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First experiments with puddle maps. Just a repeated texture all over the place for now, to set transition and materials. And, of course, puddles shouldn’t look like that, it’s temporary. :)

 Also, found a way to improve wipers trace, now it’s much smoother. And performance seems to be getting much better now, with separate set of shaders. Rain drops now take only about 3 FPS from 66 to 63, and I believe other parts can be optimized too (right now those procedural maps are quite heavy, but I think optimizing algorithm and possibly reducing refresh rate would help a lot, and if not, resolution always can get a bit lower too).


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Looks good!


Nice !


Awesome ! Also glad performance is getting better all the time.


Ilja, just a question about the rain. Will you add progressive spray rain particles when the rain appears? Thanks


Of course, I’ll try my best to various particles, both spray and splashes from puddles ;)

Sun Kin

Wow, you are working miracles here dude, and because of the rain i've never played so much Assetto single player, or any other sim single player for that matter, amazing, driving in storms is the only way now, anything else is boring