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Hey peeps,

I think Hiru is a bit swamped with other stuff atm so I'm still waiting on the link to the Chapter Seven episode.  But I will share it with you ASAP.  It's on his To-Do list but he has like 90 channels so that list is probably VERY long.

Plus I imagine he's trying to get another video sorted so as to avoid the scenario where 3 of mine go up on his channel in a row without any 'Top 10s' or 'Unknown Side of WoW' type vids.  I'd rather there be a 'traditional' Hiru video every week as well as mine.  Just so I don't have to deal with weirdos that think it's my fault when there isn't one.

But yeah - Just a quick update that I'm dealing with some IRL stuff at the moment.  So I'm a bit behind on the Chapter 8 video.  Hiru's aware and has kindly offered me to take as much time as I need.  But there should only really be like... a weeks gap or something.

Long story short: There was a death in the family a few months back.  However it was a relative that I wasn't particularly close with hence why I have been (mostly) normal this entire time.  I know that makes me sound a bit cold but still.  There's shit that needs sorting.  Her house needs to be maintained.  Debts need to be settled.  All of the stuff that needs doing whilst waiting for probate to go through. 

But there will defo not be a Day of the Dragon video on the 7th March because I've only just finished a draft of the script and the chapter itself is a bit chaotic.  Plus I committed to a gag in the next episode that actually made Chapter 8 really difficult to write 😂

Anywho - Thanks, as always, for your support.  Tis much appreciated.  Hopefully, I'll be able to post the early access link soon for you all.

See ya!


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