wetness estimation instead of rain shadow as main layer (which was causing cars to instantly dry out in tunnels).

• Initial attempt to guess exterior and interior materials instead of relying on COCKPIT_HR (the whole idea is sort of failed though, now I’m going to try and add some one time rain occlusion baking instead; rearranged the way shaders work so now it allows to feed more data per vertex to GPU without increasing RAM or VRAM consumption).

• Look of rain drops in the air adjusted, they’re not as opaque now. Let me know what you think about them, please.

• A few crashes are fixed now.

Also, unrelated to rain, glass shader now can refract things without normal map:
https://gfycat.com/calmkeyfennecfox. Simple and cheap effect, but can add some depth to those “flat” headlights. For now requires a parameter in car config, maybe later it would work everywhere by default (just need to make sure it doesn’t cause any issues).

Now I’m planning to focus on that rain occlusion baking, seems like it would improve the look (and possibly even performance) quite a lot.

Thank you for all the support! Sorry for the state of things (with all that manual installation and what not), now there are no custom configs and you don’t need to edit rain_fx.ini anymore. Just make sure RsrLiveTime (or an app called “SimRacers” which does a similar thing) are disabled.





Jeremy Chaim

Thanks Ilja, hopefully this build repairs the fps damage that was somehow leftover from the previous build.


Brilliant, Ilja. Will check this out and thank you again for all of your hard work! Amazing!


Raindrops on windscreen are more realistic than in real life. Just amazing.


Ilja, I've tested it out and the changes are spectacular. The grip levels on 100% make it exhilarating to drive. I spun out several times in areas that absolutely make sense. Frame rate seems pretty stable and I'm getting 90FPS throughout my Circuit Hawaii track. Great job!


works like a charm! here's a raw cut https://youtu.be/F179naYYgDg


For me before the 1.62 i was getting 40/50 fps with 2k resolution. Now i had to reduce it to 1080p and this is 40 fps. My pc ia a FX6300 and a GTX 1050.


My friend - you are making our dreams come true. I'm only taking an FPS hit from 140 -> 110 from no rain to maxed out. So so impressive. Taking a corner hard and seeing the droplets change direction is pure magic.


This is becoming photo-real man - thank you so much!! It is GREAT! I guess the external "spray" is not yet implemented right?


it does not want to instll i get "Not available for install" and i did turn of RSR not sure what needs to bbe done more to get it activaated lol


Thanks for the amazing work! Is it possible that someday there will be a windshield washer also implemented?

Jesse Graffam

"Not available to install" from the list of versions that are online and downloadable through Content Manager. It's actually installed though, if you look to the left where it says "Currently active" "Shaders Patch version:" and the version that's installed. Cheers


Does anyone know what I have to do to get the rain to actually fall? I have the patch properly installed and a couple of cars with extended physics and wet physics enabled and can now get on track but no rain. I have Sol weather set to rain, and with 0.1.52 the rain fell nicely! I have read through all the posts here and searched through CSP menus but can't find anything obvious to enable it. Appreciate any help.


Ilja, the game crash like the last update if Temporal anti-aliasing is marked


Hi Ilja. It would be nice to have two sliders on the "rain debug" app: one slider for rain drops opacity and another one for body car water drops opacity. I love your work anyway. Keep it like that. :)


The raindrops in the air are so much better now! Thank you so much, and also that new glass shaders looks incredible! Can't wait for having it by default on all cars! Take your time, and when you need a break, just take a break!


How can we send you screenshots? the whole thing is brilliant and astonishing, but my GTAM is leaking!


Also the physics seem way more realistic overall. Is that possible or is it just psychological? I have driven quite a few wet and dry track days in real life, mostly at Goodwood, and suddenly with this patch the AC cars seem more realistic in their grip and traction. Even though my only sensory input is my eyes and my FFB wheel I can feel the road much better. The FFB seems more realistic too. anyone else experiencing this?


OMG! I just tried Dan Bucsa's 800bhp Nissan R91CP at Goodwood. Controlling those horses with 100% rain, 100% wetness, 100% water is a challenge that took my back to my first go with GPL in 1998. But this is FAR more realistic. We need someone to design some full wet and intermediate tyres for F! and Le Mans type cars.


You should also add that you need to move the data.acd file to somewhere else otherwise the game will ignore the data folder that unpacking creates.


Ah I see you already have this on your list from the bug convo on the Trello board 👍


Hello and already thank you for this beautiful work. I just have a problem, because there is only on the Brands hatch track where I really see puddles, is that normal?


Hi Ilja, i am in Vr vhit Hp Reverb, after installing your update and launching the game as usual at SPA i received this error message: Game CRASHED Error might have something to do whit: AC\stereocameraforwarddrive.cpp (634): stereoCameraVive: : vive RenderPass AC\sim.cpp (2564): Sim: renderScene AC\game.cpp(275): Game: : render, ecc


Is there any install docs. I'm clueless on how to get it working. IV tried to drag and drop into mods folder then activate it in the mods section but when I select rain and race I get nothing??


Is it ok to share footage? I'm new to patreon and want to know about the rules!


First of all, make sure you have a new key for CM if you already had the full version. Apply the key and close CM. I copied and saved my whole system folder and dwrite.dll from my assettocorsa folder so I could put things back if necessary. Then I recommend unzipping the patch into your assettocorsa folder (rather than dragging it into CM). Then open CM, go to CSP about and updates and check it says version 0.1.62. Then prepare a car.ini with the extended physics and rain patch enabling lines, save it and ensure the original data.acd for that car is renamed or moved. Then go on track. I recommend Brands Hatch for the best visual experience of water on the track. Move your cursor to the right side and scroll right to the bottom where you will find weatherfx debug. Click on that to enable it. Then click on Rain debug to reveal the sliders. You can operate these individually or link them.


Im totally lost with this. I have replaced the CM key with the new one, i have updated to latest SOL. I have put the new CSP into mods folder and activated and i have unpacked one of my car's and edited the car.ini file. I think I did it right not too sure. All I'm getting is and error saying accBlurRain_ps.fxo is missing.


Do you wanna message on FB chat or something. Just don't want people getting mad with all the post because I'm stupid.


Insane man, so worth the money!


The overall visual impact of the new rain is breaking my mind with pure awesomeness. Overall i think the reduced opacity is a move in the right direction, but perhaps (especially when lit by the headlights) individual drops still look a bit like falling spikes - IMO the individual drops should still be smaller and less visible. Another thought i had while driving in the wet was, IRL as you drive faster, raindrops appear to fall increasingly sharply towards you (though not as extremely as snowflakes where this effect is really pronounced). It looks like to me that the angle of raindrops in AC is visually more or less consistent. Just something that might be cool to see implemented.


hello guys, I'm sure I don't understand something ... I installed the new build, but in no case can I see the raindrops outside the car. :(


Anyone else getting broken looking gloves with preview15? Preview13 was fine but 15 makes the gloves look incredibly... i mean incredibly dirty.


The rain is just amazing. I think that there wasn't a better time to come and support this creator! I didn't even know that the rain would be out this soon! PS: some random puddle generation to flat tracks would be good. They just get wet right now.


just drove about 2 hours on highway in rainy weather and I tried to compare water physics on the windshield of real car to the Iljas one. I would say that the real water was not influenced by gravity at all, only movement which I saw was caused by the outside air, and it started to be obvious above 130km/h. In slow speeds the water drops were almost static. The rain itself in latest build looks awesome, but the water on the windshield is moving quite a lot along the surface, especially at cornering. But the physics works flawlesly, good job!


How to use it? ac do not want to start!


yeah i know!I meen game not starting! I hawe 0x80070057 error!


Thank you! I’m definitely going to work more on night look, I saw some really neat raindrops at night in Dying Light a couple of weeks ago. Sorry, you meant rain drops would tilt towards you, or something else? Because I believe they should already do that now


Sorry about that, it’s that feature meant to store more data on per-vertex level breaking with skinned meshes. Will fix.


Thank you! Logic is already there, it checks collider mesh detalization and guesses if it should use it’s actual physical shape or instead generate puddles randomly, but yes, it requires a config. I’ll work on those a bit later


Thank you for such detailed test! But shouldn’t rain drops at least at some point go down, at least if there’s too many of them? Otherwise, not quite sure how it could work. (Please DM me a response if possible, I’m afraid I could lose it otherwise, that Patreon thing only loads a very few comments at once…)


Oh wow, that is so strange… Could you please DM me a crash_report… from Documents\AC\logs?


Hi, thank you! A bit later, WeatherFX script (Sol, for example) will control opacities and such of rain drops, so weather creators like Peter Boese could tune them nicely to different conditions :)


Thank you! Definitely in plans, especially for online, to drop some water on the car behind 😁


Thank you! Do you use extended physics? If so, JPG_18 recently reworked slip curve for the tyres for it, maybe that’s the reason? :)


Fantastic work! I was wondering - how can I add puddle generation to a new track, any way to do that?


Amazing work, the physics in wet track are beatiful, the car is really hardly of drive, thanks for giving life to asseto corsa, is a great work


No one can really help without tons of info... use the Sol uninstall .bat to uninstall Sol reinstall your preferred Sol manually reinstall the preview via CM or manually then report back

Morten Eriksen

Do you have to enable wet physic for the car so et feel more slippery somehow?


Yes. How to do it is detailed in the Jul 13 release info.

Morten Eriksen

Is the car supposed to reflect in the wet tarmac or puddles? Because in that case I don't see it.


im not too sure. how did you install it. im having issues.


Hi Ilja, I have come across what might be a serious problem. I went on track for a Track Day with 9 opponents, all Ferrari 488 GT3 Kunos cars. When I opened WeatherFX Debug and moved the sliders, the whole PC crashed and shut down. This has happened once before when I was using the patch with several cars. Anyway this time it completely broke my AC installation - no cars would load at all, even when I rolled back CSP to 0.1.52 and restored the System folder and dwrite.dll from before I installed the patch. Luckily I have two other installations of AC and they both ran ok, so I copied one over to my SSD and managed to retain all my tracks, cars etc. It now runs again with cars loading. Unfortunately when I ran the game this morning it overwrote yesterday's custom_shaders_patch.log so I can't send that to you. Both CPU and GPU were well within temperature limits when it happened. Have you heard of anything like this before? The inability to load cars and each time going to Race Cancelled was quite serious as I think I would have had to do a complete reinstall of AC if I didn't have backups. Could it possibly be anything to do with XMP which I recently enabled in BIOS?


Hi, I can't hear the rain like in the multiple videos I've seen using this build. I can see the rain falling down and the physics based part is working (for which I would like to thank everyone that is working on it, it is awesome and I've enjoyed it a lot already). The steps I've walked through are: installing the latest sol version availble on this page https://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/sol.24914/ > installing lights-patch-v0.1.62-preview15-full > modified car.ini and repacked data.acd with the modifications made > loaded up brand hatch with the modified data enabled mclaren 650s > opened weather fx debug and used rain 50% linked > tried other rain percentages and weather conditions without avail. Do tell me if I need to provide more information.


I'm in the same boat. Just seems video on YouTube with rain sounds and wiper sounds but nothing for me. Also seen some videos of water spray but they just said the did something different to achieve it but didn't say what it was.


helllo i have a strange situation with triple monitor, if the left wiper appears in screen of left it works fine, the right wiper is like a ghost we see movement but the wiper is transparent. can someone help me fix this situation? i can send screeshots :) keep up the amazing work! if possivel make fps increase :)


read the instuctions


Are the puddles forcing braking the traction wheels? When you aquaplaning on one of these puddles, even if you are with 100% of gas, your tachometer will be reduced, like if you have an TC activated... apparently these puddles are working as brakes for the tires


how do you activate the new smoke in particlesFX because it says it is disabled


This beautiful addition to AC doesn't get old! Amazing work even in its current state 👍👍


Ilja, hello. I have a suggestion that maybe others addressed already but can you work on lighting system improvement? We're lacking a lot on that, I may not have place to talk but I would really like to see a lighting improvement after releasing the rain update. It would be really cool.


Hi Guys. Does someone know how to disable a animation (lights.ksanmi) with ext_config?


Hello, the sound is fantastic when the car is moving but the rain sound disappears when the car stops, could this be changed so the rain sound is constant and maybe even louder when stationary (that would make sense right?) Thank you for the great work !


buenas, el mod se ve increible, la lluvia desde el auto es fantastica, pero no veo el piso mojado, podria alguien enviar una configuracion completa?


Somehow I accidentally disabled the car's particle roostertail in the rain. Anyone know how to restore it?


hi, me have detect new bug intruduced from the preview 14 and 15 , preview 13 no problem the safety bars on some all-black circuits https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/464008546795651072/736320032132300860/Screenshot_ferrari_458_gt2_ks_zandvoort_24-6-120-22-30-51.jpg?width=1922&height=405


How do I make sure that the reflection of the mirror shows the drops on the back window?


just downloaded the new patch. updated a car to try in. got the rain come down on the car fine but cant work out how to make the track look wet?


I have installed this preview. However I cannott hear the rain of wipers in any cars?? What have indone wrong??


update. got the track to look wet. but cant seem to work out puddles jist yet


So am I right in thinking this doesn't work with all tracks? Great puddles on Brands Hatch, none on Laguna Seca


ill copy and paste what someone said earlier in the posts


download a previous version of csp https://acstuff.ru/patch/ - copy the sfx folder and paste it inside SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\MODS\shaders light patch. Open CM and go to Content - MODS and disable shaders light pacth then enable it again. Any issues message me on fb and il talk you through it. credit too - David skupski


It'll work on most tracks when it's finished and cfg files have been written for them.

Alex Zuotoski

Hi! I am very glad to be here and able to have access to this very early development version. Thank you!

Alex Zuotoski

Now, where can I find information about YT videos. I'd like to know things like "IF" is allowed to make videos/screenshots and "WHAT" can be shown. Cheers. :)


Fantastic work. Suggestion i have is that when motion blur is enabled, the rain drops on the windscreen blur as well, which doesnt look right. Also, I would like greater interactivity with sol mod, as enabling rain in that mod doesn't seem to make the track look wet or form puddles. Also, will wet tyres be introduced for cars who normally use slick tyres? And maybe reduce grip with slicks in the rain?


Thank you! Those rain drops on windscreen getting blurred, those are old ones, right? Or the new ones with physics? I’ll check that, but they definitely need to be drawn after motion blur. And, of course, integration with Sol is coming, as well as wet tyres :)


Please feel free to do whatever, but also add a note that it’s all WIP if possible :)


Yeah, it can’t really guess where the puddles should be automatically. Plus whole darkening materials, smooth materials which get rain drops rolling off them, but don’t get darker… I thought it would be better to just make a short config for those


Hmm, back window needs to have ksWindscreen shader for that to work. What is the car in question?


Thank you! It’s only available on a few tracks for now like Brands Hatch, Spa or Nordschleife, working on it


Oh, I see it too! Will fix UPD: Yeah, that is a very weird shader, I haven’t even patched that one yet. What is it for, I wonder…

Alex Zuotoski

Thanks! Done, it is in brazilian portuguese, though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYmU6BbRKa8


weatherFX debug app while on the game mode (similar to how you enable/disable other apps ingame). Plus some youtube videos show you how to configure it


I am running this preview on my ac right now and for some reason it keeps on crashing every time I switch to cockpit (wheel) view. I can do dash and chase cams but if I switch to cockpit the game just crashes if I have the rain turned on. I have tried disabling RSR live timer and even reinstalling and re-enabling shaderss patch. Any ideas/help concerning this? There might be something wrong with it becuase I think the way I have installed it it combines both the old rain winndscreen shaders and the new ones. Is there a way to completely get rid of the old?


how can i apply mod? rain fx doesn't exist


Plenty of how-to videos on YouTube about it. Otherwise, it has been repeated far too many times within preview notes and comments... if you look you will find the answer.


Very sorry for the late response, if issue is still there, could you please send me latest crash_report_…zip from Documents\AC\log? You can use ge.tt to upload it quickly


First of all these updates are amazing. I am experiencing an issue where the rain effects work great - but when I want to drive in the dry, its still raining and still sometimes has puddles?.


Hi may i ask can if i have previous versions of csp can i just put this in content manager and it will override the other version? thankls