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Hi folks,

Here's next Tuesdays episode.

It's mostly brain trust meetings.  You've got the King brain trust and then the Wizard  brain trust.  And then Krasus fights a shadow squid or something.

Endless Hunger is a cool concept though.  But in true Warcraft style; they've used that same name for multiple different things including an Azerite trait, a conduit and a Death Knight affliction so that's great.

Anywho - I am hopefully off to see Ant-Man 3 later.  I've been excited about this one for a while.  But also trying not to get too excited because I feel like that's part of the reason why so many of these newer MCU movies aren't quite sticking the landing.  I've already stopped watching a lot of Reel Rejects / New Rockstar videos because they would get me so hyped with speculation and then none of those things would happen and I'd be really pissed off.  lol.

Thanks, as always, for your support.  And I'll see ya in the next Early Access post.
Cheers mates! 


Deathwing Doing Politics -【Day of the Dragon Part 6】

Can Rhonin defeat deathwing by himself? (probably) Video edited by The Flying Buttress https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsFg95TXR5dR13qGq6aC9ng Buy the book - https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/100427.Day_of_the_Dragon -Social Media- https://twitter.com/hirumared https://www.facebook.com/Hirumaredx http://www.patreon.com/hirumaredx - #WoW #WorldofWarcraft #warcraft


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